package com.thinkgem.word; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import org.htmlparser.Parser; import org.htmlparser.Tag; import org.htmlparser.filters.TagNameFilter; import org.htmlparser.lexer.Lexer; import org.htmlparser.lexer.Page; import org.htmlparser.util.DefaultParserFeedback; import org.htmlparser.util.NodeList; import org.htmlparser.util.ParserException; import javax.activation.DataHandler; import javax.activation.DataSource; import javax.activation.MimetypesFileTypeMap; import javax.mail.Message; import javax.mail.MessagingException; import javax.mail.Multipart; import javax.mail.Session; import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress; import javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart; import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage; import javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart; import javax.mail.internet.MimePartDataSource; /** * * MHT文件解析类 * */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public class Html2MHTCompiler { private URL strWeb = null; /** 网页地址 */ private String strText = null; /** 网页文本内容 */ private String strFileName = null; /** 本地文件名 */ private String strEncoding = null; /** 网页编码 */ // MHT格式附加信息 private String from = ""; private String to; private String subject; private String cc; private String bcc; private String smtp = "localhost"; public static void main(String[] args) { String strUrl = "π="; String strEncoding = "utf-8"; String strText1 = JQuery.getHtmlText(strUrl, strEncoding); String strText2 = "<img src=\"{2}\"/><meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" /><link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"\" /><P><div class=paper_list>sdfsdf<div class=paper>dfkjsldjfl<table><tr><td>abc</td><td>abc</td></tr><tr><td>abc</td><td>abc</td></tr></table></div></div><IMG SRC=\"\"/><SPAN>sdfsdf</SPAN></P><p><span style=\"font-size: 10pt; color:#f00;\"><font face=\"宋体\">在下列各溶液中,离子一定能大量共存的是<span lang=\"EN-US\"> ( )<o:p></o:p></span></font></span></p><p><font face=\"宋体\"><span lang=\"EN-US\" style=\"font-size: 10pt\">A</span><span style=\"font-size: 10pt\">.强碱性溶液中:<span lang=\"EN-US\">K</span><sup>+</sup>、<span lang=\"EN-US\">S<sup>2-</sup></span>、<span lang=\"EN-US\">ClO</span><sup>-</sup>、<span lang=\"EN-US\">SO<sub>4</sub><sup>2</sup>< /span><sup>-</sup><span lang=\"EN-US\"> <o:p></o:p></span></span></font></p><p><font face=\"宋体\"><span lang=\"EN-US\" style=\"font-size: 10pt\">B</span><span style=\"font-size: 10pt\">.含有<span lang=\"EN-US\">0.1mol</span></span></font><span style=\"font-family: "MS Mincho"; font-size: 10pt; mso-bidi-font-family: 'MS Mincho'\">?</span><font face=\"宋体\"><span lang=\"EN-US\" style=\"font-size: 10pt\">L</span><sup><span style=\"font-size: 10pt\">-<span lang=\"EN-US\">1 </span></span></sup><span lang=\"EN-US\" style=\"font-size: 10pt\">Fe<sup>3</sup></span><sup><span style=\"font-size: 10pt\">+</span></sup><span style=\"font-size: 10pt\">的溶液中:<span lang=\"EN-US\">K</span><sup>+</sup>、<span lang=\"EN-US\">Mg<sup>2</sup></span><sup>+& lt;/sup>、<span lang=\"EN-US\">I</span><sup>-</sup>、<span lang=\"EN-US\">NO<sub>3</sub></span><sup>-& lt;/sup><span lang=\"EN-US\"><o:p></o:p></span></span></font></p><p><font face=\"宋体\"><span lang=\"EN-US\" style=\"font-size: 10pt\">C</span><span style=\"font-size: 10pt\">.无色溶液中:<span lang=\"EN-US\">Na</span><sup>+</sup>、<span lang=\"EN-US\">K</span><sup>+</sup>、<span lang=\"EN-US\">CO<sub>3</sub><sup>2</sup>< /span><sup>-</sup>、<span lang=\"EN-US\">Cu<sup>2+</sup><o:p></o:p></span></span></font></p><p><font face=\"宋体\"><span lang=\"EN-US\" style=\"font-size: 10pt\">D</span><span style=\"font-size: 10pt\">.