注:正态分布曲线的对称轴是正态样本的平均值;样本的平均值增大,曲线向右侧平移,样本的平均值减小,曲线向左侧平移。 正态样本的标准差越大,则正态分布曲线越平坦,峰值越小。
Initializes random number generator state
void cvRandInit( CvRandState* state, double param1, double param2, int seed, int distType=CV_RAND_UNI );
The function cvRandInit initializes the state structure that is used for generating uniformly distributed numbers in the range [param1, param2) or normally distributed numbers with param1 mean and param2 standard deviation. The parameters are set for all the dimensions simultaneously - resemble that RNG has separate parameters for each of 4 dimensions. A multiply-with-carry generator is used.
Changes the range of generated random numbers without touching RNG state
void cvRandSetRange( CvRandState* state, double param1, double param2, int index=-1 );
The function cvRandSetRange changes the range of generated random numbers without reinitializing RNG state. It is useful if a few arrays of different types need to initialized with random numbers within a loop. Alternatively, you may have a separate generator for each array, but then you should provide several uncorrelated initialization seeds - one per each generator.
Fills array with random numbers and updates the RNG state
void cvRand( CvRandState* state, CvArr* arr );
The function cvRand fills the destination array with uniformly or normally distributed random numbers within the pre-set range and updates RNG state. In the sample below this and two functions above are used to put a few normally distributed floating-point numbers to random locations within a 2d array
/* let's noisy_screen be the floating-point 2d array that is to be "crapped" */ CvRandState rng_state; int i, pointCount = 1000; /* allocate the array of coordinates of points */ CvMat* locations = cvCreateMat( pointCount, 1, CV_32SC2 ); /* array of random point values */ CvMat* values = cvCreateMat( pointCount, 1, CV_32FC1 ); CvSize size = cvGetSize( noisy_screen ); cvRandInit( &rng_state, 0, 1, /* use dummy parameters now and adjust them further */ 0xffffffff /* just use a fixed seed here */, CV_RAND_UNI /* specify uniform type */ ); /* customize the RNG to use it for initialiazing locations: the 0-th dimension is used for x's and the 1st - for y's */ cvRandSetRange( &rng_state, 0, size.width, 0 ); cvRandSetRange( &rng_state, 0, size.height, 1 ); /* initialize the locations */ cvRand( &rng_state, locations ); /* modify RNG to make it produce normally distributed values */ rng_state.disttype = CV_RAND_NORMAL; cvRandSetRange( &rng_state, 30 /* deviation */, 100 /* average point brightness */, -1 /* initialize all the dimensions */ ); /* generate values */ cvRand( &rng_state, values ); /* set the points */ for( i = 0; i < pointCount; i++ ) { CvPoint pt = *(CvPoint*)cvPtr1D( locations, i, 0 ); float value = *(float*)cvPtr1D( values, i, 0 ); cvSetReal2D( noisy_screen, pt.y, pt.x, value ); } /* not to forget to release the temporary arrays */ cvReleaseMat( &locations ); cvReleaseMat( &values ); /* cvRandInit does not allocate any memory, so there is no need (and no function) to deinitialize it */
Returns 32-bit unsigned integer and updates RNG
unsigned cvRandNext( CvRandState* state );
The function cvRandNext returns uniformly-distributed (regardless of the RNG distribution type settings) "plain" integer random number and updates RNG state. It is similar to rand() function from C runtime library, but it always generates 32-bit number whereas rand() returns a number in between 0 and RAND_MAX which is 2**16 or 2**32, depending on the platform.
The function is useful for generating scalar random numbers, such as points, patch sizes, table indices etc, where integer numbers of a certain range can be generated using modulo operation and floating-point numbers can be generated by scaling to 0..1 of any other specific range. Here is the example from the previous function discussion rewritten using cvRandNext :
/* the input and the task is the same as in the previous sample. */ CvRandState rng_state; int i, pointCount = 1000; /* ... - no arrays are allocated here */ CvSize size = cvGetSize( noisy_screen ); /* make a buffer for normally distributed numbers to reduce call overhead */ #define bufferSize 16 float normalValueBuffer[bufferSize]; CvMat normalValueMat = cvMat( bufferSize, 1, CV_32F, normalValueBuffer ); int valuesLeft = 0; /* initialize RNG to produce normally distributed values. Coordinates will be uniformly distributed within 0..2**32 anyway as they are generated using cvRandNext */ cvRandInit( &rng_state, 100, 30, 0xffffffff /* just use a fixed seed here */, CV_RAND_NORMAL /* specify uniform type */ ); for( i = 0; i < pointCount; i++ ) { CvPoint pt; /* generate random point */ pt.x = cvRandNext( &rng_state ) % size.width; pt.y = cvRandNext( &rng_state ) % size.height; if( valuesLeft <= 0 ) { /* fulfill the buffer with normally distributed numbers if the buffer is empty */ cvRand( &rng_state, &normalValueMat ); valuesLeft = bufferSize; } cvSetReal2D( noisy_screen, pt.y, pt.x, normalValueBuffer[--valuesLeft]); } /* there is no need to deallocate normalValueMat because we have both the matrix header and the data on stack. It is a common and efficient practice of working with small, fixed-size matrices */