使用 IDA 反汇编时,一些数据和操作数的处理方式可能并不准确。IDA 允许我们手动去修
一个C 语言程序
为了介绍IDA 的数据分析处理功能,我们先看一个C 语言编写的使用特殊数据类型和结构
#include <stdio.h> #include <alloc.h> // our structures // ============== // information about our customers struct customer_t { // a typical structure long id; char name[32]; char sex; // 'm'ale - 'f'emale }; // we sell books struct book_t { char title[128]; // an ASCII string }; // and we sell computer softwares struct software_info_t { // a structure containing various bitfields unsigned int plateform : 2; // 2 bits reserved for the plateform - // plateforms can be combined (0x03) #define PC 0x1 // 0x01 #define MAC 0x2 // 0x02 unsigned int os : 3; // 3 bits reserved for the OS - // OS can be combined (0x1C) #define WINDOWS 0x1 // 0x04 #define DOS 0x2 // 0x08 #define OS_X 0x4 // 0x10 unsigned int category : 2; // 2 bits reserved for the category - // categories can't be combined (0x60) #define DISASSEMBLY 0x1 // 0x20 #define RECOVERY 0x2 // 0x40 #define CRYPTOGRAPHY 0x3 // 0x60 }; struct software_t { software_info_t info; char name[32]; }; // generic products we're selling enum product_category_t { // an enumerated type BOOK, SOFTWARE, HARDWARE // we actually don't sell hardware }; union product_u { // an union to contain product information // depending on its category book_t book; software_t software; // struct hardware_t hardware; // we actually don't sell hardware }; struct product_t { // a structure containing another structure long id; product_category_t category; product_u p; }; // our data // ======== // our customers customer_t customers[] = { // an initialized array to memorize our customers { 1, "Peter", 'm' }, { 2, "John", 'm' }, { 3, "Mary", 'f' }, { 0 } }; // our products book_t ida_book = { "IDA QuickStart Guide" }; softwares_t softwares = // an initialized variable length structure { 3, { { { PC, WINDOWS|DOS, DISASSEMBLY }, "IDA Pro" }, { { PC|MAC, WINDOWS|OS_X, RECOVERY }, "PhotoRescue" }, { { PC, WINDOWS, CRYPTOGRAPHY }, "aCrypt" } } }; #define PRODUCTS_COUNT 4 // our functions // ============= // check software information int check_software(software_info_t software_info) { bool valid = true; if (software_info.plateform & PC) { if (! (software_info.plateform & MAC) && (software_info.os & OS_X)) valid = false; // OS-X isn't yet available on PC ;) } else if (software_info.plateform & MAC) { if (! (software_info.plateform & PC) && ((software_info.os & WINDOWS) || (software_info.os & DOS))) valid = false; // Windows & DOS aren't available on Mac... } else valid = false; return valid; } // check product category int check_product(product_category_t product_category) { bool valid = true; if (product_category == HARDWARE) { valid = false; printf("We don't sell hardware for the moment...