WAS 集成 Websphere MQ 通过JNDI访问

WAS 7.0 / WebSphere MQ 7.0


Configure the Queue Connection Factory:



1.       click resource

2.       click JMS

3.       click websphere queue connection factory



 WAS 集成 Websphere MQ 通过JNDI访问_第1张图片

1.       click New


 WAS 集成 Websphere MQ 通过JNDI访问_第2张图片

1.       checked the websphere MQ messaging provider

2.       click confirm


 WAS 集成 Websphere MQ 通过JNDI访问_第3张图片

1.       input the name

2.       input the JNDI name, defined by yourself

3.       click Next



1.       checked as the figure shows

2.       click Next

 WAS 集成 Websphere MQ 通过JNDI访问_第4张图片


1.       input the QUEUE MANAGER name

2.       click the Nest button


 WAS 集成 Websphere MQ 通过JNDI访问_第5张图片

1.       select the Client

2.       input the host name which MQ installed

3.       input the MQ port

4.       input the server connection channel that defined at the MQ side

5.       click the Next button

 WAS 集成 Websphere MQ 通过JNDI访问_第6张图片


1.       you can click test connection to judge your configuration is right or not

2.       click Next button

3.       you can save your configuration





Configure the Queue:

 WAS 集成 Websphere MQ 通过JNDI访问_第7张图片

1.       click resource

2.       click JMS

3.       click Queue



1.       click New


 WAS 集成 Websphere MQ 通过JNDI访问_第8张图片

1.       click websphere MQ messaging provider

2.       click confirm



WAS 集成 Websphere MQ 通过JNDI访问_第9张图片

1.       input the name

2.       input the JNDI name that defined by yourself

3.       input the QUEUE name

4.       input the QUEUE MANAGER name

5.       then click the apply to save your configuration



WAS 集成 Websphere MQ 通过JNDI访问_第10张图片

1.       click as the figure shows



WAS 集成 Websphere MQ 通过JNDI访问_第11张图片

1.       input the host name

2.       input the port

3.       input the server connection channel

4.       you may input the id and password if needed

5.       click the apply button, and click save to save your configuration



Now you have done the configuration , next you should restart the server….


Show some java code to test the configuration:

1.      receive message from Queue:

public static void receive() {

        try {

            Context ctx = new InitialContext();

            QueueConnectionFactory qcf = (QueueConnectionFactory)ctx.lookup("TESTSOA_JNDI");

            QueueConnection connection = qcf.createQueueConnection();

            Queue q = (Queue)ctx.lookup("TESTQ_JNDI");

            QueueSession s = connection.createQueueSession(false, QueueSession.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);


            QueueReceiver receiver = s.createReceiver(q);


            Message mc = receiver.receive();

            if(mc != null) {

                String type = mc.getJMSType();

                if(mc instanceof TextMessage) {

                TextMessage tm = (TextMessage)mc;







        }catch(Exception e) {












2.    send message to Queue:

public static void send() {

        try {

            Context ctx = new InitialContext();

            QueueConnectionFactory qcf = (QueueConnectionFactory)ctx.lookup("TESTSOA_JNDI");

            QueueConnection connection = qcf.createQueueConnection();


            Queue q = (Queue)ctx.lookup("TESTQ_JNDI");


            QueueSession s = connection.createQueueSession(false, QueueSession.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);


            QueueSender sender = s.createSender (q);

            TextMessage tm = s.createTextMessage ( "test websphere mq have Chinese characters");

            sender.send (tm, DeliveryMode.PERSISTENT, 4, 0);




        }catch(Exception e) {





