#ifndef _CURTAINGRAIN_H_ #define _CURTAINGRAIN_H_ #include "stdafx.h" #include <math.h> #define MAX(x,y) (x)>(y)?(x):(y) #define MIN(x,y) (x)<(y)?(x):(y) #define BreakLink 0 #define Gravity_g 9.8f enum NeighborType { upNeibor = 0x01, downNeibor, leftNeibor, rightNeibor }; struct Acc{ float ax; float ay; float az; }; struct Power { float px; float py; float pz; void Add( const Power f ){ px += f.px; py += f.py; pz += f.pz; } Acc GetAcc( const float m ){ Acc acc; acc.ax = px/m; acc.ay = py/m; acc.az = pz/m; } }; struct Pos { float x; float y; float z; }; struct Velocity { float vx; float vy; float vz; }; class CurtainGrain { public: CurtainGrain(); CurtainGrain(int x, int y); ~CurtainGrain(); int colId, rowId; bool isVisited; void SetFixed(); void SetPos(); void SetGround(float _ground); void SetPos(const float scale); void GetPos( Pos &_pos ); bool GetNeiborVisitStatus(NeighborType type); bool NeiborExist(NeighborType type); void GetUpPos( Pos &_pos ); void GetDownPos( Pos &_pos ); void GetLeftPos( Pos &_pos ); void GetRightPos( Pos &_pos ); void SetNeighbor( CurtainGrain* pNeibor, NeighborType type ); void RemoveNeighbor( NeighborType type ); void ClearOutsidePower(); void SetOutsidePower( const Power out_f ); void UpdatePosAfterPower(const float deltaT); private: void CalcSelfOtherPower( Power &selfPower, Power &otherPower, const Pos otherPos ); float iCalcSelfPower( const float dis ); // These are state properties of Curtain_Grain bool isFixed; Pos pos, prevPos; Velocity vt, prevVt; Power prevF; float ground; CurtainGrain* left; CurtainGrain* right; CurtainGrain* up; CurtainGrain* down; // These are inner properties of Curtain_Grain float k; // the factor in equation f = k*x^2 when it's drawed float l; // the factor in equation f = l*x^2 when it's clustered float rho; // the density in equation m = rho*Volume float s; // the length of Curtain_Grain, so Volume = s^2 float m; // the weight of one Curtain_Grain float wind_fac; // the factor of wind strength float linkPower; // max power the link can bear Power f; // the sum power which is measured in N(Newton) }; inline float redef_abs(float x) { return x>0?x:-x; } #endif
#include "stdafx.h" #include "CurtainGrain.h" CurtainGrain::CurtainGrain() { isVisited = false; k = 2.0f; // N/m^2 l = 2.0f; rho = 0.25f; // kg/m^3 s = 0.05f; // m m = rho*s*s; // kg wind_fac = 0.005f; linkPower = 0.03f; f.py = m*Gravity_g; f.px = f.pz = 0.0f; prevF = f; vt.vx = vt.vy = vt.vz = 0.0f; prevVt = vt; left = right = up = down = BreakLink; } CurtainGrain::CurtainGrain( int x, int y ) { colId = x; rowId = y; isVisited = false; isFixed = false; k = 2.0f; // N/m^2 l = 2.0f; rho = 0.25f; // kg/m^3 s = 0.05f; // m m = rho*s*s*0.02f; // kg wind_fac = 0.005f; linkPower = MAX(0.03f,0.06f-y*0.003f); f.py = m*Gravity_g; f.px = f.pz = 0.0f; prevF = f; vt.vx = vt.vy = vt.vz = 0.0f; prevVt = vt; left = right = up = down = BreakLink; } CurtainGrain::~CurtainGrain() { } void CurtainGrain::SetFixed() { isFixed = true; } void CurtainGrain::SetPos() { prevPos.x = pos.x = colId*s; prevPos.y = pos.y = rowId*s; prevPos.z = pos.z = 0.0f; } void CurtainGrain::SetGround(float _ground) { ground = _ground; } void CurtainGrain::SetPos(const float scale) { prevPos.y *= scale; pos.y *= scale; } void CurtainGrain::GetPos( Pos &_pos ) { if( rowId==2 && colId== 0 && pos.y > 100 ) int tempInt = 0; _pos = pos; } bool CurtainGrain::GetNeiborVisitStatus(NeighborType type) { switch (type) { case upNeibor: return up->isVisited; case downNeibor: return down->isVisited; case