\n"); } return valid; } // print customer information void print_customer(customer_t *customer) { printf("CUSTOMER %04X: %s (%c)\n", customer->id, customer->name, customer->sex); } // print book information void print_book(book_t *book) { printf("BOOK: %s\n", book->title); } // print software information void print_software(software_t *software) { printf("SOFTWARE: %s:", software->name); // plateform // we use 'if', as plateforms can be combined if (software->info.plateform & PC) printf(" PC"); if (software->info.plateform & MAC) printf(" MAC"); printf(";"); // OS // we use 'if', as os can be combined if (software->info.os & WINDOWS) printf(" WINDOWS"); if (software->info.os & DOS) printf(" DOS"); if (software->info.os & OS_X) printf(" OS-X"); printf(";"); // category // we use 'switch', as categories can't be combined switch(software->info.category) { case DISASSEMBLY: printf(" DISASSEMBLY"); break; case RECOVERY: printf(" RECOVERY"); break; case CRYPTOGRAPHY: printf(" CRYPTOGRAPHY"); break; } printf("\n"); } // print product information bool print_product(product_t *product) { if (! check_product(product->category)) return false; printf("PRODUCT %04X: ", product->id); switch(product->category) { case BOOK: print_book(&product->p.book); break; case SOFTWARE: print_software(&product->p.software); break; } return true; } // our main program // ================ void main() { // print customers listing printf("CUSTOMERS:\n"); customer_t *customer = customers; while (customer->id != 0) { print_customer(customer); customer++; } // allocate a small array to store our products in memory product_t *products = (product_t*) malloc(PRODUCTS_COUNT * sizeof(product_t)); // insert our products products[0].id = 1; products[0].category = BOOK; products[0].p.book = ida_book; products[1].id = 2; products[1].category = SOFTWARE; products[1].p.software = softwares.softs[0]; // we insert softwares from our // variable length structure products[2].id = 3; products[2].category = SOFTWARE; products[2].p.software = softwares.softs[1]; products[3].id = 4; products[3].category = SOFTWARE; products[3].p.software = softwares.softs[2]; // verify and print each product printf("\nPRODUCTS:\n"); for (int i = 0; i < PRODUCTS_COUNT; i++) { // check validity of the product category if (! check_product(products[i].category)) { printf("Invalid product !!!\n"); break; } // check validity of softwares if (products[i].category == SOFTWARE) { if (! check_software(products[i].p.software.info)) { printf("Invalid software !!!\n"); break; } } // and print the product print_product(&products[i]); } free(products); }
CUSTOMER 0001: Peter (m)
CUSTOMER 0002: John (m)
CUSTOMER 0003: Mary (f)
PRODUCT 0001: BOOK: IDA QuickStart Guide
下面让我们打开IDA 装载这个程序来分析它。
在字节db、字dw、双字dd 间进行循环切换。
你可以定义循环切换包含的数据类型。我们试着在这个循环切换队列种加入浮点数 float:
使用“D”可以将一个双字类型dd 的数据转换为浮点数float。使用options 菜单中Setup data
types 命令即可打开下面的窗口。
db 上按“D”时,它将转换为一个字dw,但是由于下一个字已经定义,因此IDA 给出一个
这是数据类型切换时的默认操作,该操作可以通过修改options对话框种的Convert already
defined bytes来修改这个设置。
你也可以使用快捷键U 来取消对数据的定义。
当然,有很多不同的字符串类型。IDA 通过Strings 命令,支持多种字串类型。一旦你创建
一个字串,IDA 自动给出一个字串名字。下面我们用这种方法来处理我们C 程序中的一些字
如果我们不是处理一个C 程序该如何做呢?在Options 菜单中提供了一些ASCII 字串风格条
在C 中,ASCII 字串通常使用一个字符数组来表示。IDA 是如何处理数组的呢?
设定它的格式为字符,接着我们按”*”键或使用Edition 工具条的数组命令来产生实际的
IDA 给出了建议的数组大小,它是根据在没有取消已有数据定义的前提下,可以使用的最大
的范围来给出的。你可以指定在一行中显示的元素的数目,元素的宽度。DUP 结构选项允许
你将相同的连续字节组合起来,Display Index 选项用于显示数组的索引。
例如,如果我们创建一个64 个元素的数组,每行有8 个元素,每个元素宽度为 4,不需要
使用dup 结构,带有索引注释,我们将得到下面这个数组形式
当IDA 无法根据选择的类型(本例中是字符类型)来显示时,它会使用红色来高亮这些字节。
用鼠标右键菜单,选择Symbolic constant:IDA 会列出与当前数值匹配的所有的枚举数值。
现在我们来尝试定义一些在software_info_t 结构中定义的位域。从IDA 的角度,位域只是
注意,在我们的C 程序中,有两种不同的位域类型。Platform 和os 位域包含在一个合并数
一方面,category 位域包含一个代表一个类别的数字:同时,一个产品只能属于一个类别!
