isa, is a kind of
swizzling, 混合,搅合。
[site setValue:@"sitename" forKey:@"name"];
SEL sel = sel_get_uid ("setValue:forKey:");
IMP method = objc_msg_lookup (site->isa,sel);
method(site, sel, @"sitename", @"name");
Selectors are the run-time system's identifier for a method. The SEL data type is used for selectors.
The sel_get_uid() function can be used to get a method's selector from it's name:
If we want to get an IMP
using the Objective-C runtime functions, then use objc_msg_lookup(id,SEL)
on the GNU runtime.
is a C type referring to the implementation of a method, also known as an implementation pointer. It's a pointer to a function returning id
, and with self
and a method selector (available inside method definitions as the variable _cmd
) as the first arguments:
id (*IMP)(id, SEL, ...);
With NSObject, you can obtain the IMP
for a given method by doing:
IMP imp=[obj methodForSelector:@selector(message)];
For Object, do:
IMP imp=[obj methodFor:@selector(message)];
How do I send a message given an IMP?
Dereference it, as with a C function pointer:
id anObject, theResult; IMP someImp; SEL aSelector; // ... theResult=someImp(anObject,aSelector);
When an observer is registered for an attribute of an object the isa pointer of the observed object is modified, pointing to an intermediate class rather than at the true class. As a result the value of the isa pointer does not necessarily reflect the actual class of the instance.
Instead of relying on the isa pointer your application should use the class method to determine the class of an object instance.