How to Verify if the CPU support 64-bit

How to Verify if the CPU support 64-bit

1.CPU supports x86_64

  1) Intel:Xeon,Intel Core2, Intel Core 2 Quad,Intel Core i3,Intel Core i5 and Intel Core i7

  2) AMD:Athlon 64,Athlon 64 FX,Athlon 64 X2,Turion 64,Turion 64 X2,Opteron,Sempron and Phenom

2.Verify Current OS Command

  1)To verify if the current OS is 64-bit or not,please use these commands:
 uname -r

 getconf LONG_BIT

  2)if it shows x86_64 or 64,the OS is 64 bit version

3.Verify x86_64 CPU Command

  1)To verify if the CPU supports 64-bit or not,please use the command

 cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep flags|grep lm

  2)if it shows lm,the CPU supports 64-bit.
