Assembler (Inline) Topics

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Assembler (Inline) Topics
This article family explains what you need to know to use the Visual C/C++ inline assembler with Intel x86-series compatible processors (such as the AMD386 and the i486?/SUP>). 

What do you want to know more about?
Advantages of Inline Assembly

The __asm Keyword

Using Assembly Language in __asm Blocks

Using C or C++ in __asm Blocks

Using and Preserving Registers in Inline Assembly

Jumping to Labels in Inline Assembly

Calling C Functions in Inline Assembly

Calling C++ Functions in Inline Assembly

Defining __asm Blocks as C Macros

Optimizing Inline Assembly
Advantages of Inline Assembly

Because the inline assembler doesn抰 require separate assembly and link steps, it is more convenient than a separate assembler. Inline assembly code can use any C variable or function name that is in scope, so it is easy to integrate it with your program抯 C code. Because the assembly code can be mixed inline with C or C++ statements, it can do tasks that are cumbersome or impossible in C or C++.

The uses of inline assembly include:

Writing functions in assembly language.

Spot-optimizing speed-critical sections of code.

Making direct hardware access for device drivers.

Writing prolog and epilog code for 搉aked?calls.
Inline assembly is a special-purpose tool. If you plan to port an application to different machines, you抣l probably want to place machine-specific code in a separate module. Because the inline assembler doesn抰 support all of Microsoft Macro Assembler抯 (MASM) macro and data directives, you may find it more convenient to use MASM for such modules.

The __asm Keyword

The __asm keyword invokes the inline assembler and can appear wherever a C or C++ statement is legal. It cannot appear by itself. It must be followed by an assembly instruction, a group of instructions enclosed in braces, or, at the very least, an empty pair of braces. The term ?B>__asm block?here refers to any instruction or group of instructions, whether or not in braces.

The following code fragment is a simple __asm block enclosed in braces:

   mov al, 2
   mov dx, 0xD007
   out al, dx

Alternatively, you can put __asm in front of each assembly instruction:

__asm mov al, 2
__asm mov dx, 0xD007
__asm out al, dx

Because the __asm keyword is a statement separator, you can also put assembly instructions on the same line:

__asm mov al, 2   __asm mov dx, 0xD007   __asm out al, dx

All three examples generate the same code, but the first style (enclosing the __asm block in braces) has some advantages. The braces clearly separate assembly code from C or C++ code and avoid needless repetition of the __asm keyword. Braces can also prevent ambiguities. If you want to put a C or C++ statement on the same line as an __asm block, you must enclose the block in braces. Without the braces, the compiler cannot tell where assembly code stops and C or C++ statements begin. Finally, because the text in braces has the same format as ordinary MASM text, you can easily cut and paste text from existing MASM source files.

Unlike braces in C and C++, the braces enclosing an __asm block don抰 affect variable scope. You can also nest __asm blocks; nesting does not affect variable scope.

Using Assembly Language in __asm Blocks

The inline assembler has much in common with other assemblers. For example, it accepts any expression that is legal in MASM. This section describes the use of assembly-language features in __asm blocks.

What do you want to know more about?
Instruction Set for Inline Assembly

MASM Expressions in Inline Assembly

Data Directives and Operators in Inline Assembly

EVEN and ALIGN Directives

MASM Macro Directives in Inline Assembly

Segment References in Inline Assembly

Type and Variable Sizes in Inline Assembly

Assembly-Language Comments

The _emit Pseudoinstruction

Debugging and Listings for Inline Assembly

Intel抯 MMX Instruction Set
Instruction Set for Inline Assembly

The inline assembler supports the full instruction set of the Intel 486 processor. Additional instructions supported by the target processor can be created with the _emit Pseudoinstruction.

MASM Expressions in Inline Assembly

Inline assembly code can use any MASM expression, which is any combination of operands and operators that evaluates to a single value or address.

Data Directives and Operators in Inline Assembly

Although an __asm block can reference C or C++ data types and objects, it cannot define data objects with MASM directives or operators. Specifically, you cannot use the definition directives DB, DW, DD, DQ, DT, and DF, or the operators DUP or THIS. MASM structures and records are also unavailable. The inline assembler doesn抰 accept the directives STRUC, RECORD, WIDTH, or MASK.

