CKEditor™ Provider for DotNetNuke

An WYSIWYG HTML Editor Provider for DotNetNuke® 4/5/6/7

  • Editor Interface Language based on current DotNetNuke® language
  • Full Support of CKEditor Features
  • Setting Window (Set Custom Settings for Complete Portal, All Editor Instances on a Tab, or only for one Modul Instance)
  • Settings you can set...A Blank Start Text, Width and Height, Toolbar for Every Portal Role, Custom Config File, File Browser type, Browser Allowed User Roles, Editor Styles & CSS and Editor Templates
  • Toolbars can be Added, Edited and Deleted directly in the Setting Window
  • Integrated Simple File Browser (Links, Tabs, Images and Flash)
  • Browser Supports Browsing for Files, Upload (Browser also Supports Upload Files over the Editor Upload Control), File Deleting and Folder Creation
  • Browser generates Thumbnails for Preview Images (Can be disabled to Improve Loading time)
  • Browser Files View can be changed (Detail View, List View or Icons View)
  • Browser Integrated Image Editor (Resize, Crop, Rotate, Zoom) with Preview
  • Browser generates Absolute, Relative Links, or secured Links via LinkClick.aspx Handler (You can Choose for each Link)
  • Browser generates Human Friendly Page(Tab) Links (Contains Option do disable)
  • Browser detects all Page Anchors on Selected dnn Page (Tab)
  • Optionally CKFinderTM Integration
  • Integrated Syntax Highlighter Plugin
  • Integrated Media Embed Plugin, to Include Embed Media from Youtube, Vimeo, etc.
  • Easy Option to Export/Import All Settings
  • Written in C# and Open Source


The Editor

CKEditor™ Provider for DotNetNuke_第1张图片

CKEditor™ Provider for DotNetNuke_第2张图片

CKEditor™ Provider for DotNetNuke_第3张图片

Settings Window

Media Embed Plugin


