php pack()函数详解与示例



(PHP 3, PHP 4, PHP 5)

pack -- Pack data into binary string


string  pack ( string format [, mixed args [, mixed ...]] )

Pack given arguments into binary string according to format.

The idea to this function was taken from Perl and all formatting codes work the same as there, however, there are some formatting codes that are missing such as Perl's "u" format code.

Note that the distinction between signed and unsigned values only affects the function unpack(), where as function pack() gives the same result for signed and unsigned format codes.

Also note that PHP internally stores integer values as signed values of a machine dependent size. If you give it an unsigned integer value too large to be stored that way it is converted to a float which often yields an undesired result.



The format string consists of format codes followed by an optional repeater argument. The repeater argument can be either an integer value or * for repeating to the end of the input data. For a, A, h, H the repeat count specifies how many characters of one data argument are taken, for @ it is the absolute position where to put the next data, for everything else the repeat count specifies how many data arguments are consumed and packed into the resulting binary string.

Currently implemented formats are:

表 1. pack() format characters

Code Description
a NUL-padded string
A SPACE-padded string
h Hex string, low nibble first
H Hex string, high nibble first
c signed char
C unsigned char
s signed short (always 16 bit, machine byte order)
S unsigned short (always 16 bit, machine byte order)
n unsigned short (always 16 bit, big endian byte order)
v unsigned short (always 16 bit, little endian byte order)
i signed integer (machine dependent size and byte order)
I unsigned integer (machine dependent size and byte order)
l signed long (always 32 bit, machine byte order)
L unsigned long (always 32 bit, machine byte order)
N unsigned long (always 32 bit, big endian byte order)
V unsigned long (always 32 bit, little endian byte order)
f float (machine dependent size and representation)
d double (machine dependent size and representation)
x NUL byte
X Back up one byte
@ NUL-fill to absolute position



Returns a binary string containing data.



  • a - NUL-padded string 
    a - NUL- 字符串填满[padded string]
  • A - SPACE-padded string 
    A - SPACE- 字符串填满[padded string]
  • h - Hex string, low nibble first 
    h – 十六进制字符串,低“四位元”[low nibble first]
  • H - Hex string, high nibble first 
    H - 十六进制字符串,高“四位元”[high nibble first]
  • c - signed char 
    c – 带有符号的字符
  • C - unsigned char 
    C – 不带有符号的字符
  • s - signed short (always 16 bit, machine byte order) 
    s – 带有符号的短模式[short](通常是16位,按机器字节顺序)
  • S - unsigned short (always 16 bit, machine byte order) 
    S – 不带有符号的短模式[short](通常是16位,按机器字节排序)
  • n - unsigned short (always 16 bit, big endian byte order) 
    n -不带有符号的短模式[short](通常是16位,按大endian字节排序)
  • v - unsigned short (always 16 bit, little endian byte order) 
    v -不带有符号的短模式[short](通常是16位,按小endian字节排序)
  • i - signed integer (machine dependent size and byte order) 
    i – 带有符号的整数(由大小和字节顺序决定)
  • I - unsigned integer (machine dependent size and byte order) 
    I – 不带有符号的整数(由大小和字节顺序决定)
  • l - signed long (always 32 bit, machine byte order) 
    l– 带有符号的长模式[long](通常是32位,按机器字节顺序)
  • L - unsigned long (always 32 bit, machine byte order) 
    L – 不带有符号的长模式[long](通常是32位,按机器字节顺序)
  • N - unsigned long (always 32 bit, big endian byte order) 
    N – 不带有符号的长模式[long](通常是32位,按大edian字节顺序)
  • V - unsigned long (always 32 bit, little endian byte order) 
    V– 不带有符号的长模式[long](通常是32位,按小edian字节顺序)
  • f - float (machine dependent size and representation) 
    f –浮点(由大小和字节顺序决定)
  • d - double (machine dependent size and representation) 
    d – 双精度(由大小和字节顺序决定)
  • x - NUL byte 
    x – 空字节[NUL byte]
  • X - Back up one byte 
    X- 后面一个字节[Back up one byte]
  • @ - NUL-fill to absolute position 
    @ - NUL- 添加到一个绝对位置[absolute position]


字符   等价C数据类型
C char
d double
f float
i int
I unsigned int (or unsigned)
l long
L unsigned long
s short
S unsigned short


      Optional. Specifies one or more arguments to be packed



// 调用方发过来的日志数据包
typedef struct LoggerPackage
    // 查询关键字
    char            keyword[ 127 ];    // 栏目(0-4 | 99)
    unsigned char   column;    // 命中次数(big endian)网络字节序
    uint32_t        hit_count;    // 8字节对齐
    char            reserved[ 4 ];
} LoggerPackage;
$sock= new CSocket();
if (!$sock->connect($Server_ip, $Server_port, $gs_Search_Timeout)) {
   echo "connect failed!\n";
//a- 用空字符(null)补足的字符串,后面的整数就是重复多少个
//c- 带符号字符(通常-128~127),对应c/c++里面的char型
//N- 网络序长整数,对应C里面的hton()

$sock->send($send_pack, strlen($send_pack), 0);

函数名 unpack
调用语法 @list = unpack (packformat, formatstr);
解说 unpack与pack功能相反,将以机器格式存贮的值转化成Perl中值的列表。其格式字符与pack基本相同(即上表),不同的有:A格式将机器格式字符串转化为Perl字符串并去掉尾部所有空格或空字符;x为跳过一个字节;@为跳过一些字节到指定的位置,如@4为跳过4个字节。下面看一个@和X合同的例子:     $longrightint = unpack ("@* X4 L", $packstring);
1 : #!/usr/local/bin/perl
2 :
3 : open (CODEDFILE, "/u/janedoe/codefile") ||
4 : die ("Can't open input file");
5 : open (OUTFILE, ">outfile") ||
6 : die ("Can't open output file");
7 : while ($line = <CODEDFILE>) {
8 : $decoded = unpack("u", $line);
9 : print OUTFILE ($decoded);
10: }
11: close (OUTFILE);
12: close (CODEDFILE);