室温下,<span lang=\"EN-US\">pH</span>=<span lang=\"EN-US\">1</span>的溶液中:<span lang=\"EN-US\">Na</span><sup>+</sup>、<span lang=\"EN-US\">Fe<sup>3</sup></span><sup>+& lt;/sup>、<span lang=\"EN-US\">NO<sub>3</sub></span><sup>-& lt;/sup>、<span lang=\"EN-US\">SO<sub>4</sub><sup>2</sup>< /span><sup>-</sup><span lang=\"EN-US\"> <o:p></o:p></span></span></font></p>` ( sqrt{2} )/(2) `<p> </p><script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"\"></script>"; Html2MHTCompiler h2t = new Html2MHTCompiler(strText2, strUrl, strEncoding, "c:\\test.mht"); h2t.compile(); //Html2MHTCompiler.mht2html("c:\\test.mht", "c:\\test.htm"); } /** * * * 方法说明:初始化 * * * 输入参数:strText 网页文本内容; strUrl 网页地址; strEncoding 网页编码; strFileName 本地文件名 * * * 返回类型: * */ public Html2MHTCompiler(String strText, String strUrl, String strEncoding, String strFileName) { try { strWeb = new URL(strUrl); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } this.strText = strText; this.strEncoding = strEncoding; this.strFileName = strFileName; } /** * * * 方法说明:执行下载操作 * * * 输入参数: * * * 返回类型: * */ public boolean compile() { if (strWeb == null || strText == null || strFileName == null || strEncoding == null) return false; HashMap urlMap = new HashMap(); NodeList nodes = new NodeList(); try { Parser parser = createParser(strText); parser.setEncoding(strEncoding); nodes = parser.parse(null); } catch (ParserException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } extractAllScriptNodes(nodes); ArrayList urlScriptList = extractAllScriptNodes(nodes, urlMap); ArrayList urlImageList = extractAllImageNodes(nodes, urlMap); for (Iterator iter = urlMap.entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); String key = (String) entry.getKey(); String val = (String) entry.getValue(); strText = JHtmlClear.replace(strText, val, key); } try { createMhtArchive(strText, urlScriptList, urlImageList); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } return true; } /** * * * 方法说明:建立HTML parser * * * 输入参数:inputHTML 网页文本内容 * * * 返回类型:HTML parser * */ private Parser createParser(String inputHTML) { Lexer mLexer = new Lexer(new Page(inputHTML)); return new Parser(mLexer, new DefaultParserFeedback( DefaultParserFeedback.QUIET)); } /** * * * 方法说明:抽取基础URL地址 * * * 输入参数:nodes 网页标签集合 * * * 返回类型: * */ private void extractAllScriptNodes(NodeList nodes) { NodeList filtered = nodes.extractAllNodesThatMatch(new TagNameFilter( "BASE"), true); if (filtered != null && filtered.size() > 0) { Tag tag = (Tag) filtered.elementAt(0); String href = tag.getAttribute("href"); if (href != null && href.length() > 0) { try { strWeb = new URL(href); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } /** * * * 方法说明:抽取网页包含的css,js链接 * * * 输入参数:nodes 网页标签集合; urlMap 已存在的url集合 * * * 返回类型:css,js链接的集合 * */ private ArrayList extractAllScriptNodes(NodeList nodes, HashMap urlMap) { ArrayList urlList = new ArrayList(); NodeList filtered = nodes.extractAllNodesThatMatch(new TagNameFilter( "script"), true); for (int i = 0; i < filtered.size(); i++) { Tag tag = (Tag) filtered.elementAt(i); String src = tag.getAttribute("src"); // Handle external css file's url if (src != null && src.length() > 0) { String innerURL = src; String absoluteURL = makeAbsoluteURL(strWeb, innerURL); if (absoluteURL != null && !urlMap.containsKey(absoluteURL)) { urlMap.put(absoluteURL, innerURL); ArrayList urlInfo = new ArrayList(); urlInfo.add(innerURL); urlInfo.add(absoluteURL); urlList.add(urlInfo); } tag.setAttribute("src", absoluteURL); } } filtered = nodes.extractAllNodesThatMatch(new TagNameFilter("link"), true); for (int i = 0; i < filtered.size(); i++) { Tag tag = (Tag) filtered.elementAt(i); String