说实在的,写这第5篇的时候十分纠结,代码老是不能动态绑定,在编译时就会出错,最后发现这是开了ARC的原因。开了ARC obj-c就不能动态绑定了吗?这个问题还不清楚哦。把ARC关闭后,虽然会有警告,但运行是正确的。下面上代码:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h> @interface A:NSObject{ double i; } @property double i; -(double)mul:(double)x; -(void)show; @end @implementation A @synthesize i; -(double)mul:(double)x{ return i * x; } -(void)show{ NSLog(@"[A obj]i : %f",i); } @end @interface B:NSObject{ int i; } @property int i; -(int)mul:(int)x; -(void)show; @end @implementation B @synthesize i; -(int)mul:(int)x{ return i * x; } -(void)show{ NSLog(@"[B obj]i : %d",i); } @end int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { @autoreleasepool{ NSLog(@"hello obj-c!"); //A *a = [[A alloc] init]; //id obj = a; id obj = [[A alloc] init]; [obj setI:123.123]; //[obj mul:123]; [obj show]; NSLog(@"%f * %f is %f",[obj i],99.99,[obj mul:99.99]); } return 0; }
apple@kissAir: objc_src$clang -fobjc-arc -framework Foundation 2.m -o 2
2.m:52:3: error: multiple methods named 'setI:' found with mismatched result,
parameter type or attributes
[obj setI:123.123];
2.m:6:19: note: one possibility
@property double i;
2.m:26:16: note: also found
@property int i;
2.m:55:26: error: multiple methods named 'i' found with mismatched result,
parameter type or attributes
NSLog(@"%f * %f is %f",[obj i],99.99,[obj mul:99.99]);
2.m:6:19: note: one possibility
@property double i;
2.m:26:16: note: also found
@property int i;
2.m:55:40: error: multiple methods named 'mul:' found with mismatched result,
parameter type or attributes
NSLog(@"%f * %f is %f",[obj i],99.99,[obj mul:99.99]);
2.m:7:2: note: one possibility
2.m:28:2: note: also found
3 errors generated.
apple@kissAir: objc_src$clang -framework Foundation 2.m -o 2
2.m:52:3: warning: multiple methods named 'setI:' found
[obj setI:123.123];
2.m:6:19: note: using
@property double i;
2.m:26:16: note: also found
@property int i;
2.m:55:26: warning: multiple methods named 'i' found
NSLog(@"%f * %f is %f",[obj i],99.99,[obj mul:99.99]);
2.m:6:19: note: using
@property double i;
2.m:26:16: note: also found
@property int i;
2.m:55:40: warning: multiple methods named 'mul:' found
NSLog(@"%f * %f is %f",[obj i],99.99,[obj mul:99.99]);
2.m:7:2: note: using
2.m:28:2: note: also found
3 warnings generated.
apple@kissAir: objc_src$./2
2014-06-30 08:51:28.972 2[828:507] hello obj-c!
2014-06-30 08:51:28.974 2[828:507] [A obj]i : 123.123000
2014-06-30 08:51:28.974 2[828:507] 123.123000 * 99.990000 is 12311.068770
[2014-07-05 第1次新增]:多态的第二个例子
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ @autoreleasepool { msg(@"Hello World!"); NSString *str = @"hello apple"; NSObject *obj = str; id item = str; msg(@"%lu %lu",[obj length],[item length]); } return 0; }
wisy@wisy-ThinkPad-X61:~/src/objc_src$ clang -objc-arc -O3 -g0 $OBJC_OPTS -lobjc -lgnustep-base -o 1 1.m 1.m:12:23: warning: 'NSObject' may not respond to 'length' msg(@"%lu %lu",[obj length],[item length]); ~~~ ^ 1.m:3:24: note: expanded from macro 'msg' #define msg(...) NSLog(__VA_ARGS__) ^ 1 warning generated. wisy@wisy-ThinkPad-X61:~/src/objc_src$ ./1 2014-07-05 09:45:58.092 1[3309] Hello World! 2014-07-05 09:45:58.095 1[3309] 11 11前面一个问题答案貌似也清楚了,类B没有从A继承啊!你从NSObject继承,当运行时动态绑定的对象自然不知道到底是调用A还是B对象的方法鸟.