EVEN and ALIGN Directives

Although the inline assembler doesn抰 support most MASM directives, it does support EVEN and ALIGN. These directives put NOP (no operation) instructions in the assembly code as needed to align labels to specific boundaries. This makes instruction-fetch operations more efficient for some processors.

MASM Macro Directives in Inline Assembly

The inline assembler is not a macro assembler. You cannot use MASM macro directives (MACRO, REPT, IRC, IRP, and ENDM) or macro operators (<>, !, &, %, and .TYPE). An __asm block can use C preprocessor directives, however. See Using C or C++ in __asm Blocks for more information.

Segment References in Inline Assembly

You must refer to segments by register rather than by name (the segment name _TEXT is invalid, for instance). Segment overrides must use the register explicitly, as in ES:[BX].

Type and Variable Sizes in Inline Assembly

The LENGTH, SIZE, and TYPE operators have a limited meaning in inline assembly. They cannot be used at all with the DUP operator (because you cannot define data with MASM directives or operators). But you can use them to find the size of C or C++ variables or types:

The LENGTH operator can return the number of elements in an array. It returns the value 1 for non-array variables.

The SIZE operator can return the size of a C or C++ variable. A variable抯 size is the product of its LENGTH and TYPE.

The TYPE operator can return the size of a C or C++ type or variable. If the variable is an array, TYPE returns the size of a single element of the array.
For example, if your program has an 8-element int array,

int arr[8];

the following C and assembly expressions yield the size of arr and its elements.

__asm C Size
LENGTH arr sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]) 8
SIZE arr sizeof(arr) 16
TYPE arr sizeof(arr[0]) 2

Assembly-Language Comments

Instructions in an __asm block can use assembly-language comments:

__asm mov ax, offset buff ; Load address of buff

Because C macros expand into a single logical line, avoid using assembly-language comments in macros. (See Defining __asm Blocks as C Macros.) An __asm block can also contain C-style comments; for more information, see Using C or C++ in __asm Blocks.

The _emit Pseudoinstruction

The _emit pseudoinstruction is similar to the DB directive of MASM. You use _emit to define a single immediate byte at the current location in the current text segment. However, _emit can define only one byte at a time, and it can only define bytes in the text segment. It uses the same syntax as the INT instruction.

The following fragment places the given bytes into the code:

#define randasm __asm _emit 0x4A __asm _emit 0x43 __asm _emit 0x4B
__asm {

Debugging and Listings for Inline Assembly

Programs containing inline assembly code can be debugged with a source-level debugger if you compile with the /Zi option.

Within the debugger, you can set breakpoints on both C or C++ and assembly-language lines. If you enable mixed assembly and source mode, you can display both the source and disassembled form of the assembly code.

Note that putting multiple assembly instructions or source language statements on one line can hamper debugging. In source mode, you can use the debugger to set breakpoints on a single line but not on individual statements on the same line. The same principle applies to an __asm block defined as a C macro, which expands to a single logical line.

If you create a mixed source and assembly listing with the /FAs compiler option, the listing contains both the source and assembly forms of each assembly-language line. Macros are not expanded in listings, but they are expanded during compilation.

Intel's MMX Instruction Set

The Visual C++ compiler allows you to use Intel's MMX (multimedia extension) instruction set in the inline assembler. The MMX instructions are also supported by the debugger disassembly. The MMX registers are not supported in the debugger register window. The compiler generates a warning message if the function contains MMX instructions, but does not have an EMMS instruction to empty the multimedia state. For more information, see the Intel Web site.

Using C or C++ in __asm Blocks

Because inline assembly instructions can be mixed with C or C++ statements, they can refer to C or C++ variables by name and use many other elements of those languages.

An __asm block can use the following language elements:

Symbols, including labels and variable and function names

Constants, including symbolic constants and enum members

Macros and preprocessor directives

Comments (both /* */ and // )

Type names (wherever a MASM type would be legal)

typedef names, generally used with operators such as PTR and TYPE or to specify structure or union members
Within an __asm block, you can specify integer constants with either C notation or assembler radix notation (0x100 and 100h are equivalent, for example). This allows you to define (using #define) a constant in C and then use it in both C or C++ and assembly portions of the program. You can also specify constants in octal by preceding them with a 0. For example, 0777 specifies an octal constant.