type = (tag.getAttribute("type")); String rel = (tag.getAttribute("rel")); String href = tag.getAttribute("href"); boolean isCssFile = false; if (rel != null) { isCssFile = rel.indexOf("stylesheet") != -1; } else if (type != null) { isCssFile |= type.indexOf("text/css") != -1; } // Handle external css file's url if (isCssFile && href != null && href.length() > 0) { String innerURL = href; String absoluteURL = makeAbsoluteURL(strWeb, innerURL); if (absoluteURL != null && !urlMap.containsKey(absoluteURL)) { urlMap.put(absoluteURL, innerURL); ArrayList urlInfo = new ArrayList(); urlInfo.add(innerURL); urlInfo.add(absoluteURL); urlList.add(urlInfo); } tag.setAttribute("href", absoluteURL); } } return urlList; } /** * * * 方法说明:抽取网页包含的图像链接 * * * 输入参数:nodes 网页标签集合; urlMap 已存在的url集合 * * * 返回类型:图像链接集合 * */ private ArrayList extractAllImageNodes(NodeList nodes, HashMap urlMap) { ArrayList urlList = new ArrayList(); NodeList filtered = nodes.extractAllNodesThatMatch(new TagNameFilter( "IMG"), true); for (int i = 0; i < filtered.size(); i++) { Tag tag = (Tag) filtered.elementAt(i); String src = tag.getAttribute("src"); // Handle external css file's url if (src != null && src.length() > 0) { String innerURL = src; String absoluteURL = makeAbsoluteURL(strWeb, innerURL); if (absoluteURL != null && !urlMap.containsKey(absoluteURL)) { urlMap.put(absoluteURL, innerURL); ArrayList urlInfo = new ArrayList(); urlInfo.add(innerURL); urlInfo.add(absoluteURL); urlList.add(urlInfo); } tag.setAttribute("src", absoluteURL); } } return urlList; } /** * * * 方法说明:相对路径转绝对路径 * * * 输入参数:strWeb 网页地址; innerURL 相对路径链接 * * * 返回类型:绝对路径链接 * */ public static String makeAbsoluteURL(URL strWeb, String innerURL) { // 去除后缀 int pos = innerURL.indexOf("?"); if (pos != -1) { innerURL = innerURL.substring(0, pos); } if (innerURL != null && innerURL.toLowerCase().indexOf("http") == 0) { System.out.println(innerURL); return innerURL; } URL linkUri = null; try { linkUri = new URL(strWeb, innerURL); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } String absURL = linkUri.toString(); absURL = JHtmlClear.replace(absURL, "../", ""); absURL = JHtmlClear.replace(absURL, "./", ""); System.out.println(absURL); return absURL; } /** * * * 方法说明:创建mht文件 * * * 输入参数:content 网页文本内容; urlScriptList 脚本链接集合; urlImageList 图片链接集合 * * * 返回类型: * */ private void createMhtArchive(String content, ArrayList urlScriptList, ArrayList urlImageList) throws Exception { MimeMultipart mp = new MimeMultipart("related"); Properties props = new Properties(); props.put("", smtp); Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null); MimeMessage msg = new MimeMessage(session); msg.setHeader("X-Mailer", "Code Manager .SWT"); if (from != null) { msg.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from)); } if (subject != null) { msg.setSubject(subject); } if (to != null) { InternetAddress[] toAddresses = getInetAddresses(to); msg.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, toAddresses); } if (cc != null) { InternetAddress[] ccAddresses = getInetAddresses(cc); msg.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.CC, ccAddresses); } if (bcc != null) { InternetAddress[] bccAddresses = getInetAddresses(bcc); msg.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.BCC, bccAddresses); } // 设置网页正文 MimeBodyPart bp = new MimeBodyPart(); bp.setText(content, strEncoding); bp.addHeader("Content-Type", "text/html;charset=" + strEncoding); bp.addHeader("Content-Location", strWeb.toString()); mp.addBodyPart(bp); int urlCount = urlScriptList.size(); for (int i = 0; i < urlCount; i++) { bp = new MimeBodyPart(); ArrayList urlInfo = (ArrayList) urlScriptList.get(i); // String url = urlInfo.get(0).toString(); String absoluteURL = urlInfo.get(1).toString(); bp.addHeader("Content-Location", javax.mail.internet.MimeUtility .encodeWord(, strEncoding))); DataSource source = new AttachmentDataSource(absoluteURL, "text"); bp.