
class twoDword



    twoDword(){dwl = 0; dwh = 0;}

    DWORD dwl;

    DWORD dwh;


__int64 dwToInt64(DWORD dwl, DWORD dwh)


    __int64 t64 = 0;

    t64 = dwh;

    t64 <<= 32;

    t64 |= dwl;

    return t64;


twoDword Int64ToTwoDword_a(__int64 t64)


    twoDword twd;

    twd.dwh = t64 >> 32;

    twd.dwl = t64 | 0xFFFFFFFF;

    return twd;


twoDword Int64ToTwoDword_b(__int64 t64)


    twoDword twd;

    twd.dwh = t64 >> 32;

    twd.dwl = (DWORD)t64;

    return twd;


twoDword Int64ToTwoDword_c(__int64 t64)


    twoDword twd;

    twd.dwh = t64 >> 32;

    twd.dwl = t64 | (__int64)0xFFFFFFFF;

    return twd;


int main()


    __int64 t64 = 0x388FFFFF388FFFFF;

    cout << "the test value : " << t64 << endl << endl;

    cout << "__int64 to DWORD + DWORD : " << endl;

    twoDword twd;

    cout << "Int64ToTwoDword_a : " << endl;

    twd = Int64ToTwoDword_a(t64);

    cout << "H:" << twd.dwh << " " << "L:" << twd.dwl << endl;

    cout << "Int64ToTwoDword_b : " << endl;

    twd = Int64ToTwoDword_b(t64);

    cout << "H:" << twd.dwh << " " << "L:" << twd.dwl << endl;

    cout << "Int64ToTwoDword_c : " << endl;

    twd = Int64ToTwoDword_c(t64);

    cout << "H:" << twd.dwh << " " << "L:" << twd.dwl << endl;

    cout << endl;

    cout << "DWORD + DWORD to __int64 : " << endl;

    twd.dwh = 0x388FFFFF;

    twd.dwl = 0x388FFFFF;

    cout << "dwToInt64 : " << endl;

    t64 = dwToInt64(twd.dwl, twd.dwh);

    cout << "__int64 : " << t64 << endl;

    return 0;


