在网上搜了半天,发现一篇博客,甚好:Image Caching in Android,里面就说明,Android里面SoftReference的确没有起到应有的作用:
So unfortunately all those recommending SoftReferences have never actually tried using them, they don’t work at all. Immediately upon loading the bitmap into the SoftReference it’s destroyed at the next garbage collection. Why would a SoftReference do this? It turns out in Android SoftReferences are implemented a little differently than one would assume. Check out the explanation on this bug request. Basically what the dev team has decided is that in Android a SoftReference doesn’t really make sense. Your app is competing with all the other apps in memory, and due to the constrained nature of the platform it’s actually hard for the VM to decide when to destroy your SoftReference. There’s no way forit to know that your image cache is more important than the other applications in memory, so the team has just made SoftReferences basically ineffective. I’d have to agree with them, they only make sense when your understanding of the problem is insufficient.
还有一篇开发文档是讲述如何缓存Bitmap的:http://developer.android.com/training/displaying-bitmaps/cache-bitmap.html#memory-cache (都是宝藏啊有木有!)
A cache that holds strong references to a limited number of values. Each time a value is accessed, it is moved to the head of a queue. When a value is added to a full cache, the value at the end of that queue is evicted and may become eligible for garbage collection.(缓存强引用,每次一个value被获取,它就会被移动到队列的最前端,每次往一个全满的缓存中添加一个值,队列最后一个值就会被移除)(讲到这里,很多人应该知道LRU是什么意思了:Least Recently Used最近最少使用算法)
If your cached values hold resources that need to be explicitly released, override entryRemoved(boolean, K, V, V)
If a cache miss should be computed on demand for the corresponding keys, override create(K)
. This simplifies the calling code, allowing it to assume a value will always be returned, even when there's a cache miss.
By default, the cache size is measured in the number of entries. Override sizeOf(K, V)
to size the cache in different units. For example, this cache is limited to 4MiB of bitmaps:(如何分配存储空间)
1 int cacheSize = 4 * 1024 * 1024; // 4MiB 2 LruCache bitmapCache = new LruCache(cacheSize) { 3 protected int sizeOf(String key, Bitmap value) { 4 return value.getByteCount(); 5 } 6 }
This class is thread-safe. Perform multiple cache operations atomically by synchronizing on the cache:(线程安全)
1 synchronized (cache) { 2 if (cache.get(key) == null) { 3 cache.put(key, value); 4 } 5 }
This class does not allow null to be used as a key or value. A return value of null from get(K)
, put(K, V)
or remove(K)
is unambiguous: the key was not in the cache.(不得使用null做键或者值,会产生歧义)
以上是第一篇博客的主要内容,至于具体的怎么用还得看第二篇博客:Caching Bitmaps
Loading a single bitmap into your user interface (UI) is straightforward, however things get more complicated if you need to load a larger set of images at once. In many cases (such as with components like ListView
, GridView
or ViewPager
), the total number of images on-screen combined with images that might soon scroll onto the screen are essentially unlimited.(可能载入的图片是无限的,也就是说会有很多)
Memory usage is kept down with components like this by recycling the child views as they move off-screen. The garbage collector also frees up your loaded bitmaps, assuming you don't keep any long lived references. This is all good and well, but in order to keep a fluid and fast-loading UI you want to avoid continually processing these images each time they come back on-screen. A memory and disk cache can often help here, allowing components to quickly reload processed images.(ListView和GridView通过将移出屏幕的View回收来保持内存的低消耗,垃圾回收机制也会回收你载入的Bitmap,不让保持长久生命期的引用。这很好,但是为了保持一个流畅快速的UI界面操作,你必须避免每次当图片重新显示的时候再次处理这些图片。这时候就需要用到内存和磁盘缓存机制了,允许你快速获取载入过的图片)。
This lesson walks you through using a memory and disk bitmap cache to improve the responsiveness and fluidity of your UI when loading multiple bitmaps.(这篇文档就是教你如何在加载大量图片的时候提高界面的流畅性和应答速度)
A memory cache offers fast access to bitmaps at the cost of taking up valuable application memory. TheLruCache
class (also available in the Support Library for use back to API Level 4) is particularly well suited to the task of caching bitmaps, keeping recently referenced objects in a strong referenced LinkedHashMap
and evicting the least recently used member before the cache exceeds its designated size.
Note: In the past, a popular memory cache implementation was a SoftReference
or WeakReference
bitmap cache, however this is not recommended. Starting from Android 2.3 (API Level 9) the garbage collector is more aggressive with collecting soft/weak references which makes them fairly ineffective. In addition, prior to Android 3.0 (API Level 11), the backing data of a bitmap was stored in native memory which is not released in a predictable manner, potentially causing an application to briefly exceed its memory limits and crash.(不要再使用SoftReference!!)
