最近在看Machine Learning - A Probabilistic Perspective这本书,机器学习。MIT出版。
作者:Kevin P Murphy
今天拿起代码,试着运行了下,出现了一个错误,运行到printPmtkFigure这个函数,出现:“ghostscript not found matlab”, 以前貌似也遇到相似的问题。解决了一早上,终于搞好了。
1 下载 Ghostscript, 网址:http://www.ghostscript.com/。
2 从网上下载ghostscript.m代码,
%GHOSTSCRIPT Calls a local GhostScript executable with the input command % % Example: % [status result] = ghostscript(cmd) % % Attempts to locate a ghostscript executable, finally asking the user to % specify the directory ghostcript was installed into. The resulting path % is stored for future reference. % % Once found, the executable is called with the input command string. % % This function requires that you have Ghostscript installed on your % system. You can download this from: http://www.ghostscript.com % % IN: % cmd - Command string to be passed into ghostscript. % % OUT: % status - 0 iff command ran without problem. % result - Output from ghostscript. % Copyright: Oliver Woodford, 2009-2010 % Thanks to Jonas Dorn for the fix for the title of the uigetdir window on % Mac OS. % Thanks to Nathan Childress for the fix to the default location on 64-bit % Windows systems. % 27/4/11 - Find 64-bit Ghostscript on Windows. Thanks to Paul Durack and % Shaun Kline for pointing out the issue % 4/5/11 - Thanks to David Chorlian for pointing out an alternative % location for gs on linux. % 12/12/12 - Add extra executable name on Windows. Thanks to Ratish % Punnoose for highlighting the issue. function varargout = ghostscript(cmd) % Call ghostscript [varargout{1:nargout}] = system(sprintf('"%s" %s', gs_path, cmd)); return function path_ = gs_path % Return a valid path % Start with the currently set path path_ = user_string('ghostscript'); % Check the path works if check_gs_path(path_) return end % Check whether the binary is on the path if ispc bin = {'gswin32c.exe', 'gswin64c.exe', 'gs'}; else bin = {'gs'}; end for a = 1:numel(bin) path_ = bin{a}; if check_store_gs_path(path_) return end end % Search the obvious places if ispc default_location = 'C:\Program Files\gs\'; dir_list = dir(default_location); if isempty(dir_list) default_location = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\gs\'; % Possible location on 64-bit systems dir_list = dir(default_location); end executable = {'\bin\gswin32c.exe', '\bin\gswin64c.exe'}; ver_num = 0; % If there are multiple versions, use the newest for a = 1:numel(dir_list) ver_num2 = sscanf(dir_list(a).name, 'gs%g'); if ~isempty(ver_num2) && ver_num2 > ver_num for b = 1:numel(executable) path2 = [default_location dir_list(a).name executable{b}]; if exist(path2, 'file') == 2 path_ = path2; ver_num = ver_num2; end end end end if check_store_gs_path(path_) return end else bin = {'/usr/bin/gs', '/usr/local/bin/gs'}; for a = 1:numel(bin) path_ = bin{a}; if check_store_gs_path(path_) return end end end % Ask the user to enter the path while 1 if strncmp(computer, 'MAC', 3) % Is a Mac % Give separate warning as the uigetdir dialogue box doesn't have a % title uiwait(warndlg('Ghostscript not found. Please locate the program.')) end base = uigetdir('/', 'Ghostcript not found. Please locate the program.'); if isequal(base, 0) % User hit cancel or closed window break; end base = [base filesep]; bin_dir = {'', ['bin' filesep], ['lib' filesep]}; for a = 1:numel(bin_dir) for b = 1:numel(bin) path_ = [base bin_dir{a} bin{b}]; if exist(path_, 'file') == 2 if check_store_gs_path(path_) return end end end end end error('Ghostscript not found. Have you installed it from www.ghostscript.com?'); function good = check_store_gs_path(path_) % Check the path is valid good = check_gs_path(path_); if ~good return end % Update the current default path to the path found if ~user_string('ghostscript', path_) warning('Path to ghostscript installation could not be saved. Enter it manually in ghostscript.txt.'); return end return function good = check_gs_path(path_) % Check the path is valid [good, message] = system(sprintf('"%s" -h', path_)); good = good == 0; return
好了, 这样,就可以运行啦。。
但是奇怪的是, 我从官网下载的代码里面,文件夹pmtksupportCopy是空的, 我之前下载的pmtksupportCopy确是有东西的, 下载下来的,直接就可以运行了。 嘿嘿