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(source)); mp.addBodyPart(bp); } urlCount = urlImageList.size(); for (int i = 0; i < urlCount; i++) { bp = new MimeBodyPart(); ArrayList urlInfo = (ArrayList) urlImageList.get(i); // String url = urlInfo.get(0).toString(); String absoluteURL = urlInfo.get(0).toString(); System.out.println(urlInfo.get(0).toString() + " +++ " + urlInfo.get(1)); bp.addHeader("Content-Location", javax.mail.internet.MimeUtility .encodeWord(, strEncoding))); DataSource source = new AttachmentDataSource(absoluteURL, "image"); bp.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(source)); mp.addBodyPart(bp); } msg.setContent(mp); // write the mime multi part message to a file msg.writeTo(new FileOutputStream(strFileName)); } /** * * * 方法说明:mht转html * * * 输入参数:strMht mht文件路径; strHtml html文件路径 * * * 返回类型: * */ public static void mht2html(String strMht, String strHtml) { try { InputStream fis = new FileInputStream(strMht); Session mailSession = Session.getDefaultInstance(System .getProperties(), null); MimeMessage msg = new MimeMessage(mailSession, fis); Object content = msg.getContent(); if (content instanceof Multipart) { MimeMultipart mp = (MimeMultipart) content; MimeBodyPart bp1 = (MimeBodyPart) mp.getBodyPart(0); String strEncodng = getEncoding(bp1); String strText = getHtmlText(bp1, strEncodng); if (strText == null) return; File parent = null; if (mp.getCount() > 1) { parent = new File(new File(strHtml).getAbsolutePath() + ".files"); parent.mkdirs(); if (!parent.exists()) return; } for (int i = 1; i < mp.getCount(); ++i) { MimeBodyPart bp = (MimeBodyPart) mp.getBodyPart(i); String strUrl = getResourcesUrl(bp); if (strUrl == null) continue; DataHandler dataHandler = bp.getDataHandler(); MimePartDataSource source = (MimePartDataSource) dataHandler .getDataSource(); File resources = new File(parent.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + getName(strUrl, i)); if (saveResourcesFile(resources, bp.getInputStream())) strText = JHtmlClear.replace(strText, strUrl, resources .getAbsolutePath()); } saveHtml(strText, strHtml); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * * * 方法说明:得到资源文件的name * * * 输入参数:strName 资源文件链接, ID 资源文件的序号 * * * 返回类型:资源文件的本地临时文件名 * */ public static String getName(String strName, int ID) { char separator = '/'; System.out.println(strName); System.out.println(separator); if (strName.lastIndexOf(separator) >= 0) return format(strName.substring(strName.lastIndexOf(separator) + 1)); return "temp" + ID; } /** * * * 方法说明:得到网页编码 * * * 输入参数:bp MimeBodyPart类型的网页内容 * * * 返回类型:MimeBodyPart里的网页内容的编码 * */ private static String getEncoding(MimeBodyPart bp) { if (bp != null) { try { Enumeration list = bp.getAllHeaders(); while (list.hasMoreElements()) { javax.mail.Header head = (javax.mail.Header) list .nextElement(); if (head.getName().compareTo("Content-Type") == 0) { String strType = head.getValue(); int pos = strType.indexOf("charset="); if (pos != -1) { String strEncoding = strType.substring(pos + 8, strType.length()); if (strEncoding.toLowerCase().compareTo("gb2312") == 0) { strEncoding = "gbk"; } return strEncoding; } } } } catch (MessagingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return null; } /** * * * 方法说明:得到资源文件url * * * 输入参数:bp MimeBodyPart类型的网页内容 * * * 返回类型:资源文件url * */ private static String getResourcesUrl(MimeBodyPart bp) { if (bp != null) { try { Enumeration list = bp.getAllHeaders(); while (list.hasMoreElements()) { javax.mail.Header head = (javax.mail.Header) list .nextElement(); if (head.getName().compareTo("Content-Location") == 0) { return head.getValue(); } } } catch (MessagingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return null; } /** * * * 方法说明:格式化文件名 * * * 输入参数:strName 文件名 * * * 返回类型:经过处理的符合命名规则的文件名 * */ private static String format(String strName) { if (strName == null) return null; strName = strName.replaceAll(" ", " "); String strText = "\\/:*?