static int get_file_size(const char *filename) { FILE*fp; if((fp=fopen(filename,"rb"))==NULL) { return -1; } fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END); int len = ftell(fp); fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET); fclose(fp); return len; } /*******************************************************************************/ static int sizewin_rollover(log4c_rollingpolicy_t *this, FILE ** current_fpp ){ int rc = 0; rollingpolicy_sizewin_udata_t *swup = log4c_rollingpolicy_get_udata(this); int k = 0; int i = 0; sd_debug("sizewin_rollover["); /* Starting at the last_index work back renaming the files and leaving space for the .0 file. If the last index is negative then it means the file doesn't exist so we create the first file */ if ( !swup || !swup->sw_logdir){ sd_error("rollingpolicy '%s' not yet configured (logdir,prefix etc.)", log4c_rollingpolicy_get_name(this)); } else { swup->sw_last_index = sizewin_get_last_index(swup); k = swup->sw_last_index; if ( k < 0 ) { sd_debug("creating first file"); if (sizewin_open_zero_file(swup->sw_filenames[0], current_fpp,1)){ swup->sw_flags |= SW_LAST_FOPEN_FAILED; sd_error("open zero file failed"); } else{ swup->sw_flags &= !SW_LAST_FOPEN_FAILED; } swup->sw_last_index = 0; } else { sd_debug("rolling up existing files"); if ( k == swup->sw_conf.swc_file_max_num_files-1) { if(unlink(swup->sw_filenames[k])){ sd_error("unlink failed"); rc = 1; } else { k = swup->sw_conf.swc_file_max_num_files-2; } } else { /* not yet reached the max num of files * so there's still room to rotate the list up */ } /* If there's a current open fp, close it.*/ if ( !(swup->sw_flags & SW_LAST_FOPEN_FAILED) && *current_fpp) { if(fclose(*current_fpp)){ sd_error("failed to close current log file"); rc = 1; } } else { if( (swup->sw_flags & SW_LAST_FOPEN_FAILED)){ sd_debug("Not closing log file...last open failed"); } else if (*current_fpp == 0) { sd_debug("No log file currentlty open...so not closing it"); }else { sd_debug("Not closing current log file...not sure why"); } } /* Now, rotate the list up if all seems ok, otherwise * don't mess with teh files if something seems to have gone wrong */ int new_file_flag=0; if ( !rc){ sd_debug("rotate up , last index is %d", k); int len= get_file_size(swup->sw_filenames[0]); int max_len=swup->sw_conf.swc_file_maxsize/100000*100000; if(len>max_len ||len==-1) { i = k; while ( i >= 0 ) { sd_debug("Renaming %s to %s", swup->sw_filenames[i], swup->sw_filenames[i+1]); if(rename( swup->sw_filenames[i], swup->sw_filenames[i+1])){ sd_error("rename failed"); rc = 1; // break; } i--; } if ( !rc){ swup->sw_last_index = k + 1; } new_file_flag=1; } } else { sd_debug("not rotating up--some file access error"); } /* Now open up the 0'th file for writing */ if (sizewin_open_zero_file(swup->sw_filenames[0], current_fpp,new_file_flag)){ swup->sw_flags |= SW_LAST_FOPEN_FAILED; sd_error("open zero file failed"); rc = 1; } else{ swup->sw_flags &= !SW_LAST_FOPEN_FAILED; rc = 0; } } sd_debug("current file descriptor '%d'", fileno(*current_fpp)); } sd_debug("]"); return(rc); }
static int sizewin_open_zero_file(char *filename, FILE **fpp,int flag ){ int rc = 0; sd_debug("sizewin_open_zero_file['%s'", filename); if(flag) { *fpp = fopen(filename, "w+"); }else { *fpp = fopen(filename, "a+"); } if ( (*fpp) == NULL){ sd_error("failed to open zero file '%s'--defaulting to stderr--error='%s'", filename, strerror(errno)); *fpp = stderr; rc = 1; } /* unbuffered mode at the filesystem level xxx make this configurable from the outside ? */ setbuf(*fpp, NULL); sd_debug("]"); return(rc); }