对 IDA,一个位域可以在一个特定的掩码中只包含一个数值。因此,为了表示 platform 和
category 位域,我们不得不为每个数值的每一位创建小位域,以允许他们组合。
现在,我们可以创建类别位域,使用掩码数值 0x3(2bits)。我们指定一个成员名字,一个
成员数值和一个位域掩码。我们也可以指定一个掩码名字:它不会被IDA 使用,只是一个帮
在operands 工具条中使用枚举成员命令,来应用这些位域定义到我们的软件数据中。
software_t 结构体的第一个成员。按“D”直到我们获得一个 dd 类型,它表示该成员的数
值保存在一个双字里。我们指定它的格式为我们之前定义的software_info_t 枚举结构,并
通过Rename 命令。给它一个合适的名字,Info。
接着,我们使用ASCII 命令定义该结构体的第二个成员。在本例中,IDA 打开了一个对话框
使用“Create struct from data”命令来创建一个结构,。
一旦我们运行这个命令,IDA 创建了一个相应的结构,并打开结构窗口。为获得一个完美的
结构类型,我们按”A”键来修正name 成员的长度为32 字节(正如我们源码中定义的),同
u 应用结构类型来初始化数据
u 转换操作数为结构中的偏移量
在该数据结构体的第一个字节上,然后使用Struct var命令
这样我们得到了一个新的结构体变量。注意IDA 是如何使用注释显示结构体成员的名字的。
Peter和John为 customer_t 结构体。现在取消对John结构的定义,然后在Peter结构上按
IDA 中定义联合体可以象定义标准结构体那样容易。
让我们来试着定义product_u 这个联合体吧。我们假定book_t 和software_t 这两个结构体已
经定义完成。对IDA 来说,联合体相当于是一种特殊的结构体。我们打开Structures 窗口,
运行Add struct type 命令,在对话框中我们选择创建Create union 选项。
样做的。记住:IDA 认为联合体只是一种特殊的结构体。
现在我们看一下softwares_t 这个结构体,结构体中softs 域长度没有被指定。为了在反
有0 个元素的数组。
由于 IDA 无法计算出这种结构体的大小,我们需要通过选择一个区域,来指定我们期望的
注意,IDA 是如何应用这些类型信息和如何以注释的方式来添加成员名称。
在print_customer()函数中,我们知道唯一的参数是一个指向cuttomer_t 的指针。EAX 寄
存器被初始化为这个指针:它指向一个customer_t 的结构。因此,我们推断出所有形式为
[EAX+…]的操作数实际均是在cutstomer_t 结构中的偏移。
为了定义每个操作数为一个结构体的偏移,我们使用鼠标右击这个操作数:IDA 会列出所有
另外一个例子是print_software()函数:EBX 寄存器被初始化为一个指向software_t 结构
体的指针。注意在整个函数中,EBX 寄存器都代表这个结构体。不用担心,IDA 可以使用一
个简单操作就能替换所有偏移:点击Operands 工具跳上的Offset (struct) 命令。
此时Structure offsets 窗口打开。我们在所有可能的寄存器列表中选择EBX 寄存器。对话
框左边树形视图显示了已在IDA 中定义的所有结构。右边的列表显示了EBX 相关的所有操作
数。如果我们在左边树形视图中选择了一个结构,IDA 将会格式化选择的操作数为结构中的
配。在本例中,software_t 结构似乎与所有的操作数匹配。
在Print_func()中使用EBX 寄存器指向了一个product_u 的联合体。在这个函数的结尾,
但此时结构偏移将会有一个不同的表示方法,如果它代表了Product_u 联合体中第一个成员
的偏移,或是这个联合体中的第二个成员的偏移。为了选择合适的成员,从Edit struct
菜单中使用select union member 命令。在这个对话框中,我们可以选择期望的联合体成
体成员被中(本例中是software),IDA 使用一个绿色符号表示偏移与一个联合体成员记录匹
IDA 可以在反汇编程序中将操作数定义为偏移。在下面的例子中,橘黄色表示存在一个可能
使用Operands 工具栏上的Offset 按钮可以将这个操作数转换为一个偏移地址。
; ------------------------------------------------------------- customer_t struc ; (sizeof=0x28) id dd ? name db 32 dup(?) ; string(C) sex dd ? ; char customer_t ends ; ------------------------------------------------------------- softwares_t struc ; (sizeof=0x4, variable size) count dd ? softs software_t 0 dup(?) softwares_t ends ; ------------------------------------------------------------- book_t struc ; (sizeof=0x80) title db 128 dup(?) ; string(C) book_t ends ; ------------------------------------------------------------- software_t struc ; (sizeof=0x24) info dd ? ; enum software_info_t name db 32 dup(?) ; string(C) software_t ends ; ------------------------------------------------------------- product_u union ; (sizeof=0x80) book book_t ? software software_t ? product_u ends ; ------------------------------------------------------------- product_t struc ; (sizeof=0x88) id dd ? category dd ? ; enum product_category_t p product_u ? product_t ends ; ------------------------------------------------------------- ; enum product_category_t BOOK = 0 SOFTWARE = 1 HARDWARE = 2 ; ------------------------------------------------------------- ; enum software_info_t (bitfield) PC = 1 MAC = 2 WINDOWS = 4 DOS = 8 OS_X = 10h category = 60h DISASSEMBLY = 20h RECOVERY = 40h CRYPTOGRAPHY = 60h ; ; +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ; | This file is generated by The Interactive Disassembler (IDA) | ; | Copyright (c) 2005 by DataRescue sa/nv, <[email protected]> | ; | Licensed to: Eric <[email protected]> | ; +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ; ; File Name : C:\IDA\Presentations\Data\data.exe ; Format : Portable executable for IBM PC (PE) ; Section 1. (virtual address 00001000) ; Virtual size : 00009000 ( 36864.) ; Section size in file : 00008E00 ( 36352.) ; Offset to raw data for section: 00000600 ; Flags 60000020: Text Executable Readable ; Alignment : 16 bytes ? unicode macro page,string,zero irpc c,<string> db '&c', page endm ifnb <zero> dw zero endif endm .686p .mmx .model flat ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Segment type: Pure code ; Segment permissions: Read/Execute _text segment para public 'CODE' use32 assume cs:_text ;org 401000h ; [COLLAPSED AREA .text1. PRESS KEYPAD "+" TO EXPAND] ; ||||||||||||||| S U B R O U T I N E ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ; Attributes: bp-based frame ; int __cdecl check_software(software_info_t software_info) check_software proc near ; CODE XREF: main+108p push ebp mov ebp, esp mov al, 1 mov dl, [ebp+software_info] and edx, PC or MAC test dl, PC jz short not_PC mov cl, [ebp+software_info] and ecx, PC or MAC test cl, MAC jnz short end mov dl, [ebp+software_info] shr edx, 2 and edx, (WINDOWS or DOS or OS_X) >> 2 test dl, OS_X >> 2 jz short end xor eax, eax jmp short end ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- not_PC: ; CODE XREF: check_software+Ej mov cl, [ebp+software_info] and ecx, PC or MAC test cl, MAC jz short not_MAC mov dl, [ebp+software_info] and edx, PC or MAC test dl, PC jnz short end mov cl, [ebp+software_info] shr ecx, 2 and ecx, (WINDOWS or DOS or OS_X) >> 2 test cl, WINDOWS >> 2 jnz short not_windows mov dl, [ebp+software_info] shr edx, 2 and edx, (WINDOWS or DOS or OS_X) >> 2 test dl, DOS >> 2 jz short end not_windows: ; CODE XREF: check_software+4Fj xor eax, eax jmp short end ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- not_MAC: ; CODE XREF: check_software+36j xor eax, eax end: ; CODE XREF: check_software+19j check_software+27j ... xor edx, edx mov dl, al mov eax, edx pop ebp retn check_software endp ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 ; ||||||||||||||| S U B R O U T I N E ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ; Attributes: bp-based frame ; int __cdecl check_product(product_category_t product_category) check_product proc near ; CODE XREF: print_product+Ap main+D8p product_category= dword ptr 8 push ebp mov ebp, esp push ebx mov bl, 1 cmp [ebp+product_category], HARDWARE jnz short not_hardware xor ebx, ebx push offset aWeDonTSellHardwareForThe ; format call _printf pop ecx not_hardware: ; CODE XREF: check_product+Aj xor eax, eax mov al, bl pop ebx pop ebp retn check_product endp ; ||||||||||||||| S U B R O U T I N E ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ; Attributes: bp-based frame ; void __cdecl print_customer(customer_t *customer) print_customer proc near ; CODE XREF: main+19p customer= dword ptr 8 push ebp mov ebp, esp mov eax, [ebp+customer] movsx edx, byte ptr [eax+customer_t.sex] push edx lea ecx, [eax+customer_t.name] push ecx push [eax+customer_t.id] push offset aCustomer04xSC ; format call _printf add esp, 10h pop ebp retn print_customer endp ; ||||||||||||||| S U B R O U T I N E ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ; Attributes: bp-based frame ; void __cdecl print_book(book_t *book) print_book