\"<>|^___FCKpd___0quot;"; for (int i = 0; i < strName.length(); ++i) { String ch = String.valueOf(strName.charAt(i)); if (strText.indexOf(ch) != -1) { strName = strName.replace(strName.charAt(i), '-'); } } return strName; } /** * * * 方法说明:保存资源文件 * * * 输入参数:resources 要创建的资源文件; inputStream 要输入文件中的流 * * * 返回类型:boolean * */ private static boolean saveResourcesFile(File resources, InputStream inputStream) { if (resources == null || inputStream == null) { return false; } BufferedInputStream in = null; FileOutputStream fio = null; BufferedOutputStream osw = null; try { in = new BufferedInputStream(inputStream); fio = new FileOutputStream(resources); osw = new BufferedOutputStream(new DataOutputStream(fio)); int b; byte[] a = new byte[1024]; boolean isEmpty = true; while ((b = != -1) { isEmpty = false; osw.write(a, 0, b); osw.flush(); } osw.close(); fio.close(); in.close(); inputStream.close(); if (isEmpty) resources.delete(); return true; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("解析mht失败"); return false; } finally { try { if (osw != null) osw.close(); if (fio != null) fio.close(); if (in != null) in.close(); if (inputStream != null) inputStream.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("解析mht失败"); return false; } } } /** * * * 方法说明:得到mht文件的标题 * * * 输入参数:mhtFilename mht文件名 * * * 返回类型:mht文件的标题 * */ public static String getTitle(String mhtFilename) { try { InputStream fis = new FileInputStream(mhtFilename); Session mailSession = Session.getDefaultInstance(System .getProperties(), null); MimeMessage msg = new MimeMessage(mailSession, fis); Object content = msg.getContent(); if (content instanceof Multipart) { MimeMultipart mp = (MimeMultipart) content; MimeBodyPart bp1 = (MimeBodyPart) mp.getBodyPart(0); String strEncodng = getEncoding(bp1); String strText = getHtmlText(bp1, strEncodng); if (strText == null) return null; strText = strText.toLowerCase(); int pos1 = strText.indexOf("<title>"); int pos2 = strText.indexOf("</title>"); if (pos1 != -1 && pos2 != -1 && pos2 > pos1) { return strText.substring(pos1 + 7, pos2).trim(); } } return null; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } /** * * * 方法说明:得到html文本 * * * 输入参数:bp MimeBodyPart类型的网页内容; strEncoding 内容编码 * * * 返回类型:html文本 * */ private static String getHtmlText(MimeBodyPart bp, String strEncoding) { InputStream textStream = null; BufferedInputStream buff = null; BufferedReader br = null; Reader r = null; try { textStream = bp.getInputStream(); buff = new BufferedInputStream(textStream); r = new InputStreamReader(buff, strEncoding); br = new BufferedReader(r); StringBuffer strHtml = new StringBuffer(""); String strLine = null; while ((strLine = br.readLine()) != null) { strHtml.append(strLine + "\r\n"); } br.close(); r.close(); textStream.close(); return strHtml.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { if (br != null) br.close(); if (buff != null) buff.close(); if (textStream != null) textStream.close(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("解析mht失败"); } } return null; } /** * * * 方法说明:保存html文件 * * * 输入参数:strText html内容; strHtml html文件名 * * * 返回类型: * */ private static void saveHtml(String strText, String strHtml) { try { FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(strHtml); fw.write(strText); fw.