What do you want to know more about?
Using Operators in __asm Blocks

Using C or C++ Symbols_in __asm Blocks

Accessing C or C++ Data in __asm Blocks

Writing Functions with Inline Assembly
Using Operators in __asm Blocks

An __asm block cannot use C or C++ specific operators, such as the << operator. However, operators shared by C and MASM, such as the * operator, are interpreted as assembly-language operators. For instance, outside an __asm block, square brackets ([ ]) are interpreted as enclosing array subscripts, which C automatically scales to the size of an element in the array. Inside an __asm block, they are seen as the MASM index operator, which yields an unscaled byte offset from any data object or label (not just an array). The following code illustrates the difference:

int array[10];

__asm mov array[6], bx ;  Store BX at array+6 (not scaled)

array[6] = 0;         /* Store 0 at array+12 (scaled) */

The first reference to array is not scaled, but the second is. Note that you can use the TYPE operator to achieve scaling based on a constant. For example, the following statements are equivalent:

__asm mov array[6 * TYPE int], 0 ; Store 0 at array + 12

array[6] = 0;                   /* Store 0 at array + 12 */

Using C or C++ Symbols in __asm Blocks

An __asm block can refer to any C or C++ symbol in scope where the block appears. (C and C++ symbols are variable names, function names, and labels; that is, names that aren抰 symbolic constants or enum members. You cannot call C++ member functions.)

A few restrictions apply to the use of C and C++ symbols:

Each assembly-language statement can contain only one C or C++ symbol. Multiple symbols can appear in the same assembly instruction only with LENGTH, TYPE, and SIZE expressions.

Functions referenced in an __asm block must be declared (prototyped) earlier in the program. Otherwise, the compiler cannot distinguish between function names and labels in the __asm block.

An __asm block cannot use any C or C++ symbols with the same spelling as MASM reserved words (regardless of case). MASM reserved words include instruction names such as PUSH and register names such as SI.

Structure and union tags are not recognized in __asm blocks.
Accessing C or C++ Data in __asm Blocks

A great convenience of inline assembly is the ability to refer to C or C++ variables by name. An __asm block can refer to any symbols, including variable names, that are in scope where the block appears. For instance, if the C variable var is in scope, the instruction

__asm mov eax, var

stores the value of var in EAX.

If a class, structure, or union member has a unique name, an __asm block can refer to it using only the member name, without specifying the variable or typedef name before the period (.) operator. If the member name is not unique, however, you must place a variable or typedef name immediately before the period operator. For example, the following structure types share same_name as their member name:

struct first_type
   char *weasel;
   int same_name;

struct second_type
   int wonton;
   long same_name;

If you declare variables with the types

struct first_type hal;
struct second_type oat;

all references to the member same_name must use the variable name because same_name is not unique. But the member weasel has a unique name, so you can refer to it using only its member name:

   mov ebx, OFFSET hal
   mov ecx, [ebx]hal.same_name ; Must use 'hal'
   mov esi, [ebx].weasel       ; Can omit 'hal'

Note that omitting the variable name is merely a coding convenience. The same assembly instructions are generated whether or not the variable name is present.

You can access data members in C++ without regard to access restrictions. However, you cannot call member functions.

Writing Functions with Inline Assembly

If you write a function with inline assembly code, it抯 easy to pass arguments to the function and return a value from it. The following examples compare a function first written for a separate assembler and then rewritten for the inline assembler. The function, called power2, receives two parameters, multiplying the first parameter by 2 to the power of the second parameter. Written for a separate assembler, the function might look like this:

; Compute the power of an integer
       PUBLIC _power2
_power2 PROC

        push ebp        ; Save EBP
        mov ebp, esp    ; Move ESP into EBP so we can refer
                        ;   to arguments on the stack
        mov eax, [ebp+4] ; Get first argument
        mov ecx, [ebp+6] ; Get second argument
        shl eax, cl     ; EAX = EAX * ( 2 ^ CL )
        pop ebp         ; Restore EBP
        ret             ; Return with sum in EAX

_power2 ENDP

Since it抯 written for a separate assembler, the function requires a separate source file and assembly and link steps. C and C++ function arguments are usually passed on the stack, so this version of the power2 function accesses its arguments by their positions on the stack. (Note that the MODEL directive, available in MASM and some other assemblers, also allows you to access stack arguments and local stack variables by name.)