leftNeibor: return left->isVisited; case rightNeibor: return right->isVisited; default: break; } return false; } bool CurtainGrain::NeiborExist(NeighborType type) { switch(type) { case upNeibor: return up != BreakLink; case downNeibor: return down != BreakLink; case leftNeibor: return left != BreakLink; case rightNeibor: return right != BreakLink; default: return false; } } void CurtainGrain::GetUpPos( Pos &_pos ) { if(up) up->GetPos(_pos); } void CurtainGrain::GetDownPos( Pos &_pos ) { if(down) down->GetPos(_pos); } void CurtainGrain::GetLeftPos( Pos &_pos ) { if(left) left->GetPos(_pos); } void CurtainGrain::GetRightPos( Pos &_pos ) { if(right) right->GetPos(_pos); } void CurtainGrain::SetNeighbor( CurtainGrain* pNeibor, NeighborType type ) { if ( pNeibor ) { switch (type) { case upNeibor: { up = pNeibor; break; } case downNeibor: { down = pNeibor; break; } case leftNeibor: { left = pNeibor; break; } case rightNeibor: { right = pNeibor; break; } default: break; } } } void CurtainGrain::RemoveNeighbor( NeighborType type ) { switch (type) { case upNeibor: { up = BreakLink; break; } case downNeibor: { down = BreakLink; break; } case leftNeibor: { left = BreakLink; break; } case rightNeibor: { right = BreakLink; break; } default: break; } } void CurtainGrain::ClearOutsidePower() { prevF = f; f.px = f.pz = 0.0f; f.py = m*Gravity_g; } void CurtainGrain::SetOutsidePower( const Power out_f ) { f.Add(out_f); Power selfPower,otherPower; Pos tmpPos; if (up) { if(!up->isVisited) { up->GetPos( tmpPos ); CalcSelfOtherPower( selfPower, otherPower, tmpPos ); float p = selfPower.px + selfPower.py + selfPower.pz; if (p > linkPower) { up->down = BreakLink; up = BreakLink; } else { f.Add( selfPower ); up->f.Add( otherPower ); } } } if (down) { if(!down->isVisited) { down->GetPos( tmpPos ); CalcSelfOtherPower( selfPower, otherPower, tmpPos ); float p = selfPower.px + selfPower.py + selfPower.pz; if (p > linkPower) { down->up = BreakLink; down = BreakLink; } else { f.Add( selfPower ); down->f.Add( otherPower ); } } } if (left) { if(!left->isVisited) { left->GetPos( tmpPos ); CalcSelfOtherPower( selfPower, otherPower, tmpPos ); float p = selfPower.px + selfPower.py + selfPower.pz; if (p > linkPower) { left->right = BreakLink; left = BreakLink; } else { f.Add( selfPower ); left->f.Add( otherPower ); } } } if (right) { if(!right->isVisited) { right->GetPos( tmpPos ); CalcSelfOtherPower( selfPower, otherPower, tmpPos ); float p = selfPower.px + selfPower.py + selfPower.pz; if (p > linkPower) { right->left = BreakLink; right = BreakLink; } else { f.Add( selfPower ); right->f.Add( otherPower ); } } } // Add the wind power Power wind; wind.px = -wind_fac*(pos.x - prevPos.x); wind.py = -wind_fac*(pos.y - prevPos.y); wind.pz = -wind_fac*(pos.z - prevPos.z); f.Add(wind); isVisited = true; } void CurtainGrain::UpdatePosAfterPower( const float deltaT ) { if(isFixed) return ; float deltaTInS = deltaT*0.001f; Pos temp = pos; Velocity tmpVt = vt; Power tmpF = f; tmpF.Add(prevF); //vt.vx = vt.vx + 0.5*tmpF.px/m*deltaTInS; //vt.vy = vt.vy + 0.5*tmpF.py/m*deltaTInS; //vt.vz = vt.vz + 0.5*tmpF.pz/m*deltaTInS; //pos.x = pos.x + (redef_abs(vt.vx*deltaTInS)<0.05?vt.vx*deltaTInS:(vt.vx<0?-0.05:0.05)); //pos.y = pos.y + (redef_abs(vt.vy*deltaTInS)<0.05?vt.vy*deltaTInS:(vt.vy<0?-0.05:0.05)); //pos.z = pos.z + (redef_abs(vt.vz*deltaTInS)<0.05?vt.vz*deltaTInS:(vt.vz<0?