iPhone style title bar in BlackBerry




iPhone-style Field for Blackberry The source illustrates how to achieve a linear, top to bottom, gradient and also some basic dynamic sizing and font selection to ensure the field looks correct on both new and old BlackBerry devices: Usage: add(new HeaderField("My Title")); Note. The above looks much better on-device, there are limitations when taking screenshots from the emulator. import net.rim.device.api.system.Display; import net.rim.device.api.ui.Field; import net.rim.device.api.ui.Font; import net.rim.device.api.ui.FontFamily; import net.rim.device.api.ui.Graphics; public class HeaderField extends Field { int fieldWidth = Display.getWidth(); int fieldHeight; String text; Font headerFont; //gradient items: int[] upperX_PTS; int[] upperY_PTS; int[] upperDrawColors; int[] lowerX_PTS; int[] lowerY_PTS; int[] lowerDrawColors; public HeaderField(String text) { this.text = text; headerFont = fieldFont(); if (fieldWidth < 321) { fieldHeight = 45; } else { fieldHeight = 60; } upperX_PTS = new int[]{0, 0, fieldWidth, fieldWidth}; upperY_PTS = new int[]{0, fieldHeight / 2, fieldHeight / 2, 0}; upperDrawColors = new int[]{0xa0acc2, 0x7788a4, 0x7788a4, 0xa0acc2}; lowerX_PTS = new int[]{0, 0, fieldWidth, fieldWidth}; lowerY_PTS = new int[]{fieldHeight / 2, fieldHeight, fieldHeight, fieldHeight / 2}; lowerDrawColors = new int[]{0x70819d, 0x606e88, 0x606e88, 0x70819d}; } public int getPreferredWidth() { return fieldWidth; } public int getPreferredHeight() { return fieldHeight; } protected void layout(int width, int height) { setExtent(getPreferredWidth(), getPreferredHeight()); } protected void paint(Graphics graphics) { graphics.drawShadedFilledPath(upperX_PTS, upperY_PTS, null, upperDrawColors, null); graphics.drawShadedFilledPath(lowerX_PTS, lowerY_PTS, null, lowerDrawColors, null); graphics.setFont(headerFont); int textWidth = headerFont.getAdvance(text); int yLoc = (fieldHeight - headerFont.getHeight()) / 2; //slight embossed style: graphics.setColor(0x424546); graphics.drawText(text, (fieldWidth - textWidth) / 2, yLoc - 2); graphics.setColor(0xffffff); graphics.drawText(text, (fieldWidth - textWidth) / 2, yLoc); } private Font fieldFont() { if (fieldWidth < 321) { try { FontFamily theFam = FontFamily.forName("BBMillbank"); return theFam.getFont(Font.BOLD, 18); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { return Font.getDefault(); } } else { try { FontFamily theFam = FontFamily.forName("BBAlpha Sans"); return theFam.getFont(Font.BOLD, 28); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { return Font.getDefault(); } } } } 
