
WEB缓存深入介绍 :




You could accomplish what you need in the same manner. Just code a custom method and make it available to your models. Then call the method with after_create, after_update, after_destroy in the model. If you want to make it happen to all models, you could probably do this in an initializer:

#UNTESTED, but should be close ActiveRecord::Base.descendants.each do|model| model.class_eval do after_create :your_cache_method #... other callbacks end end

You could then code a module with your_cache_method in it and include it in ActiveRecord::Base, so it would be available to all models




***Scaling Rails – 第八章 Memcached***




Dalli replaces memcache-client [Rails 4 Countdown to 2013]


After maintaining the memcache-client gem for over two years, Mike Perham wrote Dalli. Dalli is a high performance drop-in replacement for memcache-client, and has been the client of choice for the last two years.