The POWER2.C program writes the power2 function with inline assembly code:

/* POWER2.C */
#include <stdio.h>

int power2( int num, int power );

void main( void )
   printf( "3 times 2 to the power of 5 is %d/n", /
           power2( 3, 5) );
int power2( int num, int power )
      mov eax, num    ; Get first argument
      mov ecx, power  ; Get second argument
      shl eax, cl     ; EAX = EAX * ( 2 to the power of CL )
   /* Return with result in EAX */

The inline version of the power2 function refers to its arguments by name and appears in the same source file as the rest of the program. This version also requires fewer assembly instructions.

Because the inline version of power2 doesn抰 execute a C return statement, it causes a harmless warning if you compile at warning level 2 or higher. The function does return a value, but the compiler cannot tell that in the absence of a return statement. You can use #pragma warning to disable the generation of this warning.

Using and Preserving Registers in Inline Assembly

In general, you should not assume that a register will have a given value when an __asm block begins. Register values are not guaranteed to be preserved across separate __asm blocks. If you end a block of inline code and begin another, you cannot rely on the registers in the second block to retain their values from the first block. An __asm block inherits whatever register values result from the normal flow of control.

If you use the __fastcall calling convention, the compiler passes function arguments in registers instead of on the stack. This can create problems in functions with __asm blocks because a function has no way to tell which parameter is in which register. If the function happens to receive a parameter in EAX and immediately stores something else in EAX, the original parameter is lost. In addition, you must preserve the ECX register in any function declared with __fastcall.

To avoid such register conflicts, don抰 use the __fastcall convention for functions that contain an __asm block. If you specify the __fastcall convention globally with the /Gr compiler option, declare every function containing an __asm block with __cdecl or __stdcall. (The __cdecl attribute tells the compiler to use the C calling convention for that function.) If you are not compiling with /Gr, avoid declaring the function with the __fastcall attribute.

When using __asm to write assembly language in C/C++ functions, you don't need to preserve the EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX, ESI, or EDI registers. For example, in the POWER2.C example in Writing Functions with Inline Assembly, the power2 function doesn't preserve the value in the EAX register. However, using these registers will affect code quality because the register allocator cannot use them to store values across __asm blocks. In addition, by using EBX, ESI or EDI in inline assembly code, you force the compiler to save and restore those registers in the function prologue and epilogue.

You should preserve other registers you use (such as DS, SS, SP, BP, and flags registers) for the scope of the __asm block. You should preserve the ESP and EBP registers unless you have some reason to change them (to switch stacks, for example). Also see Optimizing Inline Assembly.

Note   If your inline assembly code changes the direction flag using the STD or CLD instructions, you must restore the flag to its original value.

Jumping to Labels in Inline Assembly

Like an ordinary C or C++ label, a label in an __asm block has scope throughout the function in which it is defined (not only in the block). Both assembly instructions and goto statements can jump to labels inside or outside the __asm block.

Labels defined in __asm blocks are not case sensitive; both goto statements and assembly instructions can refer to those labels without regard to case. C and C++ labels are case sensitive only when used by goto statements. Assembly instructions can jump to a C or C++ label without regard to case.

The following code shows all the permutations:

void func( void )
   goto C_Dest;  /* Legal: correct case   */
   goto c_dest;  /* Error: incorrect case */

   goto A_Dest;  /* Legal: correct case   */
   goto a_dest;  /* Legal: incorrect case */

      jmp C_Dest ; Legal: correct case
      jmp c_dest ; Legal: incorrect case

      jmp A_Dest ; Legal: correct case
      jmp a_dest ; Legal: incorrect case

      a_dest:    ; __asm label

   C_Dest:       /* C label */

Don抰 use C library function names as labels in __asm blocks. For instance, you might be tempted to use exit as a label, as follows:

; BAD TECHNIQUE: using library function name as label
jne exit
   ; More __asm code follows

Because exit is the name of a C library function, this code might cause a jump to the exit function instead of to the desired location.