-0.05:0.05)); pos.x = 2*pos.x - prevPos.x + f.px/m*deltaTInS*deltaTInS; pos.y = 2*pos.y - prevPos.y + f.py/m*deltaTInS*deltaTInS; pos.z = 2*pos.z - prevPos.z + f.pz/m*deltaTInS*deltaTInS; // the grain must be above the ground pos.y = MIN(ground,pos.y); prevVt = tmpVt; prevPos = temp; } void CurtainGrain::CalcSelfOtherPower( Power &selfPower, Power &otherPower, const Pos otherPos ) { float disx = otherPos.x - pos.x; float disy = otherPos.y - pos.y; float disz = otherPos.z - pos.z; float dis = sqrt(disx*disx + disy*disy + disz*disz); float strength = iCalcSelfPower( dis ); float selfPx = disx/dis*strength; float selfPy = disy/dis*strength; float selfPz = disz/dis*strength; selfPower.px = selfPx; selfPower.py = selfPy; selfPower.pz = selfPz; otherPower.px = -selfPx; otherPower.py = -selfPy; otherPower.pz = -selfPz; } float CurtainGrain::iCalcSelfPower( const float dis ) { if( dis > 0 ) { float tmp = redef_abs(dis)-s; if(tmp > 0) { return k*tmp*tmp; // positive means "pull" power } else { return -l*tmp*tmp; // negative means "push" power } } else { return 0.0f; } }
#ifndef _CURTAIN_H_ #define _CURTAIN_H_ #include "stdafx.h" #include "CurtainGrain.h" #include "cv.h" #include "highgui.h" #include <string.h> class Curtain { public: Curtain(int _w, int _h); ~Curtain(); void InitAllPos(const float scale); void ReceivePower( const Pos _pos, const Power _f ); void ReceivePower( const CvPoint _pt, const Power _f ); void ShowThePosImage( const std::string winName ); float fistRange; // the range affected by the fist measured in m private: // These are the inner properties int w, h; // the curtain has w*h grains CurtainGrain* pFirst; // the first curtain grain in the curtain // These are the operate params float deltaT; // the time interval for update, it's measured in ms IplImage* backImg; // a white image to plaint on float meterPerPixel; // how long(in m) one pixel distance denotes CurtainGrain* GetGrainById(int x, int y); CvPoint MapPosToPoint(const Pos _pos); Pos MapPointToPos(const CvPoint _pt); double t; }; #endif
#include "stdafx.h" #include "Curtain.h" Curtain ::Curtain(int _w, int _h) { w = _w; h = _h; deltaT = 4.0f; fistRange = 0.2f; meterPerPixel = 5.0f/7.0f*0.01f; pFirst = new CurtainGrain[w*h]; for (int i = 0; i < w*h; i++) { int x = i%w, y = i/w; CurtainGrain* curGrain = pFirst+i; memcpy(curGrain, &CurtainGrain(x,y), sizeof(CurtainGrain)); if(y==0) curGrain->SetFixed(); //set position curGrain->SetPos(); //set ground float temp = MapPointToPos(cvPoint(0,610)).y; curGrain->SetGround(temp); //setup the link if(x!=0) curGrain->SetNeighbor(GetGrainById(x-1,y), leftNeibor); if(x!=w-1) curGrain->SetNeighbor(GetGrainById(x+1,y), rightNeibor); if(y!=0) curGrain->SetNeighbor(GetGrainById(x,y-1), upNeibor); if(y!=h-1) curGrain->SetNeighbor(GetGrainById(x,y+1), downNeibor); } backImg = cvCreateImage(cvSize(800,640),IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3); cvSet(backImg,cvScalarAll(255)); cvLine(backImg,cvPoint(5,610),cvPoint(795,610),CV_RGB(0,0,0),2); } Curtain ::~Curtain() { delete[] pFirst; } CurtainGrain* Curtain::GetGrainById(int x, int y) { return (CurtainGrain*)(pFirst + y*w + x); } CvPoint Curtain::MapPosToPoint(const Pos _pos) { return cvPoint(cvRound(_pos.x/meterPerPixel)+136, cvRound(_pos.y/meterPerPixel)+41); } Pos Curtain::MapPointToPos(const CvPoint _pt) { Pos temp; temp.z = 0.0f; temp.x = (_pt.x-136)*meterPerPixel; temp.y = (_pt.y-41)*meterPerPixel; return temp; } void Curtain::InitAllPos(const float scale) { for (int x = 0; x < w; x ++) { for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) { CurtainGrain* curGrain = GetGrainById(x,y); curGrain->SetPos(scale); } } } void