

1. 准备工作


2. 特性


3. 语法

Python 没有命令结束标志,并且,使用缩进来区分程序块。块开始的时候缩进开始,块结束的时候缩进结束。声明需要一个:来引领一个缩进块。注释使用#开始并且只占一行。多行注释使用多行字符串。赋值使用等号(“=”),测试是否相等使用两个等号(“==”)。可以分别使用+=或者-=来增加或者减少变量值。这在多个数据结构上都适用,包括字符串。你也可以在一行上使用多个变量。举例来说:
>>> myvar =  3
>>> myvar +=  2
>>> myvar -=  1
"" "This is a multiline comment.
The following lines concatenate the two strings."
>>> mystring =  "Hello"
>>> mystring +=  " world."
>>>  print  mystring
Hello world.
# This swaps the variables in one line(!).
>>> myvar, mystring = mystring, myvar
4. 数据类型

>>> sample =  [ 1 [ "another" "list" ( "a" "tuple" )
>>> mylist =  [ "List item 1" 2 3 . 14
>>> mylist [ 0  =  "List item 1 again"
>>> mylist [ - 1  =  3 . 14
>>> mydict =  { "Key 1" "Value 1" 2 3 "pi" 3 . 14 }
>>> mydict [ "pi"  =  3 . 14
>>> mytuple =  ( 1 2 3 )
>>> myfunction =  len
>>>  print  myfunction ( mylist )
3 你可以使用:取到数组的一个范围,:前留空则表示从第一个元素开始,:后留空则表示直到最后一个元素。负值表示从后索引(即-1是最后一个元素)。如下所示:
>>> mylist =  [ "List item 1" 2 3 . 14
>>>  print  mylist [ :
[ 'List item 1' 2 3 . 1400000000000001
>>>  print  mylist [ 0 : 2
[ 'List item 1' 2
>>>  print  mylist [ - 3 :- 1
[ 'List item 1' 2
>>>  print  mylist [ 1 :
[ 2 3 . 14 5. 字符串

字符串可以使用单引号或者双引号,你可以在使用一个引号的里面嵌套使用另一种引号(也就是说,"He said 'hello'."是合法的)。多行字符串则使用三引号(单双皆可)。Python还可以让你设置Unicode编码,语法如下:u"This is a unicode string".使用值填充一个字符串的时候可以使用%(取模运算符)和一个元组。每个%s使用元组中的一个元素替换,从左到右。你还可以使用字典。如下所示:
>>>print  "Name: %snNumber: %snString: %s"  %  ( myclass. name 3 3  *  "-" )
Name: Poromenos
Number:  3
String : ---

strString =  "" "This is
a multiline

# WARNING: Watch out for the trailing s in "%(key)s".
>>>  print   "This %(verb)s a %(noun)s."  %  { "noun" "test" "verb" "is" }
This  is  a  test . 6. 流程控制

rangelist =  range ( 10 )
>>>  print  rangelist
[ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
for  number  in  rangelist:
     # Check if number is one of
     # the numbers in the tuple.
     if  number  in   ( 3 4 7 9 ) :
         # "Break" terminates a for without
         # executing the "else" clause.
     else :
         # "Continue" starts the next iteration
         # of the loop. It's rather useless here,
         # as it's the last statement of the loop.
else :
     # The "else" clause is optional and is
     # executed only if the loop didn't "break".
     pass   # Do nothing

if  rangelist [ 1  ==  2 :
     print   "The second item (lists are 0-based) is 2"
elif  rangelist [ 1  ==  3 :
     print   "The second item (lists are 0-based) is 3"
else :
     print   "Dunno"

while  rangelist [ 1  ==  1 :
     pass 7. 函数


# arg2 and arg3 are optional, they have default values
# if one is not passed (100 and "test", respectively).
def  myfunction ( arg1, arg2 =  100 , arg3 =  "test" ) :
     return  arg3, arg2, arg1

>>>ret1, ret2, ret3 = myfunction ( "Argument 1" , arg3 =  "Named argument" )
# Using "print" with multiple values prints them all, separated by a space.
>>>  print  ret1, ret2, ret3
Named argument  100  Argument  1

# Same as def f(x): return x + 1
functionvar =  lambda  x: x +  1
>>>  print  functionvar ( 1 )
2 8. 类

class  MyClass:
    common =  10
     def   __init__ ( self ) :
         self . myvariable  =  3
     def  myfunction ( self , arg1, arg2 ) :
         return   self . myvariable