In order to choose a suitable size for a LruCache
, a number of factors should be taken into consideration, for example:(如何分配适当的缓存大小)
objects for different groups of bitmaps. There is no specific size or formula that suits all applications, it's up to you to analyze your usage and come up with a suitable solution. A cache that is too small causes additional overhead with no benefit, a cache that is too large can once again cause java.lang.OutOfMemory
exceptions and leave the rest of your app little memory to work with.(没有一个标准的分配方式,太小的话没有意义,太大的话占用很多的内存,会让其他应用无处运行,导致OOM,必须自己想办法解决)
Here’s an example of setting up a LruCache
for bitmaps:(下面是一个例子)
1 private LruCache mMemoryCache; 2 3 @Override 4 protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { 5 ... 6 // Get memory class of this device, exceeding this amount will throw an 7 // OutOfMemory exception. 8 final int memClass = ((ActivityManager) context.getSystemService( 9 Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE)).getMemoryClass(); 10 11 // Use 1/8th of the available memory for this memory cache. 12 final int cacheSize = 1024 * 1024 * memClass / 8;(分配1/8的内存) 13 14 mMemoryCache = new LruCache(cacheSize) { 15 @Override 16 protected int sizeOf(String key, Bitmap bitmap) { 17 // The cache size will be measured in bytes rather than number of items. 18 return bitmap.getByteCount(); 19 } 20 }; 21 ... 22 } 23 24 public void addBitmapToMemoryCache(String key, Bitmap bitmap) { 25 if (getBitmapFromMemCache(key) == null) { 26 mMemoryCache.put(key, bitmap); 27 } 28 } 29 30 public Bitmap getBitmapFromMemCache(String key) { 31 return mMemoryCache.get(key); 32 }
Note: In this example, one eighth of the application memory is allocated for our cache. On a normal/hdpi device this is a minimum of around 4MB (32/8). A full screen GridView
filled with images on a device with 800x480 resolution would use around 1.5MB (800*480*4 bytes), so this would cache a minimum of around 2.5 pages of images in memory.(大概缓存2.5页的图片)
When loading a bitmap into an ImageView
, the LruCache
is checked first. If an entry is found, it is used immediately to update the ImageView
, otherwise a background thread is spawned to process the image:(当载入图片的时候,首先检测缓存,有的话直接载入,否则启动线程加载)
1 public void loadBitmap(int resId, ImageView imageView) { 2 final String imageKey = String.valueOf(resId); 3 4 final Bitmap bitmap = getBitmapFromMemCache(imageKey); 5 if (bitmap != null) { 6 mImageView.setImageBitmap(bitmap); 7 } else { 8 mImageView.setImageResource(R.drawable.image_placeholder); 9 BitmapWorkerTask task = new BitmapWorkerTask(mImageView); 10 task.execute(resId); 11 } 12 }
The BitmapWorkerTask
also needs to be updated to add entries to the memory cache:
1 class BitmapWorkerTask extends AsyncTask { 2 ... 3 // Decode image in background. 4 @Override 5 protected Bitmap doInBackground(Integer... params) { 6 final Bitmap bitmap = decodeSampledBitmapFromResource( 7 getResources(), params[0], 100, 100)); 8 addBitmapToMemoryCache(String.valueOf(params[0]), bitmap); 9 return bitmap; 10 } 11 ... 12 }
A memory cache is useful in speeding up access to recently viewed bitmaps, however you cannot rely on images being available in this cache. Components like GridView
with larger datasets can easily fill up a memory cache. Your application could be interrupted by another task like a phone call, and while in the background it might be killed and the memory cache destroyed. Once the user resumes, your application it has to process each image again.(内存缓存很容易就被填满了,打电话等任务可能会中断我们的应用,这样当我们的应用恢复的时候,图片又必须被重新处理)
A disk cache can be used in these cases to persist processed bitmaps and help decrease loading times where images are no longer available in a memory cache. Of course, fetching images from disk is slower than loading from memory and should be done in a background thread, as disk read times can be unpredictable.(磁盘缓存可以被用来在这种时刻缓存处理过的照片,减少内存缓存hit miss的时候图片的加载时间。当然,从磁盘加载的时间比从内存加载时间更长,并且是不确定的)
Note: A ContentProvider
might be a more appropriate place to store cached images if they are accessed more frequently, for example in an image gallery application.(注意,如果图片被经常取用,ContentProvider或许是一个更好的地方来存储缓存的图片)
Included in the sample code of this class is a basic DiskLruCache
implementation. However, a more robust and recommended DiskLruCache
solution is included in the Android 4.0 source code (4.0里面的更加健壮,已经有人导出来了)(libcore/luni/src/main/java/libcore/io/DiskLruCache.java
). Back-porting this class for use on previous Android releases should be fairly straightforward (a quick search shows others who have already implemented this solution).
