



cd CGAL-4.0.2 # go to CGAL directory

cmake . # configure CGAL

make # build the CGAL libraries

cd examples/Straight_skeleton_2 # go to an example directory

cmake -DCGAL_DIR=$HOME/CGAL-4.0.2 . # configure the examples

make # build the examples



compiler operating system
Gnu g++ 3.4 or later 1 Linux / MacOS X
MS Windows 95/98/2000/XP/NT4
Intel C++ 11.0 or later2 Linux
MS Visual C++ 9.0, 10.0 (Visual Studio 2008 and 2010)3 MS Windows 95/98/2000/XP/NT4/Vista/7

3 CMake






4.3 Gmp和Mpfr库 

Having Gmp version 4.2 or higher and Mpfr version 2.2.1 or higher installed is recommended. These libraries can be obtained from and, respectively.


是CGAL核心依赖的库之一,Core is a library that provides a number type for computing with real numbers; that is, it allows to represent expressions with square roots involved. This package is useful when dealing with curved objects.




RS (Real Solutions) is devoted to the study of the real roots of polynomial systems with a finite number of complex roots (including univariate polynomials).

In Cgal RS is used by one model of the Algebraic Kernel.

RS is freely distributable for non-commercial use. You can download it from The library RS needs Mpfi, which can be downloaded from Version 1.4 or higher is recommended.

4.7 OpenNL

OpenNL (Open Numerical Library) is a library used to easily construct and solve sparse linear systems.

In Cgal it is the default solver for the Surface Mesh Parameterization package.

The OpenNL's main Web page is Cgal includes a version of OpenNL in C++ made especially for Cgal by Bruno Lévy.




4.8 Eigen

Eigen is a C++ template library for linear algebra. Eigen supports all matrix sizes, various matrix decomposition methods and sparse linear solvers.

In Cgal, Eigen provides sparse linear solvers in the Surface Reconstruction from Point Sets and the Planar Parameterization of Triangulated Surface Meshes packages. Since Cgal version 4.0, Eigen is recommended over Taucs that is not longer maintained.

In addition, Eigen also provides singular value decomposition for the Estimation of Local Differential Properties and the Approximation of Ridges and Umbilics packages.

The usage of Eigen allows to remove lapack, blas and Taucs from the list of third party libraries required by some Cgal packages. Note that the version 3.1 (or greater) of Eigen is required.

The Eigen web site is

4.9 Taucs

Taucs is a library of sparse linear solvers.

In Cgal, Taucs can be used by the Surface Reconstruction from Point Sets package, and by the Planar Parameterization of Triangulated Surface Meshes package. Note that since Cgal 4.0, Eigen is recommended over Taucs.

The Taucs website is
The latest official version is Taucs version 2.2, September 4, 2003. Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2003 by Sivan Toledo, Tel-Aviv University, All Rights Reserved.
See for the license and the availability note.
Used by permission of Sivan Toledo.

The Cgal project provides a modified version of Taucs in the download section of This version fixes some bugs, supports 64-bit platforms, and allows a simplified installation process. It also contains a complete lapack implementation.

As Visual C++ is not properly supported by the Taucs project, we provide a precompiled version of Taucs, which can be downloaded with the installer CGAL-4.0.2-Setup.exe.

CAUTION: Since version 3.3.1, Cgal is no longer compatible with the official release of Taucs (currently 2.2). Make sure to use the modified version provided in the download section.


4.10 Blas

blas (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms) is a library of basic vector and matrix operations.

In Cgal, blas can be used by the packages Estimation of Local Differential Properties and Approximation of Ridges and Umbilics only. Note that if Eigen is available on the system, blas is not required anymore.

You can download the official release from Alternatively, installing Taucs customized for Cgal provides blas.


4.11 Lapack

lapack provides routines for solving systems of simultaneous linear equations, least-squares solutions of linear systems of equations, eigenvalue problems, and singular value problems.

In Cgal, lapack can be used by the packages Estimation of Local Differential Properties and Approximation of Ridges and Umbilics only. Note that if Eigen is available on the system, lapack is not required anymore.

You can download the official release from Alternatively, installing Taucs customized for Cgal provides lapack.


4.12 Qt

Qt is a cross-platform application and UI framework.

Most Cgal demos use Qt3 or Qt4. Having Qt4 version 4.3.0 or higher is recommended.

In case Qt is not yet installed on your system, you can download it from


4.13 libQGLViewer


4.14 Coin

Coin is an implementation of Open Inventor.

In Cgal, Coin is used in the demo of the Kinetic Data Structures package.

You can download it from 可以先不装

4.15 zlib

zlib is a data compression library.

In Cgal this library is used in the examples of the Surface Mesh Generation package.

If it is not already on your system, e.g., on Windows, you can download it from


4.16 ESTBL

The Esbtl (Easy Structural Biology Template Library) is a library that allows the handling of Pdb data.

In Cgal the Esbtl is used in an example of the 3D Skin Surface Meshing package.

It can be downloaded from