Log4cpp & Log4CPlus:C++的日志库,可移植移性相对差些
Log4c中有三个重要的概念, Category, Appender, Layout。
Appdender用于描述输出流,通过为Category来指定一个Appdender,可以决定将log信息来输出到什么地方去,比如stdout, stderr, rollingfile等等。
Layout用于指定日志信息的格式,通过为Appender来指定一个Layout,可以决定log信息以何种格式来输出,比如是否有带有时间戳, 是否包含文件位置信息等,以及他们在一条log信息中的输出格式的等。
Category, Appender, Layout三者之间的关系,一个Category需要为其指定一个appender, 一个appender亦要为其指定一个layout。
<!DOCTYPE log4c SYSTEM ""> <log4c version="1.2.0"> <config> <bufsize>0</bufsize> <debug level="0"/> <nocleanup>0</nocleanup> </config> <layout name="dated" type="dated_l"/> <!-- appenders ===================================== --> <appender name="LoadBusinessLog" type="rollingfile" logdir="../etc/log" prefix="LoadBusiness-" layout="dated_l" rollingpolicy="Policy1" /> <appender name="CataRollingFileAppender" type="rollingfile" logdir="../etc/log/" prefix="testLog" layout="dated" rollingpolicy="RollingPolicy" /> <!-- category ========================================= --> <category name="root" priority="notice"/> <category name="framework" priority="info" appender="FrameLog" /> <category name="test.log" priority="trace" appender="CataRollingFileAppender" /> <!-- policy ======================================= --> <rollingpolicy name="Policy1" type="timewin" timetype="1" maxnum="10" /> <rollingpolicy name="RollingPolicy" type="sizewin" maxsize="102400" maxnum="10" /> </log4c> |
3.1 category
3.2 appender
3.3 layout
type:输出日志格式的类型,共有base 、dated、dated_l等格式类型,对于自定义类型也有配置在这里,否则不能够加载。
base:%P %c - %m/n
"%P" 日志信息的优先级
"%c" 日志的名称
"%m" 日志信息内容
dated:%d %P %c - %m/n
"%d" 日志信息产生的时间,UTC格式yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss.mis
"%P" 日志信息的优先级
"%c" 日志的名称
"%m" 日志信息内容
dated_l:%d %P %c - %m/n (源代码里面没有,自己增加的)
"%d" 日志信息产生的时间,本地时间格式yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss
"%P" 日志信息的优先级
"%c" 日志的名称
3.4 rollingpolicy
3.5 配置文件的路径 :
${ LOG4C_RCPATH }/log4crc //环境变量中设置的配置文件夹下log4crc
${HOME}/.log4crc //HOME文件夹下log4crc
./log4crc //当前可执行文件夹下log4crc
头文件 (直接引用log4c.h程序编译出错,因此只引用需要的头文件) extern "C" { #include <log4c/init.h> #include <log4c/category.h> } cpp文件 //初始化 log4c_init(); //获取一个已有的category log4c_category_t* mycat = log4c_category_get("cata.log "); //用该category进行日志输出,优先级为DEBUG,输出信息为 "Hello World!" log4c_category_log(mycat, LOG4C_PRIORITY_DEBUG, "Hello World!"); //析构 log4c_fini(); //在日志输出过程中可以进行格式化输出: log4c_category_log(mycat, LOG4C_PRIORITY_ERROR, "Error code = %d", 12345); //对于格式化输出也可以有如下写法: void CLog::Trace(const char * format, ... ) { if (log4c_category_is_priority_enabled(mycat, LOG4C_PRIORITY_TRACE)) { a_list argptr; va_start(argptr, format); log4c_category_vlog(mycat, LOG4C_PRIORITY_TRACE, format, argptr); va_end(argptr); } } |
5.1 添加在Log4c源代码中的流程
在am_liblog4c_la_OBJECTS中添加examplelayout. lo
在liblog4c_la_SOURCES 中添加examplelayout.c
在pkginclude_HEADERS中添加 examplelayout.h
添加@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/ examplelayout.Plo@am__quote@
添加#include <examplelayout.h>
在static const log4c_layout_type_t * const layout_types[]数组中添加新添加的layout_type函数指针
static const char* cat_format( const log4c_layout_t* a_layout, const log4c_logging_event_t*a_event) { static char buffer[4096]; /* * For this formatter we put the category up front in the log message */ sprintf(buffer, "[%s][LINE:%d][FILE:%s] %s", a_event->evt_category, a_event->evt_loc->loc_line, a_event->evt_loc->loc_file, a_event->evt_msg); return buffer; } const log4c_layout_type_t log4c_layout_type_cat = { "test_cat", //格式名称,用于配置文件的设置 cat_format, //格式定义函数 |
5.3将自定义格式添加到Log4c的配置中 :
int init_example_formatters() { log4c_layout_type_set(&log4c_layout_type_cat);//自定义格式类型函数指针 } |
