




PARALUTION is a library which enables you to perform various sparse iterative solvers andpreconditioners on multi/many-core CPU and GPU devices. Based on C++, it provides generic and flexible design which allows seamless integration with other scientific software packages.



PARALUTION contains Krylov subspace solvers (CG, BiCGStab, GMRES), Multigrid (GMG, AMG), Fixed-point iteration schemes, Mixed-precision schemes and fine-grained parallel preconditioners based onsplitting, ILU factorization with levels, multi-elimination ILU factorization and approximate inverse.



It is a well known fact that many complex simulation software and libraries based on sparse matrix computation do not utilize the full potential of modern computers. Another well known fact is that most high-performance benchmarks only represent basic mathematical formalization of the problems. The goal of this project is to bridge the gap between these two worlds.

[Open Source]

The PARALUTION library is FREE. The software is released under GPL v3 and the all documents are under Creative Commons licenses. Please visit our License page for more details.
