实习@ms——procedure of fixing a bug 2010-11-15 11:55

平时用的软件有vs2008,vs2010,source depot(SD),dashboard. 代码的编写主要在vs2010上,vs2008用来修改.rdl文件,source depot用来管理代码,较类似cvs,dashboard算是用来管理bug的进度吧,我的说法可能水了点,不过反正也不是给大牛看的,这么想应该还算好理解。

cd xx\xx\xx\path    //enter the specified path
cd..                      //go to the parent path of the current path
sd sync                 // synchronize the files in the current path with those on the server
build -cZ              //build in the current path
sd edit filename.xx             //make filename.xx open and ready to be modified
notepad filename.xx           //open in notepad
sd opened                         //show which files are opened
windiff -lo                         //show the modification you have made
sd submit filename.xx        //submit the file
sd revert filename.xx         //revert the file, all the modification you've made will be cleared up

Fix bugs 的过程大概是这样:
1. dashboard -> new query ->  "assigned to" "=" "me" ->  run, then you can see the bugs assigned to you.
2. select one bug, decide which files to modify.
3. "edit" the files you want to modify in SD. (For .rdl files, you also need to "edit" the related .rdlc files.) You will see all the opened files in the default changelist. Then you can modify and save them in VS.
4. dashboard -> start razzle button -> "cd project_path" -> "build -cZ"
For the .rdl, you need to build both in the rdl and rdlc path.
5. replace the related dll files. (For my case, from "d:\ssis_core_2\debug\x86" to "c:\program files(x86)\mss\110\tools\binn\management studio")
6. In SD, you can see all the opened files. Create a new changelist about the bug and attach all the related files.
7. dashboard -> code review tab -> pending changes refresh button -> choose the changelist you just created -> code review button -> input bug ID, add to bug list -> add code reviewer(usually your mentor) -> description -> send.
8. after code review by other people, submit the changelist:
dashboard -> code review tab -> pending changes refresh button -> choose the "approved" changelist  -> check in button -> see 5.
