From AjaxPatterns
Thanks to everyone who's let me know about the frameworks as they emerge. Please mail Michael Maheomff (mailto:[email protected]) about any frameworks not yet here, or any corrections. (This is, for now, just a content management system rather than a true wiki.)
As a summary, the pure Javascript frameworks can be divided into two groups:
- Infrastructural frameworks: provide basic piping and portable browser abstractions, leaving the content for the developer to create. Typical functionality:
- Wrapper around XMLHttpRequest to encapsulate browser-server interaction. (All frameworks offer this).
- XML manipulation and interrogation.
- Performing DOM manipulation according to responses from XMLHttpRequest.
- Application frameworks: may offer the above functionality, but are notable for including widget abstractions and other components which are more along the lines of desktop GUI frameworks.
And the server-side frameworks usually work in one of the following two ways (although they are classified according to language):
- HTML/JS Generation: Server provides complete HTML/Javascript code generation and browser-server co-ordination, so that only browser-side coding is only for customisation.
- Remote Invocation: Javascript calls routed directly to server-side functions (e.g. Java methods) and returned back to Javascript callback handlers. Or Javascript calls to server to extract information, e.g. session details, database queries.
Table of contents [showhide] |
1 Pure Javascript: Application Frameworks
1.1 DOJO (Under development; from September, 2004) 1.2 Open Rico (Under development; from May, 2005; based on earlier proprietary framework) 1.3 qooxdoo (Under development; from May, 2005)
2 Pure Javascript: Infrastructural Frameworks
2.1 AjaxJS (Raw alpha; from May 2005) 2.2 HTMLHttpRequest (Beta; from 2001) 2.3 Interactive Website Framework (Under development; from May 2005) 2.4 LibXMLHttpRequest (Released; June 2003) 2.5 RSLite (x) 2.6 Sack (In development; from May 2005) 2.7 Sarissa (Released; from February, 2003) 2.8 XHConn (Released; from April, 2005)
3 Server-Side: Multi-Language
3.1 SAJAX (Workable but not 1.0; from ?March 2005) 3.2 Javascipt Object Notation (JSON) and JSON-RPC 3.3 Javascript Remote Scripting (JSRS) (from 2000)
4 Server-Side: Java
4.1 Echo 2 (from March 2005) 4.2 Direct Web Remoting (DWR) (2005)
5 Server-Side: Lisp
6 Server-Side: .NET
6.1 Ajax.NET (Under development; from March 2005)
7 Server-Side: PHP
7.1 AjaxAC (From April, 2005) 7.2 JPSpan 7.3 XAJAX
8 Server-Side: Ruby
9 Credits
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Pure Javascript: Application Frameworks
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DOJO (Under development; from September, 2004)
DOJO ( offers comprehensive widget and browser-server messaging support.
- Framework for creation of custom Javascript widgets.
- Library of pre-built widgets.
- Browser-server messaging support - XMLHttpRequest and other mechanisms.
- Support for manipulating URLs in the browser.
- Open-source license (Academic Free License 2.1 ( Led by Alex Russell ( of JotSpot (
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Open Rico (Under development; from May, 2005; based on earlier proprietary framework)
Open Rico ( is a multi-purpose framework with support for Ajax infrastructure and user interaction.
- An XMLHttpRequest response can be routed to one or more callback operation, DOM object, or Javascript object.
- Easy drag-and-drop.
- Ajax animation such as scaling and transitions (and presumably the increasingly common idioms such as progress indicators and fading technique?)
- "Behaviors" - Essentially a widget library.
- Open-source. From Sabre Airline Solutions. By Bill Scott (, Darren James, and others.
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qooxdoo (Under development; from May, 2005)
qooxdoo ( is another ambitious framework with a broad range of UI and infrastructural features being developed.
- Infrastructure:
- Portable abstraction of the DOM and event/focus management.
- Debugging support.
- Timer class for easy scheduling.
- Getter/Setter support
- UI:
- Widget framework and library of pre-built widgets.
- Layout managers
- Image caching and portable PNG transparency.
- Open-source (LGPL). From various contributors.