     # This is the class instantiation
>>> classinstance = MyClass ( )
>>> classinstance. myfunction ( 1 2 )
# This variable is shared by all classes.
>>> classinstance2 = MyClass ( )
>>> classinstance. common
>>> classinstance2. common
# Note how we use the class name
# instead of the instance.
>>> MyClass. common  =  30
>>> classinstance. common
>>> classinstance2. common
# This will not update the variable on the class,
# instead it will create a new one on the class
# instance and assign the value to that.
>>> classinstance. common  =  10
>>> classinstance. common
>>> classinstance2. common
>>> MyClass. common  =  50
# This has not changed, because "common" is
# now an instance variable.
>>> classinstance. common
>>> classinstance2. common

# This class inherits from MyClass. Multiple
# inheritance is declared as:
# class OtherClass(MyClass1, MyClass2, MyClassN)
class  OtherClass ( MyClass ) :
     def   __init__ ( self , arg1 ) :
         self . myvariable  =  3
         print  arg1

>>> classinstance = OtherClass ( "hello" )
>>> classinstance. myfunction ( 1 2 )
# This class doesn't have a .test member, but
# we can add one to the instance anyway. Note
# that this will only be a member of classinstance.
>>> classinstance. test  =  10
>>> classinstance. test
10 9. 异常处理

Python中的异常处理使用 try-except [exceptionname] 程序块:
def  somefunction ( ) :
     try :
         # Division by zero raises an exception
         10  /  0
     except   ZeroDivisionError :
         print   "Oops, invalid."

>>> fnExcept ( )
Oops, invalid.

10. 包的导入

使用import [libname]导入外部包,你也可以为单独的函数使用from [libname] import [funcname]这种形式来导入。下面是一个例子:

import   random
from   time   import  clock

randomint =  random . randint ( 1 100 )
>>>  print  randomint



import   pickle
mylist =  [ "This" "is" 4 13327
# Open the file C:binary.dat for writing. The letter r before the
# filename string is used to prevent backslash escaping.
myfile =  file ( r "C:binary.dat" "w" )
pickle . dump ( mylist, myfile )
myfile. close ( )

myfile =  file ( r "C:text.txt" "w" )
myfile. write ( "This is a sample string" )
myfile. close ( )

myfile =  file ( r "C:text.txt" )
>>>  print  myfile. read ( )
'This is a sample string'
myfile. close ( )

# Open the file for reading.
myfile =  file ( r "C:binary.dat" )
loadedlist =  pickle . load ( myfile )
myfile. close ( )
>>>  print  loadedlist
[ 'This' 'is' 4 13327


12. 其他

  • 条件语句可以链接使用。1 < a < 3检查a是否介于1和3之间。
  • 可以使用del删除数组中的元素或者变量。
  • List comprehensions[不知怎么翻译,译注]提供一个强大的方法来创建和操作list(列表)。它由一个后跟一个for语句的表达式组成,这个for语句后跟一个或者多个if@ 或者 @for语句,就像这样:
  • >>> lst1 = [123
    >>> lst2 = [345
    >>> print [x * y for x in lst1 for y in lst2
    >>> print [for x in lst1 if 4 > x > 1
    # Check if an item has a specific property.
    # "any" returns true if any item in the list is true.
    >>> any(i % 3 for i in [33443)
    # Check how many items have this property.
    >>> sum(1 for i in [33443 if i == 3)
    >>> del lst1[0
    >>> print lst1
    >>> del lst1
  • 全局变量可以声明在函数外边并且不需要任何特殊的声明就可以直接读取使用。但是如果你要改变该全局变量的值,你必须在函数的开始使用global关键字声明它,否则,Python将创建一个局部变量并给他赋值(要特别注意这点,不知道的话很容易犯错)。比如:
  • number = 5

    def myfunc():
        # This will print 5.
        print number

    def anotherfunc():
        # This raises an exception because the variable has not
        # been assigned to before printing. Python knows that it a
        # value will be assigned to it later and creates a new, local
        # number instead of accessing the global one.
        print number
        number = 3

    def yetanotherfunc():
        global number
        # This will correctly change the global.
        number = 3
13. 结束语

这个教程并没有列出Python的全部细节(甚至连一个子集都算不上)。Python还有一系列的库以及许多其他功能,这就需要你通过其他途径来学习了,比如很优秀的在线教程 Dive into Python 。我只希望这个教程能让你对Python快速上手。如果你觉得有什么需要改进或者添加的地方,或者你想看到的其他任何东西(类,错误处理,任何东西),那就在这里留言吧。
