

QL> @?/rdbms/admin/awrrpti


Specify the Report Type


Would you like an HTML report, or a plain text report?

Enter 'html' for an HTML report, or 'text' for plain text

Defaults to 'html'

输入 report_type 的值:  html


Type Specified:  html



Instances in this Workload Repository schema



   DB Id     Inst Num DB Name      Instance     Host

------------ -------- ------------ ------------ ------------

* 1520519778        1 STREAM       stream       STREAM

  2400249746        1 CNDERPDB     cnderpdb1    p5a1

  2400249746        2 CNDERPDB     cnderpdb2    p5b1


输入 dbid 的值:  2400249746    ----可以看到2400249746为要分析的数据库的DBID,为RAC环境

Using 2400249746 for database Id

输入 inst_num 的值:  2              ----生成cnderpdb2实例的awr报告

Using 2 for instance number



Specify the number of days of snapshots to choose from


Entering the number of days (n) will result in the most recent

(n) days of snapshots being listed.  Pressing <return> without

specifying a number lists all completed snapshots.



输入 num_days 的值:  5


Listing the last 5 days of Completed Snapshots



Instance     DB Name        Snap Id    Snap Started    Level

------------ ------------ --------- ------------------ -----

cnderpdb2    CNDERPDB         50104 18 6  2011 00:59     1

                              50105 18 6  2011 01:59     1

                              50106 18 6  2011 03:00     1


                              50208 22 6  2011 09:00     1

                              50209 22 6  2011 09:59     1




Specify the Begin and End Snapshot Ids

输入 begin_snap 的值:  50104

Begin Snapshot Id specified: 50104


输入 end_snap 的值:  50209

End   Snapshot Id specified: 50209


Specify the Report Name


The default report file name is awrrpt_2_50104_50209.html.  To use this name,

press <return> to continue, otherwise enter an alternative.


输入 report_name 的值:  d:\awr50104_50209

Using the report name d:\awr50104_50209

由于是RAC环境,cnderpdb1 节点的AWR也要生成,和cnderpdb2节点的AWR报告对比分析。
