JBPM3 获得待办列表 1:未接收;2:办理中;3:已办结;4:全部工作


  * get all the task instances for a given actor. type 1:未接收;2:办理中;3:已办结;4:全部工作
 public List<TaskInstance> findTaskInstances(String[] actorIds, String type) {
  List result1 = null;
  try {
   String hql = "";
   if ("1".equals(type)) {// 1:未接收
    hql = "select distinct ti "
     + "from org.jbpm.taskmgmt.exe.TaskInstance as ti "
     + "where ti.actorId in (:actorIds)"
     + " and ti.isSuspended <> 1" + " and ti.isOpen = 1"
     + " and ti.start is null" + " and ti.end is null"
     + " order by ti.id desc";
   } else if ("2".equals(type)) {// 2:办理中
    hql = "select distinct ti "
     + "from org.jbpm.taskmgmt.exe.TaskInstance as ti "
     + "where ti.actorId in (:actorIds)"
     + " and ti.isSuspended <> 1" + " and ti.isOpen = 1"
     + " and ti.start is not null" + " and ti.end is null"
     + " order by ti.id desc";
   } else if ("3".equals(type)) {// 3:已办结
    hql = "select distinct ti "
     + "from org.jbpm.taskmgmt.exe.TaskInstance as ti "
     + "where ti.id in ("
     + " select max(t.id) from org.jbpm.taskmgmt.exe.TaskInstance as t"
     + " where t.actorId in (:actorIds) and t.isOpen <> 1"
     + "  and t.start is not null and t.end is not null group by t.processInstance.id)"
     + " order by ti.id desc";
   } else {// 4:全部工作
    hql = "select distinct ti "
     + "from org.jbpm.taskmgmt.exe.TaskInstance as ti "
     + "where ti.id in ("
     + " select max(t.id) from org.jbpm.taskmgmt.exe.TaskInstance as t"
     + " where t.actorId in (:actorIds) group by t.processInstance.id)"
     + " order by ti.id desc";
   Query query = session.createQuery(hql);
   query.setParameterList("actorIds", actorIds);
   result1 = query.list();
  } catch (Exception e) {
   throw new JbpmException("couldn't get task instances list for actor '" + actorIds + "'", e);
  List result2 = null;
  try {
   String hql = "";
   if ("1".equals(type)) {// 1:未接收
    hql = "select distinct ti "
     + "from org.jbpm.taskmgmt.exe.PooledActor pa join pa.taskInstances ti "
     + "where pa.actorId in (:actorIds)"
     + " and ti.actorId is null"
     + " and ti.isSuspended <> 1" + " and ti.isOpen = 1"
     + " and ti.start is null" + " and ti.end is null"
     + " order by ti.id desc";
   } else if ("2".equals(type)) {// 2:办理中
    hql = "select distinct ti "
     + "from org.jbpm.taskmgmt.exe.PooledActor pa join pa.taskInstances ti "
     + "where pa.actorId in (:actorIds)"
     + " and ti.actorId is null"
     + " and ti.isSuspended <> 1" + " and ti.isOpen = 1"
     + " and ti.start is not null" + " and ti.end is null"
     + " order by ti.id desc";
   } else if ("3".equals(type)) {// 3:已办结
    hql = "select distinct ti "
     + "from org.jbpm.taskmgmt.exe.TaskInstance as ti "
     + "where ti.id in ( select max(t.id)"
     + " from org.jbpm.taskmgmt.exe.PooledActor pa join pa.taskInstances t"
     + " where pa.actorId in (:actorIds) and t.actorId is null and t.isOpen <> 1"
     + "  and t.start is not null and t.end is not null group by t.processInstance.id"
     + " )order by ti.id desc";
   } else {// 4:全部工作
    hql = "select distinct ti "
     + "from org.jbpm.taskmgmt.exe.TaskInstance as ti "
     + "where ti.id in ( select max(t.id)"
     + " from org.jbpm.taskmgmt.exe.PooledActor pa join pa.taskInstances t"
     + " where pa.actorId in (:actorIds) and t.actorId is null group by t.processInstance.id"
     + " )order by ti.id desc";
   Query query = session.createQuery(hql);
   query.setParameterList("actorIds", actorIds);
   result2 = query.list();
  } catch (Exception e) {
   throw new JbpmException("couldn't get pooled task instances list for actor '" + actorIds + "'", e);
  Set set = new HashSet();
  return new ArrayList(set);

