opencv 拟合矩形代码



#include "cv.h"
#include "highgui.h"
#include <vector>
int otsu (const IplImage* image,  int x0, int y0, int dx, int dy);
bool BoxInBox(CvBox2D box,CvBox2D box_outer);
struct ChipInfo
// CvRect rect;
 CvBox2D box;
 double area;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
 IplImage* src = cvLoadImage("D:/color.bmp",-1);
 IplImage* gray = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(src),8,1);
 IplImage* gray_clone = cvCloneImage(gray);
 int threshold =  otsu (gray_clone,  0, 0, gray->width, gray->height)*2/3;
 IplImage* show = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(src),8,3);
 cvDilate(gray_clone ,gray_clone);

 CvMemStorage* storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0);
 CvSeq* contours;
 cvFindContours( gray_clone, storage, &contours,sizeof(CvContour), CV_RETR_TREE,
                    CV_CHAIN_APPROX_NONE, cvPoint(0,0) );
 IplImage* dst_tmp = cvCloneImage(gray);

 std::vector <ChipInfo> candiate_rect_vec;
 for (;contours;contours = contours->h_next)
  if (contours->total < 30)
  if (!contours->v_next)
  CvSeq* contour_second = contours->v_next;
  for (;contour_second;contour_second=contour_second->h_next)
   if (!(contour_second->v_next))
   CvSeq* contour_first = contour_second->v_next;
   for (;contour_first;contour_first = contour_first->h_next)
    if (contour_first->total < 50)
    CvBox2D box_outer = cvMinAreaRect2(contour_first);
    if (max(box_outer.size.height,box_outer.size.width) > 1.3* min(box_outer.size.height,box_outer.size.width))
    double area = fabs(cvContourArea(contour_first));
    ChipInfo chip; = box_outer;
    //   chip.rect = rect;
    chip.area = area;
 float likely_max = -1;
 int index =-1;
    for (int t=candiate_rect_vec.size()-1;t>=0;t--)
  float prob = 0;
//  prob += candiate_rect_vec[t].area/(candiate_rect_vec[t].box.size.width *candiate_rect_vec[t].box.size.width);
        prob += candiate_rect_vec[t].box.size.width/candiate_rect_vec[t].box.size.width;
  if (likely_max < prob)
   likely_max = prob;
   index = t;
 if (index>=0)
  CvPoint2D32f pt[4];
  CvPoint pt0, pt1;
  pt0 = cvPoint(cvRound(pt[3].x),cvRound(pt[3].y));
  for (int i=0;i<4;i++)
   pt1 = cvPoint(cvRound(pt[i].x),cvRound(pt[i].y));
   pt0 = pt1;
  char a[100];
  sprintf(a,"chip pos:(%d , %d),angle: %d",cvRound(candiate_rect_vec[index],
  MessageBox(NULL,a,"chip information",MB_OK);
  char a[100];
  sprintf(a,"No Chip");
  MessageBox(NULL,a,"chip information",MB_OK);
 return index;
int otsu (const IplImage* image,  int x0, int y0, int dx, int dy)
 unsigned char *np;      // 图像指针
 int thresholdValue=1; // 阈值
 int ihist[256];             // 图像直方图,256个点
 int i, j, k;          // various counters
 int n, n1, n2, gmin, gmax;
 double m1, m2, sum, csum, fmax, sb;
 // 对直方图置零...
 memset(ihist, 0, sizeof(ihist));
 gmin=255; gmax=0;
 // 生成直方图
 for (i = y0 + 1; i < y0 + dy - 1; i++)
  np = (uchar*) (image->imageData+i*image->widthStep);
  // np = &image[i*cols+x0+1];
  for (j = x0 + 1; j < x0 + dx - 1; j++)
   if(*np > gmax) gmax=*np;
   if(*np < gmin) gmin=*np;
   np++; /* next pixel */
 // set up everything
 sum = csum = 0.0;
 n = 0;
 for (k = 0; k <= 255; k++) {
  sum += (double) k * (double) ihist[k];    /* x*f(x) 质量矩*/
  n   += ihist[k];                                         /*  f(x)    质量    */
 if (!n)
  // if n has no value, there is problems...
  return -1;
 // do the otsu global thresholding method
 fmax = -1.0;
 n1 = 0;
 for (k = 0; k < 255; k++) {
  n1 += ihist[k];
  if (!n1) { continue; }
  n2 = n - n1;
  if (n2 == 0) { break; }
  csum += (double) k *ihist[k];
  m1 = csum / n1;
  m2 = (sum - csum) / n2;
  sb = (double) n1 *(double) n2 *(m1 - m2) * (m1 - m2);
  /* bbg: note: can be optimized. */
  if (sb > fmax) {
   fmax = sb;
   thresholdValue = k;
 // at this point we have our thresholding value
 // debug code to display thresholding values

bool PointInBox(CvPoint2D32f pt,CvBox2D box)
 CvPoint2D32f pts[4];
// f(x,y) = (x1-x0)(y-y0)-(x-x0)(y1-y0)
 double fd,fp;
 float x0,y0,x1,y1,x,y,xd,yd;
    x0= pts[0].x;
    y0= pts[0].y;
 x1= pts[1].x;
    y1= pts[1].y;
    x = pt.x;
 y = pt.y;
 xd= pts[2].x;
    yd= pts[2].y;
 fp = (x1-x0)*( y-y0)-(x-x0)*(y1-y0);
 fd = (x1-x0)*( yd-y0)-(xd-x0)*(y1-y0);
 if ((fp>0 && fd<0) || (fp<0 && fd>0))
  return false;
 x0= pts[2].x;
    y0= pts[2].y;
 x1= pts[1].x;
    y1= pts[1].y;
    x = pt.x;
 y = pt.y;
 xd= pts[3].x;
    yd= pts[3].y;
 fp = (x1-x0)*( y-y0)-(x-x0)*(y1-y0);
 fd = (x1-x0)*( yd-y0)-(xd-x0)*(y1-y0);
 if ((fp>0 && fd<0) || (fp<0 && fd>0))
  return false;
 return true;

bool BoxInBox(CvBox2D box,CvBox2D box_outer)
 CvPoint2D32f pts[4];
    for (int i=0;i<4;i++)
  if (!PointInBox(pts[i],box_outer))
   return false;
 return true;
