

IVR : ivars should match regular expression:(^[a-z0-9_]+_$)|(^_[a-z0-9_])

SEM : Semicolons = 0 max spaces

EOF : The file should have only one new line

TAB : The file should not have any tabs

ESP : Spaces at the end of line = 2 max spaces

MCM : The class should have previously define comments startingwith @class, including @brief (allowing empty line)

OPS : Number of spaces for the operators shoud be: before=1,after=1

MBF : Member functions should match regular expression:^[a-z][a-z0-9_]+[a-z]$

FRG : Functions should match regular expression:^[a-z][a-z0-9_]+[a-z]$

FLN : Functions must not exceed: 100 lines

MFC : Member function comments missing or wrong

EML : The empty loop shoude be {} or {continue;}

ERB : There shouldn't be an extra space in ()

INL : Inline Functions must not exceed: 10 lines 
