
2016 Most Prestigious Consulting Firms

综合排名榜(Top 50)


  • Defense Consulting
  • Economic Consulting
  • Energy Consulting
  • Financial Consulting
  • Health Care Consulting
  • Human Resources Consulting
  • IT Operations Consulting
  • IT Strategy Consulting
  • Management Consulting
  • Operations Consulting
  • Public Sector Consulting
  • Retail Consulting
  • Strategy Consulting

其中IT运营(2016 Best Consulting Firms for IT Operations Consulting)

Survey respondents were asked to rate each consulting firm in the survey on a scale from 1 to 10 based on prestige, with 10 being the most prestigious. Consultants were unable to rate their own firm, and they were asked to rate only those firms with which they were familiar.

Vault collected the survey results and averaged the score for each firm. The firms were then ranked, with the highest score being No. 1, down to No. 50.

Remember that Vault's top-50 prestigious consulting firms are chosen by practicing consultants at top consulting firms. Vault does not choose or influence these rankings. The rankings measure perceived prestige (as determined by consulting professionals) and not revenue, size or lifestyle.

