VS2008下编译错误(error C2065: '_S1max' : undeclared identifier)的解决办法


After deep investigation, i solved my problem. The problem is after Windows Driver Kit (WDK) 7.1.0 installation , i have to add the path for includes to my project ( Tools --> Options ---> Projects and solutions --> VC++ Directories --->Include files)

The problem( errors posted ) happens when i run the project. Reason is , WDKinstallation places several include files ( example: atlalloc.h ,atlconv.h ) , these include files also there in VC includes of Visual studio 2008.

As far as i understood, compiler gives first priority to VC includes of Visual studio 2008 .

When we added path for WDK includes , the new paths are added before the default includes path. So, compiler faces ambiguity .

I reordered the path of include files ( set the new include file paths after default include files path)

Problem is solved.

However, i encountered an serious error due to #include <afxcontrolbars.h>  which is in stdafx.h. This error appeared because i did not upgrade my Visual studio 2008 to Visual studio 2008 SP1. 

I upgraded to Visual studio 2008 SP1 and solved that problem . now everything is fine.

I appreciate your time for reading my post.



