ubuntu10.04 wine安装source insight3.5

安装了wine,然后打开source insight的安装程序,结果报错:


Archive:  /home/zhangbin/Downloads/source insight 3564Setup.exe

[/home/zhangbin/Downloads/source insight 3564Setup.exe]
  End-of-central-directory signature not found.  Either this file is not
  a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive.  In the
  latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on
  the last disk(s) of this archive.
note:  /home/zhangbin/Downloads/source insight 3564Setup.exe may be a plain executable, not an archive
zipinfo:  cannot find zipfile directory in one of /home/zhangbin/Downloads/source insight 3564Setup.exe or

          /home/zhangbin/Downloads/source insight 3564Setup.exe.zip, and cannot find /home/zhangbin/Downloads/source insight 3564Setup.exe.ZIP, period.

根据以上的说明,发现是用archive manager打开的,肯定不能打开exe的source insight 程序了。那么,选择属性里头的open with 为wine,把exe的属性设置为可以作为可知行程序运行,就可以用wine打开sourceinsight的安装exe,然后安装了。

(2) 菜单栏无响应

sourceinsight 在wine上工作,菜单栏经常会没有响应,不知道是不是鼠标响应和坐标位置出现了错位。


实在不行,就重启source insight ,就好了。

(3)source insight 的窗口是按照ubuntu 10.04 的窗口来render的。



ubuntu10.04 wine安装source insight3.5_第1张图片

ubuntu10.04 wine安装source insight3.5_第2张图片
