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文章《linux c线程池简单实现_kankan231》中代码质量还不错,调理比较清晰并且备注较好,但是没有头文件= =...决定将这个文章作为主要资料看,把代码打印了出来方便上课看。
int pthread_create(pthread_t *thread, const pthread_attr_t *attr, void *(*start_routine) (void *), void *arg );
/*任务队列元素*/ struct job { void * (*callback_function)(void *arg); //线程回调函数 void * arg; //回调函数参数 struct job * next; };
/*进程池结构体*/ struct threadpool { int thread_num; //线程池中开启的线程数 struct job *head; //指向job的头指针,任务队列的头 struct job *tail; //指向job的尾指针,任务队列的尾 pthread_t *pthreads; //线程池中所有线程的pthread_t存储空间头地址 pthread_mutex_t mutex; //互斥锁 pthread_cond_t queue_empty; //队列为空的条件变量 pthread_cond_t queue_not_empty; //队列非空的条件变量 pthread_cond_t queue_not_full; //队列非满的条件变量 int queue_max_num; //任务队列的最大长度 int queue_cur_num; //任务队列的当前长度 int queue_close; //任务队列是否关闭 0:开启;1:关闭 int pool_close; //线程池是否关闭 0:开启;1:关闭 };
/* * Author: [email protected] * * Created Time: 2014年04月13日 星期日 14时02分25秒 * * FileName: Threads_Pool.c * * Description: 编译时加后缀: -lpthread * */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <assert.h> /*任务队列元素*/ struct job { void * (*callback_function)(void *arg); //线程回调函数 void * arg; //回调函数参数 struct job * next; }; /*进程池结构体*/ struct threadpool { int thread_num; //线程池中开启的线程数 struct job *head; //指向job的头指针,任务队列的头 struct job *tail; //指向job的尾指针,任务队列的尾 pthread_t *pthreads; //线程池中所有线程的pthread_t存储空间头地址 pthread_mutex_t mutex; //互斥锁 pthread_cond_t queue_empty; //队列为空的条件变量 pthread_cond_t queue_not_empty; //队列非空的条件变量 pthread_cond_t queue_not_full; //队列非满的条件变量 int queue_max_num; //任务队列的最大长度 int queue_cur_num; //任务队列的当前长度 int queue_close; //任务队列是否关闭 0:开启;1:关闭 int pool_close; //线程池是否关闭 0:开启;1:关闭 }; struct threadpool * threadpool_init(int thread_num, int queue_max_num); int threadpool_add_job(struct threadpool * pool, void * (*callback_function)(void * arg), void * arg); int threadpool_destroy(struct threadpool * pool); void * threadpool_function(void * pool_arg); struct threadpool * threadpool_init(int thread_num, int queue_max_num) { struct threadpool * pool= NULL; do//循环的目的只是为了初始化时,若任意if初始化失败,直接跳过下面的初始化 { /*申请线程池空间*/ pool = malloc(sizeof(struct threadpool)); if(NULL == pool) { printf("Failed to malloc threadpool!\n"); break; } /*初始化线程池参数*/ pool->thread_num = thread_num; pool->queue_max_num = queue_max_num; pool->queue_cur_num = 0; pool->head = NULL; pool->tail = NULL; /*初始化条件变量*/ if( pthread_mutex_init(&(pool->mutex), NULL) ) { printf("Failed to init mutex!\n"); break; } if( pthread_cond_init(&(pool->queue_empty), NULL) ) { printf("Failed to init queue_empty!\n"); break; } if( pthread_cond_init(&(pool->queue_not_empty), NULL) ) { printf("Failed to init queue_not_empty!\n"); break; } if( pthread_cond_init(&(pool->queue_not_full), NULL) ) { printf("Failed to init queue_not_full!\n"); break; } /*开辟存储所有线程的pthread_t的空间*/ pool->pthreads = malloc(sizeof(pthread_t) * thread_num); if(NULL == pool->pthreads) { printf("Failed to malloc pthreads!\n"); break; } /*初始化任务队列信号量为开启,线程池信号量为开启*/ pool->queue_close = 0; pool->pool_close = 0; /*初始化所有线程*/ int i; for(i = 0; i < pool->thread_num; i++) { pthread_create(&(pool->pthreads[i]), NULL, threadpool_function, (void *)pool); } return pool; }while(0); return NULL; } /*将任务添加到任务队列中的函数*/ int threadpool_add_job(struct threadpool *pool, void * (*callback_function)(void * arg), void * arg) { assert(NULL != pool); assert(NULL != callback_function); assert(NULL != arg); pthread_mutex_lock(&(pool->mutex));//对线程加锁 //如果任务队列已满,将进程阻塞直到任务队列非满 while((pool->queue_cur_num == pool->queue_max_num) && !(pool->queue_close || pool->pool_close)) { pthread_cond_wait(&(pool->queue_not_full),&(pool->mutex)); } if(pool->queue_close || pool->pool_close)//任务队列关闭或线程池关闭,则退出 { pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pool->mutex)); return -1; } //开辟一个新任务空间pjob存储当前任务 struct job * pjob = (struct job *)malloc(sizeof(struct job)); if(NULL == pjob) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pool->mutex)); return -1; } //将任务存储到新的任务空间pjob pjob->callback_function = callback_function; pjob->arg = arg; pjob->next = NULL; //将任务插到任务队列 if(NULL == pool->head) { pool->head = pool->tail = pjob; pthread_cond_broadcast(&(pool->queue_not_empty)); //队列为空时,当有任务到来,则通知线程池中的线程:队列非空 } else { pool->tail->next = pjob; pool->tail = pjob; } pool->queue_cur_num++; pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pool->mutex)); return 0; } /*线程工作入口函数*/ void * threadpool_function(void * pool_arg) { struct threadpool * pool = (struct threadpool *)pool_arg; //获取线程池地址 struct job *pjob = NULL; //初始化为NULL,后面会用到 while(1)//循环从任务队列中提取任务 { pthread_mutex_lock(&(pool->mutex)); //任务队列为空时,线程等待队列非空 while((pool->queue_cur_num == 0) && !pool->pool_close) { pthread_cond_wait(&(pool->queue_not_empty),&(pool->mutex)); } //如果线程池被关闭,线程退出 if(pool->pool_close) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pool->mutex)); pthread_exit(NULL); } //取出一个任务,任务队列长度-1 pool->queue_cur_num--; pjob = pool->head; //若取出任务后任务队列长度为空,将head = tail = NULL if(pool->queue_cur_num == 0) { pool->head = pool->tail = NULL; } //若不为空,头结点指向队列中的下一个任务 else { pool->head = pjob->next; } //threadpool_destory函数执行时,只有队列非空才可以执行销毁线程函数 if(pool->queue_cur_num == 0) { pthread_cond_signal(&(pool->queue_empty)); } //如果队列非满,通知threadpool_add_job函数添加新任务 if(pool->queue_cur_num == pool->queue_max_num - 1) { pthread_cond_broadcast(&(pool->queue_not_full)); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pool->mutex)); //线程真正要做的:调用回调函数,进入工作 (*(pjob->callback_function))(pjob->arg); free(pjob);//执行完毕,销毁该任务 pjob = NULL; } } /*销毁线程池函数*/ int threadpool_destroy(struct threadpool * pool) { assert(pool != NULL); pthread_mutex_lock(&(pool->mutex)); if(pool->queue_close || pool->pool_close)//线程池已经退出了,则直接返回 { pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pool->mutex)); return -1; } /*关闭任务队列*/ pool->queue_close = 1; while(pool->queue_cur_num != 0) { //等待队列为空 pthread_cond_wait(&(pool->queue_empty),&(pool->mutex)); } /*关闭线程池*/ pool->pool_close = 1; pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pool->mutex)); pthread_cond_broadcast(&(pool->queue_not_empty));//唤醒所有正在阻塞的线程 pthread_cond_broadcast(&(pool->queue_not_full));//唤醒添加任务的threadpool_add_job函数 int i; for(i = 0; i < pool->thread_num; i++) { pthread_join(pool->pthreads[i], NULL);//等待线程池的所有线程执行完毕 } pthread_mutex_destroy(&(pool->mutex)); pthread_cond_destroy(&(pool->queue_empty)); pthread_cond_destroy(&(pool->queue_not_empty)); pthread_cond_destroy(&(pool->queue_not_full)); free(pool->pthreads); pool->pthreads = NULL; struct job *tmp; while(pool->head != NULL) { tmp = pool->head; pool->head = tmp->next; free(tmp); } free(pool); pool = NULL; return 0; }
void * work(void * arg) { char *work_str = (char *)arg; printf("threadpool %ld callback function: %s.\n",pthread_self(),work_str); sleep(1); } int main(void) { struct threadpool * pool = threadpool_init(10,20); threadpool_add_job(pool, work, "1"); threadpool_add_job(pool, work, "2"); threadpool_add_job(pool, work, "3"); threadpool_add_job(pool, work, "4"); threadpool_add_job(pool, work, "5"); threadpool_add_job(pool, work, "6"); threadpool_add_job(pool, work, "7"); threadpool_add_job(pool, work, "8"); threadpool_add_job(pool, work, "9"); threadpool_add_job(pool, work, "10"); threadpool_add_job(pool, work, "11"); threadpool_add_job(pool, work, "12"); threadpool_add_job(pool, work, "13"); threadpool_add_job(pool, work, "14"); threadpool_add_job(pool, work, "15"); threadpool_add_job(pool, work, "16"); threadpool_add_job(pool, work, "17"); threadpool_add_job(pool, work, "18"); threadpool_add_job(pool, work, "19"); threadpool_add_job(pool, work, "20"); threadpool_add_job(pool, work, "21"); threadpool_add_job(pool, work, "22"); threadpool_add_job(pool, work, "23"); threadpool_add_job(pool, work, "24"); threadpool_add_job(pool, work, "25"); threadpool_add_job(pool, work, "26"); threadpool_add_job(pool, work, "27"); threadpool_add_job(pool, work, "28"); threadpool_add_job(pool, work, "29"); threadpool_add_job(pool, work, "30"); //可以添加更多任务,如果你想的话 sleep(4); threadpool_destroy(pool); return 0; }
int main(void) { struct threadpool * pool = threadpool_init(10,20); int i; for(i = 0; i < 40; i++) { threadpool_add_job(pool, work, &i); } //可以添加更多任务,如果你想的话 sleep(4); threadpool_destroy(pool); return 0; }
int main(void) { struct threadpool * pool = threadpool_init(10,20); int i; int *j = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * 40); for(i = 0; i < 40; i++) { j[i] = i; threadpool_add_job(pool, work, &j[i]); } //可以添加更多任务,如果你想的话 sleep(4); threadpool_destroy(pool); return 0; }
linux c线程池简单实现_kankan231