Curtain::ReceivePower( const Pos _pos, const Power _f ) { t = (double)cvGetTickCount(); int id = 0; while (id<w*h) { (pFirst+id)->ClearOutsidePower(); id ++; } Pos tmpPos; Power tmpPower; for( int y = 0; y < h; y ++ ) { for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) { CurtainGrain* curGrain = GetGrainById(x,y); curGrain->GetPos(tmpPos); if (abs(tmpPos.x-_pos.x) < fistRange && abs(tmpPos.y-_pos.y) < fistRange) { float diff = sqrt((tmpPos.x-_pos.x)*(tmpPos.x-_pos.x) + (tmpPos.y-_pos.y)*(tmpPos.y-_pos.y)); tmpPower.px = _f.px*exp(-diff); tmpPower.py = _f.py*exp(-diff); tmpPower.pz = _f.pz*exp(-diff); curGrain->SetOutsidePower( tmpPower ); curGrain->UpdatePosAfterPower(deltaT); } else { tmpPower.px = tmpPower.py = tmpPower.pz = 0.0f; curGrain->SetOutsidePower( tmpPower ); curGrain->UpdatePosAfterPower(deltaT); } } } } void Curtain::ReceivePower( const CvPoint _pt, const Power _f ) { Pos temp = MapPointToPos(_pt); ReceivePower(temp,_f); } void Curtain::ShowThePosImage( const std::string winName ) { IplImage* showImg = cvCloneImage(backImg); Pos tmpPos; for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) { CurtainGrain* curGrain = GetGrainById(x,y); curGrain->GetPos(tmpPos); CvPoint curPt = MapPosToPoint(tmpPos); if(curGrain->isVisited) { if(curGrain->NeiborExist(upNeibor) && curGrain->GetNeiborVisitStatus(upNeibor)) { curGrain->GetUpPos(tmpPos); cvLine(showImg,curPt,MapPosToPoint(tmpPos),cvScalarAll(0)); } if(curGrain->NeiborExist(downNeibor) && curGrain->GetNeiborVisitStatus(downNeibor)) { curGrain->GetDownPos(tmpPos); cvLine(showImg,curPt,MapPosToPoint(tmpPos),cvScalarAll(0)); } if(curGrain->NeiborExist(leftNeibor) && curGrain->GetNeiborVisitStatus(leftNeibor)) { curGrain->GetLeftPos(tmpPos); cvLine(showImg,curPt,MapPosToPoint(tmpPos),cvScalarAll(0)); } if(curGrain->NeiborExist(rightNeibor) && curGrain->GetNeiborVisitStatus(rightNeibor)) { curGrain->GetRightPos(tmpPos); cvLine(showImg,curPt,MapPosToPoint(tmpPos),cvScalarAll(0)); } curGrain->isVisited = false; } } } t = ((double)cvGetTickCount() - t)/(1000.0*cvGetTickFrequency()); cvShowImage( winName.c_str(), showImg ); cvWaitKey(/*MAX(cvRound(deltaT-t),*/1); cvReleaseImage( &showImg ); }
#include "stdafx.h" #include "Curtain.h" #include "cv.h" #include "highgui.h" #define EPS_FLOAT 0.000000001f CvPoint g_cur,g_prev; Power g_power; float g_powerBase = 0.001f; float g_powerScale = 0.0004f; void OnMouse(int Event,int x,int y,int flags,void* param) { switch (Event) { case CV_EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN: { g_power.pz = -g_powerBase; } break; case CV_EVENT_MOUSEMOVE: { if (flags&CV_EVENT_FLAG_LBUTTON) { g_power.px = (abs(x-g_prev.x)*g_powerScale + g_powerBase)* (x>g_prev.x?1.0f:-1.0f); g_power.py = (abs(y-g_prev.y)*g_powerScale + g_powerBase)* (y>g_prev.y?1.0f:-1.0f); g_power.pz = -g_powerBase; } else { g_power.px = g_power.py = g_power.pz = 0.0f; } } break; default: g_power.px = g_power.py = g_power.pz = 0.0f; } g_prev.x = g_cur.x = x; g_prev.y = g_cur.y = y; } int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { g_power.px = g_power.py = g_power.pz = 0.0f; g_prev.x = g_prev.y = g_cur.x = g_cur.y = 0; std::string winName = "display"; cvNamedWindow(winName.c_str()); cvSetMouseCallback(winName.c_str(),OnMouse,NULL); Curtain curtain(70,30); curtain.InitAllPos(1.0); int tdk = 0; while (true) { //printf("tdk=%d\n",tdk++); curtain.ReceivePower(g_cur,g_power); curtain.ShowThePosImage("display"); //char c = cvWaitKey(1); //if(c==27) break; } return 0; }