proc near ; CODE XREF: print_product+38p book= dword ptr 8 push ebp mov ebp, esp push [ebp+book] push offset aBookS ; format call _printf add esp, 8 pop ebp retn print_book endp ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 ; ||||||||||||||| S U B R O U T I N E ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ; Attributes: bp-based frame ; void __cdecl print_software(software_t *software) print_software proc near ; CODE XREF: print_product+44p software= dword ptr 8 push ebp mov ebp, esp push ebx push esi mov ebx, [ebp+software] mov esi, offset aWeDonTSellHardwareForThe ; "We don't sell hardware for the moment.."... lea eax, [ebx+software_t.name] push eax lea edx, (aSoftwareS - aWeDonTSellHardwareForThe)[esi] ; "We don't sell hardware for the moment.."... push edx ; format call _printf add esp, 8 mov cl, byte ptr [ebx+software_t.info] and ecx, PC or MAC test cl, PC jz short not_pc lea eax, (aPc - aWeDonTSellHardwareForThe)[esi] ; "We don't sell hardware for the moment.."... push eax ; format call _printf pop ecx not_pc: mov dl, byte ptr [ebx+software_t.info] and edx, PC or MAC test dl, MAC jz short not_mac lea ecx, (aMac - aWeDonTSellHardwareForThe)[esi] ; "We don't sell hardware for the moment.."... push ecx ; format call _printf pop ecx not_mac: ; "We don't sell hardware for the moment.."... lea eax, (asc_40A31B - aWeDonTSellHardwareForThe)[esi] push eax ; format call _printf pop ecx mov dl, byte ptr [ebx+software_t.info] shr edx, 2 and edx, (WINDOWS or DOS or OS_X) >> 2 test dl, WINDOWS >> 2 jz short not_windows lea ecx, (aWindows - aWeDonTSellHardwareForThe)[esi] ; "We don't sell hardware for the moment.."... push ecx ; format call _printf pop ecx not_windows: mov al, byte ptr [ebx+software_t.info] shr eax, 2 and eax, (WINDOWS or DOS or OS_X) >> 2 test al, DOS >> 2 jz short not_dos lea edx, (aDos - aWeDonTSellHardwareForThe)[esi] ; "We don't sell hardware for the moment.."... push edx ; format call _printf pop ecx not_dos: mov cl, byte ptr [ebx+software_t.info] shr ecx, 2 and ecx, (WINDOWS or DOS or OS_X) >> 2 test cl, OS_X >> 2 jz short not_os_x lea eax, (aOsX - aWeDonTSellHardwareForThe)[esi] ; "We don't sell hardware for the moment.."... push eax ; format call _printf pop ecx not_os_x: ; "We don't sell hardware for the moment.."... lea edx, (asc_40A331 - aWeDonTSellHardwareForThe)[esi] push edx ; format call _printf pop ecx mov cl, byte ptr [ebx+software_t.info] shr ecx, 5 and ecx, category >> 5 dec ecx jz short DISASSEMBLY dec ecx jz short RECOVERY dec ecx jz short CRYPTOGRAPHY jmp short end ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISASSEMBLY: ; "We don't sell hardware for the moment.."... lea eax, (aDisassembly - aWeDonTSellHardwareForThe)[esi] push eax ; format call _printf pop ecx jmp short end ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOVERY: ; "We don't sell hardware for the moment.."... lea edx, (aRecovery - aWeDonTSellHardwareForThe)[esi] push edx ; format call _printf pop ecx jmp short end ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CRYPTOGRAPHY: ; "We don't sell hardware for the moment.."... lea ecx, (aCryptography - aWeDonTSellHardwareForThe)[esi] push ecx ; format call _printf pop ecx end: ; "We don't sell hardware for the moment.."