init_example_formatters(); //执行Log4c的初始化 log4c_init(); …… |
static int test_file_append(log4c_appender_t* a_appender, const log4c_logging_event_t* a_event) { FILE* fp = log4c_appender_get_udata(a_appender); /* return fprintf(fp, "[%s] [%s] [%d] [%d] [%s] [%s] [%d]/n%s", log4c_appender_get_name(this), a_event->evt_category, a_event->evt_priority, a_event->evt_timestamp.tv_sec*1000000 + a_event->evt_timestamp.tv_usec, a_event->evt_msg, a_event->evt_loc->loc_file, a_event->evt_loc->loc_line, a_event->evt_rendered_msg); */ return fprintf(fp, "%s/n", a_event->evt_rendered_msg); } static int test_open(log4c_appender_t* a_appender) { FILE* fp = log4c_appender_get_udata(a_appender); if (fp) return 0; if ( (fp = fopen(log4c_appender_get_name(a_appender), "a+")) == NULL) fp = stderr; /* unbuffered mode */ setbuf(fp, NULL); log4c_appender_set_udata(a_appender, fp); return 0; } static int test_close(log4c_appender_t* a_appender) { FILE* fp = log4c_appender_get_udata(a_appender); return (fp ? fclose(fp) : 0); } const log4c_appender_type_t log4c_appender_type_test_file = { "test_file", //输出流的名称,用于配置文件设置 test_open, //打开输出流的函数 test_file_append, //给输出流追加日志信息的函数 test_close, //关闭输出流的函数 }; |
6.2将自定义输出流添加到Log4c的配置中 :
int init_example_appenders() { log4c_appender_type_set (&log4c_appender_type_test_file);//自定义输出流类型的函数指针 } |
//执行自定义格式初始化 init_example_appenders(); //执行Log4c的初始化 log4c_init(); …… |
7.1 rollingpolicy_type_timewin.h
#ifndef log4c_policy_type_timewin_h
#define log4c_policy_type_timewin_h
#include <log4c/defs.h> #include <log4c/rollingpolicy.h> __LOG4C_BEGIN_DECLS LOG4C_API const log4c_rollingpolicy_type_t log4c_rollingpolicy_type_timewin; typedef struct __timewin_udata rollingpolicy_timewin_udata_t; #define TIME_TYPE_HOUR 0 #define TIME_TYPE_DAY 1 #define TIME_TYPE_MONTH 2 #define TIME_TYPE_YEAR 3 #define ROLLINGPOLICY_TIME_DEFAULT_MAX_NUM_FILES 100 #define ROLLINGPOLICY_TIME_DEFAULT_FILE_TYPE TIME_TYPE_DAY LOG4C_API rollingpolicy_timewin_udata_t *timewin_make_udata(void); LOG4C_API int timewin_udata_set_file_time_type( rollingpolicy_timewin_udata_t * swup, long time_type); LOG4C_API int timewin_udata_set_max_num_files( rollingpolicy_timewin_udata_t * swup, long max_num); LOG4C_API int timewin_udata_set_appender( rollingpolicy_timewin_udata_t * swup, log4c_appender_t* app); __LOG4C_END_DECLS #endif |
7.2 rollingpolicy_type_timewin.c
#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <errno.h> #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include <unistd.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD_H #include <pthread.h> #endif #include <log4c/appender.h> #include <log4c/rollingpolicy.h> #include <log4c/rollingpolicy_type_timewin.h> #include "appender_type_rollingfile.h" #include <sd/malloc.h> #include <sd/error.h> #include <sd/sd_xplatform.h> #include <sd/sprintf.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> /* Internal structs that defines the conf and the state info * for an instance of the appender_type_rollingfile type. */ struct __timewin_conf { long swc_file_time_type; long swc_file_max_num_files; }; struct __timewin_udata { struct __timewin_conf sw_conf; rollingfile_udata_t *sw_rfudata; const char *sw_logdir; const char *sw_files_prefix; char *sw_curfileflag; char *sw_prefileflag; int sw_flags; }; /***************************************************************************/ static int timewin_init(log4c_rollingpolicy_t *this, rollingfile_udata_t* rfup); static int timewin_rollover(log4c_rollingpolicy_t *this, FILE **current_fpp ); static int