win7 Host 与virtualbox 中的 ubuntu 11.10 共享文件夹

环境是: 主机是windows7,虚拟机是VirtualBox的ubuntu11.10




win7 Host 与virtualbox 中的 ubuntu 11.10 共享文件夹_第1张图片

[java]  view plain copy
  1. 接着启动终端,输入如下命令 
  3. cd /media/VBOXADDITIONS_4.0.8_71778 
  5. sudo ./ 
  7. 安装完后,要重启ubuntu. 
  8. 第一步End。 
[java]  view plain copy
  1. 接着启动终端,输入如下命令  
  3. cd /media/VBOXADDITIONS_4.0.8_71778  
  5. sudo ./  
  7. 安装完后,要重启ubuntu.  
  8. 第一步End。  





win7 Host 与virtualbox 中的 ubuntu 11.10 共享文件夹_第2张图片


win7 Host 与virtualbox 中的 ubuntu 11.10 共享文件夹_第3张图片

win7 Host 与virtualbox 中的 ubuntu 11.10 共享文件夹_第4张图片

win7 Host 与virtualbox 中的 ubuntu 11.10 共享文件夹_第5张图片



[java]  view plain copy
  1. sudo mkdir /mnt/shared 
  2. sudo mount -t vboxsf virtualShare /mnt/shared 
  4. OK,现在ubuntu可以与windows7共享文件夹了,试下吧,哈哈 

virtualShare /mnt/share vboxsf rw,gid=100,uid=1000,auto 0 0

sudo umount -f /mnt/shared

[java]  view plain copy
  1. sudo mkdir /mnt/shared  
  2. sudo mount -t vboxsf virtualShare /mnt/shared  
  4. OK,现在ubuntu可以与windows7共享文件夹了,试下吧,哈哈  




Sometimes, you just have to move files from your VirtualBox’s Ubuntu 11.04 virtual machines to a Windows 7 host, but how?  It’s simple really!  There are couple ways of doing it, but I prefer to keep it simple.  The steps are below:

  1. Start VirtualBox
  2. Highlight a virtual machine in the list of virtual machines
  3. Click on Settings
  4. Go to Shared Folders
  5. Click on Add Shared Folders
  6. From drop down box of Folder Path, choose Other
  7. Pick a folder from your system that you have permission to access
  8. Check the box that says Auto mount
  9. Click OK button
  10. Click OK button again to save everything
  11. Start your Ubuntu 11.04 virtual machine (i.e., the one you have added a shared folder for)
  12. Inside Ubuntu 11.04 virtual machine, open up Control Center >> System >> Users and Groups
  13. Click on Manage Groups
  14. Scroll down till you see a group labeled as vboxsf, highlight it, and then click on Properties
  15. Place a check mark inside a box next to the user that you want to give access to shared folder(s)
  16. Click OK, and you have to enter your sudo’s password or root password or just a password of a user who has administrative authority
  17. Navigate to folder/directory labeled as media inside Ubuntu 11.04 virtual machine using either Nautilus or Terminal
  18. Change into the directory which begins with sf_, because a folder/directory inside media folder/directory that has sf_ prefix is a shared folder that you created earlier using VirtualBox.
  19. If using Nautilus, you can right click on empty space to create a folder with a folder name of your choosing.  If using Terminal, you can execute this command [mkdir Testing].  Remember, you should do this as a normal user, a user which you’d gave permission to access this shared folder a bit earlier using Ubuntu.  If you can create a test folder with a folder name of your choosing inside the directory with prefix sf_ in folder/directory media, it means you are officially able to transfer files and folders inside Ubuntu 11.04 virtual machine to your Windows 7 host.
  20. To double check to see if everything is working, navigate to your Windows 7 host and go to the shared folder that you’d allowed VirtualBox to share it with Ubuntu 11.04 virtual machine earlier.  If everything is working out, you should now see a test folder/directory you had created in step 19.

That’s it!  Have fun moving files from your Ubuntu 11.04 virtual machine(s) to your Windows 7 Host and vice versa!

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