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Pure Javascript: Infrastructural Frameworks
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AjaxJS (Raw alpha; from May 2005)
AjaxJS ( is a basic threadsafe wrapper around XMLHttpRequest mainly for Ajax newcomers, still raw alpha and under development, only packaged with the AjaxPatterns live search demo for now.
- RESTful calls to the server (GET/POST/PUT/DELETE) with plain-text or XML routed to a callback operation.
- Destruction of used XMLHttpRequest objects.
- Response caching (planned).
- Aimed at Ajax newcomers - instead of optimising on performance or footprint, the library will aim to be a readable code base and will provide debugging support.
- Open-source license. By Michael Mahemoff ( (with some ideas from John Wehr and Richard Schwartz).
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HTMLHttpRequest (Beta; from 2001)
HtmlHttpRequest ( is an alternative to XMLHttpRequest which uses IFrames for superior compatibility.
- Tested and Works: IE6/Win, IE5.5/Win, IE5/Win, IE4/Win, Mozilla/Win, Opera7/Win, Safari/Mac, IE5/Mac.
- Untested, Probably Works: IE4/Mac, Mozilla/Mac, Opera/Other, Konqueror/Linux. Are you using one of these? The author is requesting compatibility info.
- Open source license (LGPL). By Angus Turnbull of Twin Helix Designs (
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Interactive Website Framework (Under development; from May 2005)
Interactive Website Framework ( is a project aiming to support the various aspects of Ajax infrastructure in the browser. Describes itself as a "framework for creating highly interactive websites using javascript, css, xml, and html. Includes a custom xml parser for highly readable javascript. Essentially, all the plumbing for making AJAX-based websites, as well as other common scripts.".
- Thread-safe XMLHttpRequest implementation
- Wrapper around XML document, so you can make more readable code:
var node = doc.groceries.frozen[0].pizza[0].size;</pre>
instead of manual navigation:
var node = doc.documentElement.firstChild.firstChild.getAttribute("size");</pre>
- Open-source license. By Weaver (|Brock).
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LibXMLHttpRequest (Released; June 2003)
libXmlRequest ( is a thin wrapper around XMLHttpRequest.
- getXML() and postXML() methods.
- Pooling of XMLHttpRequest objects.
- Response caching.
- Source available (obviously), but protected by standard copyright. By Stephen W. Coate (
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RSLite (x)
RSLite ( is a thin wrapper around XMLHttpRequest.
- A simple component released as part of Brent Ashley's more comprehensive Remote Scripting work (see Javascript Remote Scripting - JSRS in Multi-Language Server-Side section).
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Sack (In development; from May 2005)
Sack ( is a thin wrapper around XMLHttpRequest.
- Caller can specifies callback function or callback DOM object. With a callback DOM, the response text is pushed directly into the DOM
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Sarissa (Released; from February, 2003)
Sarissa ( is a Javascript API which encapsulates XML functionality in browser-independent calls.
- Portable XMLHttpRequest creation.
- Portable XPath queries.
- Portable DOM manipulation.
- Portable XSLT.
- Portable serialisation to XML.
- Open-source (GPL 2.0 and LGPL 2.1. IANAL and wouldn't have a clue how it can be both at the same time.). From various contributors.
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XHConn (Released; from April, 2005)
XHConn ( is a thin wrapper around XMLHttpRequest.
new XHConn().connect("mypage.php", "POST", "foo=bar&baz=qux", fnWhenDone);
- Open-source (Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License). By Brad Fults.
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Server-Side: Multi-Language
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SAJAX (Workable but not 1.0; from ?March 2005)
SAJAX ( routes calls directly from Javascript into your server-side language and back out again.So, for example, calling a javascript method "x_calculateBudget()" will go the server and call a Java calculateBudget() method, then return the value in javascript to x_calculateBudget_cb().
- Faciliates mapping from Javascript stub function to back-end operation.
- Capable of stubbing calls to numerous server-side platforms: ASP/ColdFusion/Io/Lua/Perl/PHP/Python/Ruby.
- Open-source license. From various contributors.