As in MASM programs, the dollar symbol ($) serves as the current location counter. It is a label for the instruction currently being assembled. In __asm blocks, its main use is to make long conditional jumps:

jne $+5 ; next instruction is 5 bytes long
jmp farlabel
; $+5

Calling C Functions in Inline Assembly

An __asm block can call C functions, including C library routines. The following example calls the printf library routine:

#include <stdio.h>

char format[] = "%s %s/n";
char hello[] = "Hello";
char world[] = "world";
void main( void )
      mov  eax, offset world
      push eax
      mov  eax, offset hello
      push eax
      mov  eax, offset format
      push eax
      call printf
      //clean up the stack so that main can exit cleanly
      //use the unused register ebx to do the cleanup
      pop  ebx
      pop  ebx
      pop  ebx

Because function arguments are passed on the stack, you simply push the needed arguments梥tring pointers, in the previous example梑efore calling the function. The arguments are pushed in reverse order, so they come off the stack in the desired order. To emulate the C statement

printf( format, hello, world );

the example pushes pointers to world, hello, and format, in that order, and then calls printf.

Calling C++ Functions in Inline Assembly

An __asm block can call only global C++ functions that are not overloaded. If you call an overloaded global C++ function or a C++ member function, the compiler issues an error.

You can also call any functions declared with extern "C" linkage. This allows an __asm block within a C++ program to call the C library functions, because all the standard header files declare the library functions to have extern "C" linkage.

Defining __asm Blocks as C Macros

C macros offer a convenient way to insert assembly code into your source code, but they demand extra care because a macro expands into a single logical line. To create trouble-free macros, follow these rules:

Enclose the __asm block in braces.

Put the __asm keyword in front of each assembly instruction.

Use old-style C comments ( /* comment */) instead of assembly-style comments ( ; comment) or single-line C comments ( // comment).
To illustrate, the following example defines a simple macro:

#define PORTIO __asm      /
/* Port output */         /
{                         /
   __asm mov al, 2        /
   __asm mov dx, 0xD007   /
   __asm out al, dx       /

At first glance, the last three __asm keywords seem superfluous. They are needed, however, because the macro expands into a single line:

__asm /* Port output */ { __asm mov al, 2  __asm mov dx, 0xD007 __asm out al, dx }

The third and fourth __asm keywords are needed as statement separators. The only statement separators recognized in __asm blocks are the newline character and __asm keyword. Because a block defined as a macro is one logical line, you must separate each instruction with __asm.

The braces are essential as well. If you omit them, the compiler can be confused by C or C++ statements on the same line to the right of the macro invocation. Without the closing brace, the compiler cannot tell where assembly code stops, and it sees C or C++ statements after the __asm block as assembly instructions.

Assembly-style comments that start with a semicolon (;) continue to the end of the line. This causes problems in macros because the compiler ignores everything after the comment, all the way to the end of the logical line. The same is true of single-line C or C++ comments ( // comment). To prevent errors, use old-style C comments ( /* comment */) in __asm blocks defined as macros.

An __asm block written as a C macro can take arguments. Unlike an ordinary C macro, however, an __asm macro cannot return a value. So you cannot use such macros in C or C++ expressions.

Be careful not to invoke macros of this type indiscriminately. For instance, invoking an assembly-language macro in a function declared with the __fastcall convention may cause unexpected results. (See Using and Preserving Registers in Inline Assembly.)

Optimizing Inline Assembly

The presence of an __asm block in a function affects optimization in several ways. First, the compiler doesn抰 try to optimize the __asm block itself. What you write in assembly language is exactly what you get. Second, the presence of an __asm block affects register variable storage. The compiler avoids enregistering variables across an __asm block if the register抯 contents would be changed by the __asm block. Finally, some other function-wide optimizations will be affected by the inclusion of assembly language in a function.
