Android Sensor 适配层的书写--主要是对函数的介绍

Sensor 适配层的书写-----大家多讨论

 * Every device data structure must begin with hw_device_t
 * followed by module specific public methods and attributes.
struct sensors_control_device_t {
    struct hw_device_t common;
     * The caller takes ownership of this handle. This is intended to be
     * passed cross processes.
    native_handle_t* (*open_data_source)(struct sensors_control_device_t *dev);

     * 释放所有在open_data_source中申请的资源
     * 这个调用的函数是可选的,可以设置为NULL
     * 成功返回0,失败小于0
     * @return 0 if successful, < 0 on error
    int (*close_data_source)(struct sensors_control_device_t *dev);

    /** 使一个sensor有效或者无效
     * 参数:
     *     handle: 需要变化的sensor的handle
     *     enable: 1,使能;0,无效
     * 返回值:
     *     成功为0,失败为1
    int (*activate)(struct sensors_control_device_t *dev, 
            int handle, int enabled);
     * 设置sensor event的间隔时间,单位ms
     * 成功为0,失败小于0
    int (*set_delay)(struct sensors_control_device_t *dev, int32_t ms);

     * 促使sensors_data_device_t.poll()立即返回-EWOULDBLOCK
    int (*wake)(struct sensors_control_device_t *dev);

struct sensors_data_device_t {
    struct hw_device_t common;

     * 准备读取sensor的数据
     * This routine does NOT take ownership of the handle
     * and must not close it. Typically this routine would
     * use a duplicate of the nh parameter.
     * 参数nh:来自于sensors_control_open
     * 返回值:0表示成功,小于0表示失败;
    int (*data_open)(struct sensors_data_device_t *dev, native_handle_t* nh);
     * 调用者必须完成了sensor的数据读取才可以调用此函数。因此可以知道,此函数会将设备节点给关闭掉;
     * 调用此函数不会阻塞poll函数。
     * 成功返回0,失败小于0
     * /
    int (*data_close)(struct sensors_data_device_t *dev);
     * sensors_data_t指针返回指定的sensor的数据
     * 返回值:sensor的handle
     * poll的实现这里也说的很清楚,是返回指定的sensor的数据,也就是说这个poll不能一次把所有的sensor的数据都拿到
    int (*poll)(struct sensors_data_device_t *dev, 
            sensors_data_t* data);


