window平台下 Eclipse Ndk开发中的Method 'NewStringUTF' could not be resolved问题

最近需要用到android的ndk,但是在eclipse中,一直提示Method 'NewStringUTF' could not be resolved(方法“NewStringUTF”无法被解析)。可问题是,jni.h等一系列的依赖库,都已经导入了,并且也能正常的使用build来编译出动态库文件。但是无奈的就是eclipse的cdt,仍旧会不停的提示这类的错误,导致整个项目没办法编译过去。





I had this issue. Based on my "solution," it seems to be something funny going on in Eclipse, since I had another project open with (as far as I was able to tell) the exact some properties, paths, etc., besides for being labeled a Library Project.

Just by observing the corresponding struct in jhi.h, the callback prototypes are all there! Ctrl-click the include statement and Eclipse will even link you the reference!

Go to the project's Properties -> C/C++ General -> Code Analysis. Click the "Use project settings" radio button (or "Configure Workspace Settings..." button). Disable (uncheck) the "Method cannot be resolved" checkbox. Click "Apply," "OK." Then for your project, refresh, clean, refresh, build.

There must have been something I did differently in creating the new project. Or maybe it was because of the locations of the projects, or the fact that the previous was a Library. Maybe it really is an Eclipse bug? For reference, I'm using ADT v21.1.0-569685 and NDK r8e for Windows。



Go to the project's Properties -> C/C++ General -> Code Analysis. Click the "Use project settings" radio button (or "Configure Workspace Settings..." button). 

Disable (uncheck) the "Method cannot be resolved" checkbox. Click "Apply," "OK." Then for your project, refresh, clean, refresh, build.
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项目右键->属性->c/c++常规->Code Analysis,选择"Use project settings"  中的方法无法被解析(Method cannot be resolved)取消选择,应用->确定,然后刷新、清理、刷新、build项目。
