I am try to use Thunderbird of my Email client. but I found the notify time is too short when a new message coming. so I try to modify it....
the notify-send !
This was pretty cool , Wanted to share with you all !!!!
Notify-send is a great application for notifying you when an event has occurred. An event such as a script running to completion.
If notify-send is not installed on your machine already, install the package "libnotify1" (or possibly just "libnotify") and "libnotify-bin" from your repositories.
Once installed you can simply type the following, at the command line, to display a pop-up message near your system tray:
notify-send "hello"
By default the message will be displayed for 5 seconds. To change how long a message stays displayed use the "-t" switch. This will change, in milliseconds, how long the message is displayed. Enter "-t 0" to leave the message up until the user closes it.
notify-send "This message will be displayed for 3 seconds" -t 3000
notify-send "Click me to close me." -t 0
You can even add a title and an icon to the notification.
notify-send "This is the Title" /
"Check out the cool icon" /
-i /usr/share/pixmaps/gnome-terminal.png
When used in a script you could set it to notify you periodically by placing the command in a loop:
while [ 1 ]; do
notify-send "Up Time" "`uptime`"
sleep 5m