_bstr_t 和CComBSTR


它需要头文件#include <comdef.h>

_bstr_t 是BSTR的包装类

  LPSTR   strDemo="Test";   
  _bstr_t   bstr(strDemo);  
  建议加上try,catch,用于catch(_com_error   &e)


The following pseudocode shows the typical use of CComBSTR:

HRESULT CMyObject::MyMethod(IOtherObject* pSomething)
    CComBSTR bstrText(L"Hello");
    bstrText += " again";                     // LPCSTR conversion
    pSomething->Display(bstrText);            // [in] parameter
    MessageBoxW(0, bstrText, L"Test", MB_OK); // Assumes Windows NT
As you can see, CComBSTR significantly simplifies the use of BSTRs. Four uses of CComBSTR, however, require special care:

  • Freeing the BSTR explicitly

  • Using CComBSTR as an [out] parameter

  • Using a CComBSTR automatic variable in right-side assignments

  • Using a CComBSTR member variable in right-side assignments
HRESULT CMyObject::MyMethod2(ISomething* p, /*[out]*/ BSTR* pbstr)
    CComBSTR bstrText;
    bstrText = L"Some assignment";     // BSTR is allocated.
    bstrText.Empty();                  // Must call empty before
    pSomething->GetText(&bstrText);    //  using as an [out] parameter.
    if(bstrText != L"Schaller")
        bstrText += "Hello";           // Convert from LPCSTR.
因为在重写BSTR内容之前方法COM 为[out] 参数的规则是并不调用sysfreestring,这讲出现泄漏。