timewin_is_triggering_event( log4c_rollingpolicy_t *this, const log4c_logging_event_t* a_event, long current_file_size); static int timewin_fini(log4c_rollingpolicy_t *this); static char* timewin_get_filename(rollingpolicy_timewin_udata_t * swup); static int timewin_check_update_fileflag(rollingpolicy_timewin_udata_t * swup); static int timewin_open_file(char *filename, FILE **fpp ); static int timewin_copy_string(char** szDest, const char* src); /******************************************************************************* Policy interface: init, is_triggering_event, rollover *******************************************************************************/ static int timewin_is_triggering_event( log4c_rollingpolicy_t *this, const log4c_logging_event_t* a_event, long current_file_size){ int decision = 0; rollingpolicy_timewin_udata_t *swup = log4c_rollingpolicy_get_udata(this); sd_debug("timewin_is_triggering_event["); decision = timewin_check_update_fileflag(swup); if (decision) { sd_debug("triggering event"); } else { sd_debug("not triggering event"); } sd_debug("]"); return(decision); } /*******************************************************************************/ static int timewin_rollover(log4c_rollingpolicy_t *this, FILE ** current_fpp ){ int rc = 0; rollingpolicy_timewin_udata_t *swup = log4c_rollingpolicy_get_udata(this); int k = 0; char * szFileName = NULL; sd_debug("timewin_rollover["); if ( !swup || !swup->sw_logdir){ sd_error("rollingpolicy '%s' not yet configured (logdir,prefix etc.)", log4c_rollingpolicy_get_name(this)); } else { k = swup->sw_flags; if (k > 0 || *current_fpp == NULL) { szFileName = timewin_get_filename(swup); if (*current_fpp) { if(fclose(*current_fpp)){ sd_error("failed to close current log file"); rc = 1; } } if (!rc && timewin_open_file(szFileName, current_fpp)){ sd_error("open zero file failed"); } free(szFileName); } } sd_debug("]"); return(rc); } /*******************************************************************************/ static int timewin_init(log4c_rollingpolicy_t *this, rollingfile_udata_t *rfup){ rollingpolicy_timewin_udata_t *swup = NULL; sd_debug("timewin_init["); if (!this){ goto timewin_init_exit; } swup = log4c_rollingpolicy_get_udata(this); if ( swup == NULL ){ swup = timewin_make_udata(); log4c_rollingpolicy_set_udata(this, swup); } swup->sw_logdir = rollingfile_udata_get_logdir(rfup); swup->sw_files_prefix = rollingfile_udata_get_files_prefix(rfup); timewin_check_update_fileflag(swup); timewin_init_exit: sd_debug("]"); return(0); } /*******************************************************************************/ static int timewin_fini(log4c_rollingpolicy_t *this){ rollingpolicy_timewin_udata_t *swup = NULL; int rc = 0; sd_debug("timewin_fini[ "); if (!this){ goto timewin_fini_exit; } swup = log4c_rollingpolicy_get_udata(this); if (!swup){ goto timewin_fini_exit; } if (swup->sw_curfileflag) { free(swup->sw_curfileflag); } if (swup->sw_prefileflag) { free(swup->sw_prefileflag); } swup->sw_flags = 0; /* logdir and files_prefix are just pointers into the rollingfile udata * so they are not ours to free--that will be done by the free call to * the rollingfile appender */ sd_debug("freeing timewin udata from rollingpolicy instance"); free(swup); log4c_rollingpolicy_set_udata(this,NULL); timewin_fini_exit: sd_debug("]"); return(rc); } /******************************************************************************* timewin specific conf functions *******************************************************************************/ LOG4C_API rollingpolicy_timewin_udata_t *timewin_make_udata(void) { rollingpolicy_timewin_udata_t *swup = NULL; swup = (rollingpolicy_timewin_udata_t *)sd_calloc(1, sizeof(rollingpolicy_timewin_udata_t)); timewin_udata_set_file_time_type(swup, ROLLINGPOLICY_TIME_DEFAULT_FILE_TYPE); timewin_udata_set_max_num_files(swup, ROLLINGPOLICY_TIME_DEFAULT_MAX_NUM_FILES); swup->sw_curfileflag = 0; swup->sw_prefileflag = 0; swup->sw_flags = 0; return(swup); } /*******************************************************************************/ LOG4C_API int timewin_udata_set_file_time_type(rollingpolicy_timewin_udata_t * swup, long time_type){ swup->sw_conf.swc_file_time_type = time_type; return(0); } /****************************************************************************/ LOG4C_API int timewin_udata_set_max_num_files(rollingpolicy_timewin_udata_t *swup, long max_num){ swup->sw_conf.swc_file_max_num_files = max_num; return(0); } /****************************************************************************/ LOG4C_API int timewin_udata_set_rfudata(rollingpolicy_timewin_udata_t *swup, rollingfile_udata_t *rfup ){ swup->sw_rfudata = rfup; return(0); } /***************************************************************************** private functions *****************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************/ static char* timewin_get_filename(rollingpolicy_timewin_udata_t* swup){ long filename_len = 0; char *s = NULL; filename_len = strlen(swup->sw_logdir) + 1 + strlen(swup->sw_files_prefix) + 1 + 15; // a margin / s = (char *)malloc(filename_len); sprintf( s, "%s%s%s%s%s", swup->sw_logdir, FILE_SEP, swup->sw_files_prefix, swup->sw_curfileflag, ".log"); return(s); } /********************************************************************************/ static int timewin_check_update_fileflag(rollingpolicy_timewin_udata_t * swup) { struct tm tm; time_t timep; time(&timep); char buf[11]; memset(buf, 0, 11); #ifndef _WIN32 #ifndef __HP_cc #warning gmtime() routine should be defined in sd_xplatform #endif localtime_r(&timep, &tm); #else /* xxx Need a CreateMutex/ReleaseMutex or something here */ { struct tm *tmp = NULL; tmp = localtime(&timep); tm = *tmp; /* struct copy */ } #endif swup->sw_flags = 0; switch (swup->sw_conf.swc_file_time_type) { case TIME_TYPE_YEAR: sprintf(buf, "%04d", tm.tm_year + 1900); break; case TIME_TYPE_MONTH: sprintf(buf, "%04d%02d", tm.tm_year + 1900, tm.tm_mon + 1); break; case TIME_TYPE_DAY: sprintf(buf, "%04d%02d%02d", tm.tm_year + 1900, tm.tm_mon + 1, tm.tm_mday); break; case TIME_TYPE_HOUR: sprintf(buf, "%04d%02d%02d%02d", tm.tm_year + 1900, tm.tm_mon + 1, tm.tm_mday, tm.tm_hour); break; default: sprintf(buf, "%04d%02d%02d%02d", tm.tm_year + 1900, tm.tm_mon + 1, tm.tm_mday, tm.tm_hour); break; } if (swup->sw_curfileflag == NULL) { timewin_copy_string(&swup->sw_curfileflag, buf); swup->sw_flags = 1; } else if (strcmp(swup->sw_curfileflag, buf) != 0) { timewin_copy_string(&swup->sw_prefileflag, swup->sw_curfileflag); timewin_copy_string(&swup->sw_curfileflag, buf); swup->sw_flags = 1; } return swup->sw_flags; } /******************************************************************************/ static int timewin_copy_string(char** szDest, const char* src) { int len = 0; if (src == 0) { return -1; } len = strlen(src) + 1; if (*szDest == NULL) { * szDest = (char *)malloc(len); } else if (strlen(*szDest) < len) { free(*szDest); * szDest = (char *)malloc(len); memset(*szDest, 0, len); } memcpy(* szDest, src, len); return 0; } /*******************************************************************************/ static int timewin_open_file(char *filename, FILE **fpp ){ int rc = 0; sd_debug("timewin_open_file['%s'", filename); if ( (*fpp = fopen(filename, "a+")) == NULL){ sd_error("failed to open file '%s'--defaulting to stderr--error='%s'", filename, strerror(errno)); *fpp = stderr; rc = 1; } /* unbuffered mode at the filesystem level xxx make this configurable from the outside ? */ setbuf(*fpp, NULL); sd_debug("]"); return(rc); } /****************************************************************************/ const log4c_rollingpolicy_type_t log4c_rollingpolicy_type_timewin = { "timewin", timewin_init, timewin_is_triggering_event, timewin_rollover, timewin_fini }; |
7.3 init.c
static const log4c_rollingpolicy_type_t * const rollingpolicy_types[] = {
static size_t nrollingpolicy_types =
sizeof(rollingpolicy_types) / sizeof(rollingpolicy_types[0]);
static int rollingpolicy_load(log4c_rc_t* this, sd_domnode_t* anode)
sd_domnode_t* name = sd_domnode_attrs_get(anode, "name");
sd_domnode_t* type = sd_domnode_attrs_get(anode, "type");
log4c_rollingpolicy_t* rpolicyp = NULL;
if (!name) {
sd_error("attribute /"name/" is missing");
return -1;
rpolicyp = log4c_rollingpolicy_get(name->value);
if (type){
if (!strcasecmp(type->value, "sizewin")){
sd_domnode_t* maxsize = sd_domnode_attrs_get(anode, "maxsize");
sd_domnode_t* maxnum = sd_domnode_attrs_get(anode, "maxnum");
rollingpolicy_sizewin_udata_t *sizewin_udatap = NULL;
sd_debug("type='sizewin', maxsize='%s', maxnum='%s', "
(maxsize && maxsize->value ? maxsize->value :"(not set)"),
(maxnum && maxnum->value ? maxnum->value :"(not set)"),
(name && name->value ? name->value :"(not set)"));
* Get a new sizewin policy type and configure it.
* Then attach it to the policy object.
* Check to see if this policy already has a
sw udata object. If so, leave as is except update
the params
if ( !(sizewin_udatap = log4c_rollingpolicy_get_udata(rpolicyp))){
sd_debug("creating new sizewin udata for this policy");
sizewin_udatap = sizewin_make_udata();
sizewin_udata_set_file_maxsize(sizewin_udatap, atoi(maxsize->value));
sizewin_udata_set_max_num_files(sizewin_udatap, atoi(maxnum->value));
sd_debug("policy already has a sizewin udata--just updating params");
sizewin_udata_set_file_maxsize(sizewin_udatap, atoi(maxsize->value));
sizewin_udata_set_max_num_files(sizewin_udatap, atoi(maxnum->value));
/* allow the policy to initialize itself */
else if (!strcasecmp(type->value, "timewin")){
sd_domnode_t* timetype = sd_domnode_attrs_get(anode, "timetype");
sd_domnode_t* maxnum = sd_domnode_attrs_get(anode, "maxnum");
rollingpolicy_timewin_udata_t *timewin_udatap = NULL;
sd_debug("type='timewin', timetype='%s', maxnum='%s', "
(timetype && timetype->value ? timetype->value :"(not set)"),
(maxnum && maxnum->value ? maxnum->value :"(not set)"),
(name && name->value ? name->value :"(not set)"));
* Get a new sizewin policy type and configure it.
* Then attach it to the policy object.
* Check to see if this policy already has a
sw udata object. If so, leave as is except update
the params
if ( !(timewin_udatap = log4c_rollingpolicy_get_udata(rpolicyp))){
sd_debug("creating new sizewin udata for this policy");
timewin_udatap = timewin_make_udata();
timewin_udata_set_file_time_type(timewin_udatap, atoi(timetype->value));
timewin_udata_set_max_num_files(timewin_udatap, atoi(maxnum->value));
sd_debug("policy already has a sizewin udata--just updating params");
timewin_udata_set_file_time_type(timewin_udatap, atoi(timetype->value));
timewin_udata_set_max_num_files(timewin_udatap, atoi(maxnum->value));
/* allow the policy to initialize itself */
return 0;