ProEssentials 包含 5 个ActiveX 接口: Graph, Scientific Graph, 3D Scientific Graph, Pie Chart, and Polar Chart controls.
在ProEssentials Pro
如下图PE3DO32E.OCX Gigasoft Pe3do代表ProEssentiols 3D Scientific Graph Object
PEGO32E.OCX Pego代表Graph Object
PEPCO32E.OCX Pepco代表 Pie Chart Object
PEPSO32E.OCX Pepso代表Polar Chart / Smith Chart / Admittance Chart / Rose Chart
PESGO32E.OCX Pesgo代表Scientific Graph Object
ProEssentialsPro DLLPEGO32E.OCXGraph Object
PESGO32E.OCXScientific Graph Object
PE3DO32E.OCX3D Scientific Graph Objec
tPEPSO32E.OCXPolar Object
PEPCO32E.OCXPie Chart Object
上面图像即为所见. 展示了默认ProEssentials Graph状态下样式. 默认状态有一个 含有4个数据点的子集. 在构造你自己的图表过程中, 设置属性页Subsets 和Points属性 ,这两个属性定义了图表中使用数据的质量. 通过 YData(subset, point) 二维属性数组传递数据.
下面是传递数据代码示例. 当我们创建Scientific Graph (Pesgo), 还需设置tXData(subset, point).
ProEssentials 使用术语 Subsets 和 Points ,但你也可以把它们想象为行和列( Rows and Columns). 传递数据是如此简单,只需用相关的数据值点(Points)填充每一子集(subset).
前两行设置t Subsets andPoints. 你一你要传递的数据数量.
m_pego1.SetSubsets(2); m_pego1.SetPoints(10);
接着一个嵌套的for循环 传递随机数据给 YData(s, p) 属性数组.
for (int i=0;i<2;s++) { for (int j=0;j<10;j++) { m_pego1.SetYData(i,j,rand()); } }
设置主标题( MainTitle)和副标题( SubTitle) . 当副标题为空字符串时将隐藏副标题.Y轴标题( YAxisLabel )和X轴标题( XAxisLabel )相同设置.
m_pego1.SetMainTitle("主标题"); m_pego1.SetSubTitle(""); m_pego1.SetYAxisLabel("Y轴"); m_pego1.SetXAxisLabel("");
子集标签设置第一个子集标签 Hellol. 设置第二个子集标签world.
m_pego1.SetSubsetLabels(0,"Hello"); m_pego1.SetSubsetLabels(1,"world!");
m_pego1.SetSubsetLabels(0,"Hello"); m_pego1.SetSubsetLabels(1,"world!"); m_pego1.SetBitmapGradientMode(TRUE); //m_pego1.SetQuickStyle(PEQS_LIGHT_INSET); m_pego1.SetQuickStyle(1);m_pego1.SetFixedFonts(TRUE); //m_pego1.SetLegendStyle(PELS_1_LINE_INSIDE_AXIS); m_pego1.SetLegendStyle(2);//查看宏定义PELS_1_LINE_INSIDE_AXIS=2 m_pego1.SetPEactions(REINITIALIZE_RESETIMAGE);//实际编程中无此宏定义,不知道定义在哪了 return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
最后 PEactions设置为 REINITIALIZE_RESETIMAGE 将告诉 ProEssentials已经完成属性设置.
This example is very simple and you'll likely set other properties such as: Width/Height so that the control uses Form1's client area as needed.
PointLabels which will replace the "1,2,3..." along x axis.
SubsetLineTypes which controls line styles.
SubsetColors which controls line colors.
PlottingMethod which controls the type of chart created, Line, Bar, Area, Point, etc.