... lea eax, (asc_40A358 - aWeDonTSellHardwareForThe)[esi] push eax ; format call _printf pop ecx pop esi pop ebx pop ebp retn print_software endp ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 ; ||||||||||||||| S U B R O U T I N E ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ; Attributes: bp-based frame ; int __cdecl print_product(product_t *product) print_product proc near ; CODE XREF: main+128p product= dword ptr 8 push ebp mov ebp, esp push ebx mov ebx, [ebp+product] push [ebx+product_t.category] ; product_category call check_product pop ecx test eax, eax jnz short check_product_ok xor eax, eax pop ebx pop ebp retn ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- check_product_ok: ; CODE XREF: print_product+12j push [ebx+product_t.id] push offset aProduct04x ; format call _printf add esp, 8 mov edx, [ebx+product_t.category] sub edx, 1 jb short case_book jz short case_software jmp short default ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- case_book: ; CODE XREF: print_product+2Ej add ebx, product_t.p.book.title push ebx ; book call print_book pop ecx jmp short default ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- case_software: ; CODE XREF: print_product+30j add ebx, product_t.p.software.info push ebx ; software call print_software pop ecx default: ; CODE XREF: print_product+32j print_product+3Ej mov al, 1 pop ebx pop ebp retn print_product endp ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 ; ||||||||||||||| S U B R O U T I N E ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ; Attributes: bp-based frame ; void __cdecl main() main proc near ; DATA XREF: .data:0040A0D0o push ebp mov ebp, esp push ebx push esi push edi push offset aCustomers ; format call _printf pop ecx mov ebx, offset customers jmp short loc_401376 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- loop_print_customer: ; CODE XREF: main+25j push ebx ; customer call print_customer pop ecx add ebx, 40 loc_401376: ; CODE XREF: main+16j cmp [ebx+customer_t.id], 0 jnz short loop_print_customer push 544 ; size call _malloc pop ecx mov ebx, eax mov [ebx+product_t.id], 1 xor eax, eax ; BOOK mov [ebx+product_t.category], eax mov esi, offset aIdaQuickstartG ; "IDA QuickStart Guide" lea edi, [ebx+product_t.p.book.title] mov ecx, 32 rep movsd mov dword ptr [ebx+product_t[1].id], 2 mov dword ptr [ebx+product_t[1].category], SOFTWARE mov esi, offset softwares.softs lea edi, [ebx+product_t[1].p.software] mov ecx, 9 rep movsd mov dword ptr [ebx+product_t[2].id], 3 mov dword ptr [ebx+product_t[2].category], SOFTWARE mov esi, (offset softwares.softs.info+24h) lea edi, [ebx+product_t[2].p.software] mov ecx, 9 rep movsd mov dword ptr [ebx+product_t[3].id], 4 mov dword ptr [ebx+product_t[3].category], SOFTWARE mov esi, (offset softwares.softs.info+48h) lea edi, [ebx+product_t[3].p.software] mov ecx, 9 rep movsd push offset aProducts ; format call _printf pop ecx xor esi, esi loop_verify_print_product: ; CODE XREF: main+132j mov eax, esi shl eax, 4 add eax, esi push [ebx+eax*8+product_t.category] ; product_category call check_product pop ecx test eax, eax jnz short product_is_valid push offset aInvalidProduct ; format call _printf pop ecx jmp short exit ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- product_is_valid: ; CODE XREF: main+E0j mov edx, esi shl edx, 4 add edx, esi cmp [ebx+edx*8+product_t.category], SOFTWARE jnz short print_product mov ecx, esi shl ecx, 4 add ecx, esi push [ebx+ecx*8+product_t.p.software.info] ; software_info