新开源项目AjaxAnywhere 1.0 tag library发布

AjaxAnywhere, 一个用于在网页上用AJAX技术刷新特定的区域的JSP标签库,已经发布了。AjaxAnywhere不需要改变已有的代码,很容易使用,它不需要邦定你的应用到Ajax,即使是不支持Ajax的浏览器仍然可以正常工作。
From the home page:
The idea is simple:

   1. Mark "reload-capable" zones of a web page with AjaxAnywhere custom tags.
   2. Instead of submitting a form in traditional way, do it by AjaxAnywhere javascript API.
   3. During request processing on the server-side, determine the zones to refresh. (You can implement this logic either on the client-side via JavaScript or on the server-side, via AjaxAnywhere API.)
   4. On the server-side AjaxAnywhere will generate an XML containing only the "updated" HTML.
   5. On the client-side AjaxAnywhere javascript will receive the XML, parse it and update the selected zones.
The site also has online demos showing the library in action. AjaxAnywhere has been licensed under the LGPL.
From: http://www.theserverside.com/news/thread.tss?thread_id=36644
