Open Service Platform

Open Service Platform

Create modular, dynamically extensible applications in C++ based on apowerful plug-in and services framework. For desktop, server andembedded/mobile platforms.

The Open Service Platform (OSP) enables the creation, deployment and managementof dynamically extensible, modular applications, based on a powerful plug-inand services model. Applications built with OSP can be extended, upgradedand managed even when deployed in the field.

At the core of OSP lies a powerful software component (plug-in) and services model based on the concept of bundles. A bundle is a deployable entity, consisting of both executable code (shared libraries) and the required configuration, data and resource files. Bundles extend the functionality of an application by providing certain services. A central Service Registry allows bundles to discover the services provided by other bundles. Bundles can be installed, upgraded, started, stopped or removed from an application (programmatically, or using a web- or console based administration utility)without the need to terminate and restart the application.

Read the white paper for detailed information about the Open Service Platform.

Benefits and Features

  • create dynamically extensible C++ applications based on a powerful plug-in/componentand services architecture
  • combine executable code (shared libraries), configuration files and other resources like web pages or images in easily manageable deployment units (bundles)
  • install, start, stop, upgrade and uninstall an application's bundlesdynamically, at run-time
  • automatically manage version dependencies between bundles
  • provide and find services in an application through a Service Registry
  • manage an application's bundles through a built-in web-basedBundle Administration Utility or through an extensible console basedshell administration service
  • various standard services providing a web server, user authentication andauthorization, preferences management, extension points, database access, etc.
  • integration of Remoting enablestrue location transparent OSP services
  • support for cryptographically signed bundles to control whatbundles may be installed into an application

