Evil beyond imagining

Other gun-related incidents, suchas the one in 2011 which left Gabrielle Gifford, an Arizona congresswoman,severely injured and killed six others, did nothing to push politicians tofight for gun control. But this time does seem different. Since the shootingmore than 180000 Americans have petitioned the White House to introducegun-control legislation. Senators Joe Minchin of West Virginia and Mark Warnerof Virginia, both given a ratings the National Rifle Association, are nowcalling for gun-control. But the reformers have a huge task ahead of them.According to one survey, roughly a third of all American households ownfirearms. Three-quarters of those own more than one. Around 300m guns are incirculation, about one for every person in the country.



Between 1994 and 2004 the federalassault-weapons ban outlawed certain weapons. Since its expiry most of thedebate about new gun-control legislation has not focused on banning guns, butallowed in them in more places-in national parks, on trains, in churches and atcolleges. Still, Dianne Feinstein, a Democratic senator from California, plansspeedily to reintroduce an updated federal ban on these weapons. And Mr. Obama’sspokesman has indicated that he will support it.


(原文)“联邦攻击性武器禁令” 在1994到2004年间取缔了一些武器。该禁令失效之后,关于新法案的立法辩论焦点不再是取缔枪支,而是应不应该允许把枪支带到更多的地方,包括国家公园里、火车上、教堂和大学内。来自加州的民主党参议员黛安娜•范斯坦,迅速决定推动新版武器禁令出台。奥巴马的发言人已经表示总统将支持这一计划。

Any serious new gun-control lawsare likely to face opposition from the NRA. The lobby group has bragged that itdefeated 19 of the 24 congressman it targeted in 1994, shortly after theassault ban went into effect. The NRA kept a low profile this week, though itpromised a statement on December 21st which would make “meaningfulcontributions” towards gun safety. Others have acted already: California’slegislature moved to require a license for anyone buying ammunition, andCerberus Capital, a private-equity group, said it will sell its stake in thefirm that made the semi-automatic rifle used in Sandy Hook.


(原文)任何严厉的新禁枪法都可能面临NRA的反对。这个游说团体曾吹嘘说,1994年“联邦攻击性武器禁令”生效后不久,它就搞跨了支持该禁令的24名国会议员中的19名。NRA承诺会在12月21日发表一份声明,将对枪支安全做出“有意义的贡献” ,但本周仍保持低调,但。其他组织已在行动:加利福尼亚州立法机构打算要求任何购买弹药的人都必须要有许可证;塞伯罗斯资本(一家私营股权投资集团)表示,将出售桑迪胡克枪杀案中所用半自动步枪的生产厂家的股份。

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