call check_software pop ecx test eax, eax jnz short print_product push offset aInvalidSoftwar ; format call _printf pop ecx jmp short exit ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- print_product: ; CODE XREF: main+FBj main+110j imul eax, esi, 88h add eax, ebx push eax ; product call print_product pop ecx inc esi cmp esi, 4 jl short loop_verify_print_product exit: ; CODE XREF: main+EDj main+11Dj push ebx ; block call _free pop ecx pop edi pop esi pop ebx pop ebp retn main endp ; [COLLAPSED AREA .text2. PRESS KEYPAD "+" TO EXPAND] ; Section 2. (virtual address 0000A000) ; Virtual size : 00003000 ( 12288.) ; Section size in file : 00002800 ( 10240.) ; Offset to raw data for section: 00009400 ; Flags C0000040: Data Readable Writable ; Alignment : 16 bytes ? ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Segment type: Pure data ; Segment permissions: Read/Write _data segment para public 'DATA' use32 assume cs:_data ;org 40A000h ; [COLLAPSED AREA .data1. PRESS KEYPAD "+" TO EXPAND] customers customer_t <1, 'Peter', 'm'> ; DATA XREF: main+11o customer_t <2, 'John', 'm'> customer_t <3, 'Mary', 'f'> customer_t <0> aIdaQuickstartG db 'IDA QuickStart Guide',0 ; DATA XREF: main+3Fo db 6Bh dup(0) softwares dd 3 ; count ; DATA XREF: main+62o dd PC or WINDOWS or DOS or DISASSEMBLY; softs.info db 'IDA Pro',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0; softs.name dd PC or MAC or WINDOWS or OS_X or RECOVERY; softs.info db 'PhotoRescue',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0; softs.name dd PC or WINDOWS or CRYPTOGRAPHY; softs.info db 'aCrypt',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0; softs.name aWeDonTSellHardwareForThe db 'We don',27h,'t sell hardware for the moment...',0Ah,0 ; DATA XREF: check_product+Eo print_software+8o ... aCustomer04xSC db 'CUSTOMER %04X: %s (%c)',0Ah,0 ; DATA XREF: print_customer+11o aBookS db 'BOOK: %s',0Ah,0 ; DATA XREF: print_book+6o aSoftwareS db 'SOFTWARE: %s:',0 ; DATA XREF: print_software+11r aPc db ' PC',0 ; DATA XREF: print_software+27r aMac db ' MAC',0 ; DATA XREF: print_software+3Br asc_40A31B db ';',0 ; DATA XREF: print_software:not_macr aWindows db ' WINDOWS',0 ; DATA XREF: print_software+5Cr aDos db ' DOS',0 ; DATA XREF: print_software+72r aOsX db ' OS-X',0 ; DATA XREF: print_software+89r asc_40A331 db ';',0 ; DATA XREF: print_software:not_os_xr aDisassembly db ' DISASSEMBLY',0 ; DATA XREF: print_software:DISASSEMBLYr aRecovery db ' RECOVERY',0 ; DATA XREF: print_software:RECOVERYr aCryptography db ' CRYPTOGRAPHY',0 ; DATA XREF: print_software:CRYPTOGRAPHYr asc_40A358 db 0Ah,0 ; DATA XREF: print_software:endr aProduct04x db 'PRODUCT %04X: ',0 ; DATA XREF: print_product+1Bo aCustomers db 'CUSTOMERS:',0Ah,0 ; DATA XREF: main+6o aProducts db 0Ah ; DATA XREF: main+C0o db 'PRODUCTS:',0Ah,0 aInvalidProduct db 'Invalid product !!!',0Ah,0 ; DATA XREF: main+E2o aInvalidSoftwar db 'Invalid software !!!',0Ah,0 ; DATA XREF: main+112o ; [COLLAPSED AREA .data2. PRESS KEYPAD "+" TO EXPAND] ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; [00001000 BYTES: COLLAPSED SEGMENT _tls. PRESS KEYPAD "+" TO EXPAND] ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; [00001000 BYTES: COLLAPSED SEGMENT _rdata. PRESS KEYPAD "+" TO EXPAND] ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; [000000C4 BYTES: COLLAPSED SEGMENT _idata. PRESS KEYPAD "+" TO EXPAND]