Here’s updated example code that uses the simple DiskLruCache
included in the sample application of this class:
1 private DiskLruCache mDiskCache; 2 private static final int DISK_CACHE_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 * 10; // 10MB 3 private static final String DISK_CACHE_SUBDIR = "thumbnails"; 4 5 @Override 6 protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { 7 ... 8 // Initialize memory cache 9 ... 10 File cacheDir = getCacheDir(this, DISK_CACHE_SUBDIR); 11 mDiskCache = DiskLruCache.openCache(this, cacheDir, DISK_CACHE_SIZE); 12 ... 13 } 14 15 class BitmapWorkerTask extends AsyncTask { 16 ... 17 // Decode image in background. 18 @Override 19 protected Bitmap doInBackground(Integer... params) { 20 final String imageKey = String.valueOf(params[0]); 21 22 // Check disk cache in background thread 23 Bitmap bitmap = getBitmapFromDiskCache(imageKey); 24 25 if (bitmap == null) { // Not found in disk cache 26 // Process as normal 27 final Bitmap bitmap = decodeSampledBitmapFromResource( 28 getResources(), params[0], 100, 100)); 29 } 30 31 // Add final bitmap to caches 32 addBitmapToCache(String.valueOf(imageKey, bitmap); 33 34 return bitmap; 35 } 36 ... 37 } 38 39 public void addBitmapToCache(String key, Bitmap bitmap) { 40 // Add to memory cache as before 41 if (getBitmapFromMemCache(key) == null) { 42 mMemoryCache.put(key, bitmap); 43 } 44 45 // Also add to disk cache 46 if (!mDiskCache.containsKey(key)) { 47 mDiskCache.put(key, bitmap); 48 } 49 } 50 51 public Bitmap getBitmapFromDiskCache(String key) { 52 return mDiskCache.get(key); 53 } 54 55 // Creates a unique subdirectory of the designated app cache directory. Tries to use external 56 // but if not mounted, falls back on internal storage. 57 public static File getCacheDir(Context context, String uniqueName) { 58 // Check if media is mounted or storage is built-in, if so, try and use external cache dir 59 // otherwise use internal cache dir 60 final String cachePath = Environment.getExternalStorageState() == Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED 61 || !Environment.isExternalStorageRemovable() ? 62 context.getExternalCacheDir().getPath() : context.getCacheDir().getPath(); 63 64 return new File(cachePath + File.separator + uniqueName); 65 }
While the memory cache is checked in the UI thread, the disk cache is checked in the background thread. Disk operations should never take place on the UI thread. When image processing is complete, the final bitmap is added to both the memory and disk cache for future use.(内存缓存的检测在UI线程里面进行,磁盘缓存的检测则在后台进程里面进行。磁盘操作不应该发生在UI线程上面。当图片处理完成,图片会同时被缓存到内存和磁盘以便于日后使用)
Runtime configuration changes, such as a screen orientation change, cause Android to destroy and restart the running activity with the new configuration (For more information about this behavior, see Handling Runtime Changes). You want to avoid having to process all your images again so the user has a smooth and fast experience when a configuration change occurs.(运行时配置变化,比如屏幕的方向改变了,这个时候就需要避免再度处理图片以便于用户的体验流畅)
Luckily, you have a nice memory cache of bitmaps that you built in the Use a Memory Cache section. This cache can be passed through to the new activity instance using a Fragment
which is preserved by callingsetRetainInstance(true)
). After the activity has been recreated, this retained Fragment
is reattached and you gain access to the existing cache object, allowing images to be quickly fetched and re-populated into theImageView
1 private LruCache mMemoryCache; 2 3 @Override 4 protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { 5 ... 6 RetainFragment mRetainFragment = 7 RetainFragment.findOrCreateRetainFragment(getFragmentManager()); 8 mMemoryCache = RetainFragment.mRetainedCache; 9 if (mMemoryCache == null) { 10 mMemoryCache = new LruCache(cacheSize) { 11 ... // Initialize cache here as usual 12 } 13 mRetainFragment.mRetainedCache = mMemoryCache; 14 } 15 ... 16 } 17 18 class RetainFragment extends Fragment { 19 private static final String TAG = "RetainFragment"; 20 public LruCache mRetainedCache; 21 22 public RetainFragment() {} 23 24 public static RetainFragment findOrCreateRetainFragment(FragmentManager fm) { 25 RetainFragment fragment = (RetainFragment) fm.findFragmentByTag(TAG); 26 if (fragment == null) { 27 fragment = new RetainFragment(); 28 } 29 return fragment; 30 } 31 32 @Override 33 public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { 34 super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); 35 setRetainInstance(true); 36 } 37 }
To test this out, try rotating a device both with and without retaining the Fragment
. You should notice little to no lag as the images populate the activity almost instantly from memory when you retain the cache. Any images not found in the memory cache are hopefully available in the disk cache, if not, they are processed as usual.(磁盘缓存是不需要做样子的处理的)