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Javascipt Object Notation (JSON) and JSON-RPC
JSON ( is a "fat-free XML alternative" and JSON-RPC ( is a remote procedure protocol, akin to XML-RPC, with strong support for Javascript clients.
- Implementations exist for several server-side platforms ( Java, Python, Ruby, Perl.
- Individual packages and licenses for each platform, e.g. JSON-RPC-Java (
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Javascript Remote Scripting (JSRS) (from 2000)
JSRS ( routes calls directly from Javascript into your server-side language and back out again.
- Known browsers: IE4+, NS4.x, NS6.x, Mozilla, Opera7 and Galeon.
- Server-side support: ASP, ColdFusion, PerlCGI, PHP,Python, and JSP(servlet).
- Open source (very flexible custom license). By Brent Ashley (
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Server-Side: Java
Note: Many existing frameworks have recently been adding Java support (e.g. struts), and I will link to those later on.
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Echo 2 (from March 2005)
Echo 2 ( allows you to code Ajax apps in pure Java (Demo (
- Automatically generates HTML and Javascript.
- Co-ordinates messages between browser and server. Messaging in XML.
- Can hand-write custom Javascript components if desired.
- Open-source license (Mozilla Public License or GNU LGPL). From Next App, Inc. (
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Direct Web Remoting (DWR) (2005)
Direct Web Remoting ( is a framework for calling Java methods directly from Javascript code.
- Like SAJAX, can pass calls from Javascript into Java methods and back out to Javascript callbacks.
- Can be used with any web framework - Struts, Tapestry, etc.
- Follows Spring-like KISS/POJO/orthogonality philosophy.
- Open-source license (Apache ( By Joe Walker ( Being incorporated into next WebWork ( release.
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Server-Side: Lisp
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CL-Ajax ( directs Javascript calls directly into server-side Lisp functions.
- Export functions as follows:
(export-function #'my-function)
- Generates Javascript stub with arguments.
- Can callback to Javascript function or DOM object.
- May be integrated into SAJAX.
- Open-Source (custom, very flexible, license). By [Richard Newman](
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Server-Side: .NET
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Ajax.NET (Under development; from March 2005)
Ajax.Net ( is a library enabling various kinds of access from Javascript to server-side .NET.
- Like SAJAX, can pass calls from Javascript into .Net methods and back out to Javascript callbacks.
- Can access session data from Javascript.
- Caches results
- Free to use, source available, unspecified license. By Michael Schwartz (
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Server-Side: PHP
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AjaxAC (From April, 2005)
AjaxAC ( encapsulates the entire application in a single PHP class. From the website:
- All application code is self-contained in a single class (plus any additional JavaScript libraries)
- Calling PHP file / HTML page is very clean. All that is required is creating of the application class, then referencing the application JavaScript and attaching any required HTML elements to the application.
- Built in functionality for easily handling JavaScript events
- Built in functionality for creating subrequests and handling them
- Allows for custom configuration values, so certain elements can be set at run time
- No messy JavaScript code clogging up the calling HTML code - all events are dynamically attached
- Easy to integrate with templating engine due two above 2 reasons
- Easy to hook in to existing PHP classes or MySQL database for returning data from subrequests
- Extensible widget structure to be able to easily create further JavaScript objects (this needs a bit of work though)
- Open-source license (Apache 2.0). By Zervaas Enterprises (
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JPSPAN ( passes Javascript calls directly to PHP functions.
- Heavily unit-tested.
- Open source license (PHP).
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XAjax ( passes Javascript calls directly to PHP functions.
- Use Javascript stub to call PHP script.
- Open source. By J. Max Wilson.
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Server-Side: Ruby
Ruby On Rails ( is a general web framework with strong Ajax support
- Rails was still in its early days when Ajax hype began, so Ajax may become increasingly core to the Rails framework.
- Generates most/all of the Javascript for widgets and animation in the browser.
- Support for calling server-side
- Scheduling support.
- Open source license (MIT or similar ( By David Heinemeier Hansson ( and contributors.
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Writing this < 24 hrs after I added the page, there are already quite a few people to thank for suggestions and corrections. I'll add everyone together once the dust has settled.