Cross Compile "bluez-libs-.2.22" "bluez-utils-2.22" to Arm-xScale Platform (原创)


The following is my previous experience of using bluz-2.22 on arm-xscale.


mkdir -p /nfsroot/arm-xscale-linux-gnu/steven_root/         <= It is the root file system of my arm-xscale board.
export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR/nfsroot/arm-xscale-linux-gnu/steven_root/lib/pkgconfig      <= It is to configue my cross compile pkg-config.

pkg-config --list-all


1.cross compile bluez-libs-2.22
./configure --host=arm-xscale-linux-gnu --prefix=/nfsroot/arm-xscale-linux-gnu/steven_root/ --includedir=/opt/gcc-4.1.2-glibc-2.4/arm-xscale-linux-gnu/arm-xscale-linux-gnu/include --libdir=/opt/gcc-4.1.2-glibc-2.4/arm-xscale-linux-gnu/arm-xscale-linux-gnu/lib
make install


> The shared libs "*" would be generated under /nfsroot/arm-xscale-linux-gnu/steven_root/lib/



2.corss compile bluez-utils-2.22
./configure --host=arm-xscale-linux-gnu --prefix=/nfsroot/arm-xscale-linux-gnu/steven_root/ --includedir=/opt/gcc-4.1.2-glibc-2.4/arm-xscale-linux-gnu/arm-xscale-linux-gnu/include --libdir=/opt/gcc-4.1.2-glibc-2.4/arm-xscale-linux-gnu/arm-xscale-linux-gnu/lib
make install


> The binary "hciconfig " would be generated under /nfsroot/arm-xscale-linux-gnu/steven_root/bin/
> The binary "hciattach " would be generated under /nfsroot/arm-xscale-linux-gnu/steven_root/bin/
> The binary "hcitool" would be generated under /nfsroot/arm-xscale-linux-gnu/steven_root/bin/
> The binary "sdptool" would be generated under /nfsroot/arm-xscale-linux-gnu/steven_root/bin/
> The binary "rfcomm" would be generated under /nfsroot/arm-xscale-linux-gnu/steven_root/bin/


3. How to run bluz-utils on arm-xscale

#insmod bluetooth.ko
#insmod hci_uart.ko
#insmod l2cap.ko
#insmod rfcomm.ko

#mknod -m 666 /dev/rfcomm0 c 216 0
#reset_bt_gpio  <= Our BT chip is controlled by a GPIO port, We have to set the GPIO level to high first before using the chip.

#hciattach -s 115200 ttyS1 bcsp 115200
#hciconfig hci0 reset
#hciconfig -a
#hcitool scan
#sdptool browse XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX  <=XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX is the specified Phone's address)

For example we get the information for AT(SPP) service:
Service Name: AT
Service RecHandle: 0x10004
Service Class ID List:
  "Serial Port" (0x1101)
Protocol Descriptor List:
  "L2CAP" (0x0100)
  "RFCOMM" (0x0003)
    Channel: 4

# rfcomm bind 0 XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX Y   
(Y is the channel number of the AT(SPP) service)

4. Then we can use some tools like "gnokii" to do the bluetooth serial operations 
4.1 cross comple gnokii-0.6.26
./configure --host=arm-xscale-linux-gnu --disable-shared --prefix=/nfsroot/arm-xscale-linux-gnu/steven_root/

make install

> The binary "gnokii" would be generated under /nfsroot/arm-xscale-linux-gnu/steven_root/bin/
> The binary "gnokiid" would be generated under /nfsroot/arm-xscale-linux-gnu/steven_root/bin/

> The etc ".gnokiirc" would be generated under /nfsroot/arm-xscale-linux-gnu/steven_root/etc/


4.2 run gnokii on arm-xscale

Modify the line of the file ".gnokiirc" on board
"port = XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX"
(XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX is the specified Phone's bluetooth address)
"rfcomm_channel = Y"
(Y is the channel number of the AT(SPP) service)

#gnokii --identify
#gnokii --getsms ME 1 
#gnokii --getphonebook ME 1


That's all (Steven.)