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("解析mht失败"); } } private InternetAddress[] getInetAddresses(String emails) throws Exception { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(emails, ","); while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) { list.add(tok.nextToken()); } int count = list.size(); InternetAddress[] addresses = new InternetAddress[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { addresses[i] = new InternetAddress(list.get(i).toString()); } return addresses; } class AttachmentDataSource implements DataSource { private MimetypesFileTypeMap map = new MimetypesFileTypeMap(); private String strUrl; private String strType; private byte[] dataSize = null; /** * * This is some content type maps. * */ private Map normalMap = new HashMap(); { // Initiate normal mime type map // Images normalMap.put("image", "image/jpeg"); normalMap.put("text", "text/plain"); } public AttachmentDataSource(String strUrl, String strType) { this.strType = strType; this.strUrl = strUrl; strUrl = strUrl.trim(); strUrl = strUrl.replaceAll(" ", "%20"); dataSize = JQuery.downBinaryFile(strUrl); } /** * * Returns the content type. * */ public String getContentType() { return getMimeType(getName()); } public String getName() { char separator = File.separatorChar; if (strUrl.lastIndexOf(separator) >= 0) return strUrl.substring(strUrl.lastIndexOf(separator) + 1); return strUrl; } private String getMimeType(String fileName) { String type = (String) normalMap.get(strType); if (type == null) { try { type = map.getContentType(fileName); } catch (Exception e) { } System.out.println(type); // Fix the null exception if (type == null) { type = "application/octet-stream"; } } return type; } public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException { if (dataSize == null) dataSize = new byte[0]; return new ByteArrayInputStream(dataSize); } public OutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException { return new; } } } class JHtmlClear { public static String replace(String s, String s1, String s2) { return s.replace(s1, s2); } } class JQuery { public static String getHtmlText(String strUrl, String strEncoding) { try { URL url = new URL(strUrl); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url .openConnection(); DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(connection.getInputStream()); return new String(JQuery.getBytes(in), strEncoding); } catch (Exception e) { return ""; } } public static byte[] downBinaryFile(String s) { try { URL url = new URL(s); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url .openConnection(); DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(connection .getInputStream()); return JQuery.getBytes(in); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } public static byte[] getBytes(InputStream is) throws Exception { byte[] data = null; Collection chunks = new ArrayList(); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024 * 1000]; int read = -1; int size = 0; while ((read = != -1) { if (read > 0) { byte[] chunk = new byte[read]; System.arraycopy(buffer, 0, chunk, 0, read); chunks.add(chunk); size += chunk.length; } } if (size > 0) { ByteArrayOutputStream bos = null; try { bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(size); for (Iterator itr = chunks.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) { byte[] chunk = (byte[]); bos.write(chunk); } data = bos.toByteArray(); } finally { if (bos != null) { bos.close(); } } } return data; } }