MySQL-python 1.2.3 for Windows and Python 2.7, 32bit and 64bit versions

Last Updated on Sunday, 19 September 2010 04:58 Written by Ioannis Lalopoulos Sunday, 19 September 2010 02:27

I have added to the downloads page two distributions of the mysql-python module 1.2.3 for python 2.7

The distributions are:

  MySQL-python-1.2.3.win32-py2.7.exe (1,023.1 KiB) (1.0 MiB)

Some quick notes:

  1. The choice of 32bit and 64bit depends on the version of python you have installed in your computer and not in the operating system or the server you want to access. So if you have the 32 bit python 2.7 installed on your 64 bit Windows, you will download and install the 32 bit version.
  2. Some python distributions do not make correct registry entries when they install the 64bit python. If this is the case the 64 bit mysql-python installer will not find your python installation. This means that the 64bit python version has been wrongly set in the registry under the Wow6432Node which is under convention for 32bit software only. You will have to add/move the python registry node in the correct place i.e. in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE  for more info see my post in sourceforge . If your python is from the official distribution (  you will not have this problem.

Following are the results  of the test suite that comes with mysql-python on the newly build distributions (I had to edit the tests in three places to replace deprecated test methods in 2.7  that were giving, for that reason, warnings and subsequently two failures in the

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