evaperf有两种用法,一种是和windows下的performance monitor工具结合,加了一些计数器,使用时可以使用perfmon打开performance monitor工具,然后点击工具栏里边的 + 号,加入你喜欢看的东西,如Total Host req/s, Total Host Kb/s等等,适时的监控EVA性能。
第二种是命令行的方式,这一种方式可以收集长时间的数据,而且可以收集到所有EVA各个方面的数据,但缺点是您需要把收集到的数据拿回来,自己做处理(您可以采用多种办法来处理这些数据,比如unix下的awk, grep,还有一个好象叫 tlviz, 俺没有用过,因为俺更愿意在unix下过滤出自己想要的东西,然后在excel下画一些表格,看一下性能状况。下面的步骤是采用 evaperf来收集性能数据的步骤。
1。进入dos 提示符下,cd到以下目录:
C:/Program Files/Hewlett-Packard/EVA Performance Monitor>
evaperf命令行的所有东西都在这个目录下。这个目录下有一个可执行程序evaperf, 就是我们主要要使用的工具。直接敲evaperf, 不加任何参数,产生帮助信息如下:
C:/Program Files/Hewlett-Packard/EVA Performance Monitor>evaperf
ls List storage arrays
as Array status
cs Array controller status
pd Physical disks
pdg Physical disk groups
pda Physical disk activity map
vd Virtual disks
vdg Virtual disk groups
vdrl Virtual disk read latency histograms
vdrlg [lunwwn] Virtual disk read latency histogram graph
vdwl Virtual disk write latency histograms
vdwlg [lunwwn] Virtual disk write latency histogram graph
vdts Virtual disk transfer size histogram graph
vdtsg [lunwwn] Virtual disk transfer size histogram graph
hc Host connections
ps Port status
hps Host port statistics
drt Data replication tunnels
luns LUNS visible to this host
rc wwn Reset the counters for an array
fnh host username password
Add a new CV/EVA host to the list
fnh Show the list of known CV/EVA hosts
fn Reload friendly-names from known CV/EVA hosts
sfn Show the friendly name map
spw wwn password Set the access password for an array
dpw wwn Delete the access password for an array
vpw Verify array passwords
all Runs: ls, as, cs, vd, vdg, hc, ps, hps, pd, pdg, drt
Windows Performance Monitor filtering commands:
pfs Show the Perfmon filter configuration
pfd Delete the Perfmon filter configuration
pfa [array]* Set the Perfmon array filter list
pfvd [vdisk]* Set the Perfmon vdisk filter list
pfh Help for the Perfmon filter commands
Filtering and formatting options:
-sz array [array]* Only collect data from the arrays specified in the list.
You must supply as least one array name.
The array name may be either its WWN or its friendly-name.
-fvd vdisk [vdisk]* Only collect data from the virtual disks with the names specified in the list.
You must supply as least one virtual disk name.
The virtual disk name may be either its WWN or its friendly-name.
This affects the vd, vdrl, vdwl and vdts commands only.
-cont [N] Continuous at N second intervals. Default is one second
-dur N Continuous mode duration in seconds
-csv Output in comma-separated variable format with timestamp
-tsv Output in tab-separated variable format with timestamp
-nh No table headings
-ts1 Add time stamp to CSV/TSV like: Fri Jul 23 16:23:05 2004
-ts2 Add time stamp to CSV/TSV like: 23/Jul/2004 16:23:05 (default)
-nots No timestamp in CSV/TSV output
-fd keyword [keyword]* Output data lines that contain ALL keywords
Note that data is still collected and processed for all arrays.
This just filters the table ouput rows.
-cn Use name contractions in fnames.dict
-KB Show rates in KB/s (default is MB/s)
-us Show times in microseconds (default is milliseconds)
-nfn No friendly names (show node or LUN WWN)
-fo filename Write output to filename as well as console
Version: 1.00.50729 (Built Fri Jul 29 10:58:05 2005)
Please note:
MB/s values are based on 1MB = 1,000,000 bytes.
KB/s values are based on 1KB = 1,024 bytes.
Where a command accepts an array or LUN WWN, you may enter a friendly name
instead of the WWN. Friendly names are case sensitive. WWNs may be entered with
or without hyphens.
C:/Program Files/Hewlett-Packard/EVA Performance Monitor>evaperf fnh xx.yy.zz.dd administrator administrator
Verifying access ...
Host Username Accessible
----------- ------------- ----------
xx.yy.zz.dd administrator Yes
这个命令的目的连接到sma, 准备生成friendly name, 因为没有friendly name时,您在生成的report上看到的不是vdisk01,vdisk02等,而是冗长的wwid, 看起来费尽。
fnh是evaperf 生成friendly name的参数。
xx.yy.zz.dd 是你的sma小家电IP地址
administrator 和hpinvent是command view eva的用户名和密码,如果管理小家电是storage server 2003, 密码是hpinvent. 如果是sma, 密码是administrator。
3。运行命令生成friendly name。
C:/Program Files/Hewlett-Packard/EVA Performance Monitor>evaperf fn
Copying fnames.conf to fnames_conf.bak
Attempting to load names from host: xx.yy.zz.dd
ARRAY 5000-1FE1-5000-FA21 szeva1
Found 2 virtual disks
VDISK 6005-08B4-0010-2170-0002-5000-005D-0000 VDtest1
VDISK 6005-08B4-0010-2170-0002-5000-0069-0000 test_dsk1
Fetching host data for 5000-1FE1-5000-FA21 eva1
Found 2 hosts
HOST 1000-0000-C93B-B99B fs25
HOST 1000-0000-C931-15B1 aixp690
Fetching disk group data for 5000-1FE1-5000-FA70 eva1
Found 1 disk groups
DISKGROUP 5000-1FE1-5000-FA21:0 test1
C:/Program Files/Hewlett-Packard/EVA Performance Monitor>evaperf ls
The HP EVA Performance Data Collection Service (evapdcs) does not seem to be run
Attempting to start the service
The service has been started
Device Path Target LUN Product Product Ctlr Serial Harware
Name Node
ID ID ID Rev. Ver.
---------- ---- ------ --- ----------------
------------------- -------------------
//./Scsi3: 0 0 0 HSV110 (C)COMPAQ 4001 S045 P584901AAQS040 110
5000-1FE1-5000-FA70 5000-1FE1-5000-FA70
//./Scsi3: 0 1 0 HSV110 (C)COMPAQ 4001 I07O P5849D3AAOI07O 110
5000-1FE1-5000-FA70 5000-1FE1-5000-FA70
C:/Program Files/Hewlett-Packard/EVA Performance Monitor>evaperf all -ts1 -tsv -sz eva1 -cont 20 -dur 86400 -fo guo.2
all: 意思是我要收集所有的数据,包括vdisk, controller,phicial disk, disk group 等。
-ts1: 是我给输出报告加时间标签的格式为Fri Jul 23 16:23:05 2004
-tsv: 是需要加上时间标签,没有这个选项的话,输出纪录无时间标签。
-sz eva1: sz 不是深圳,是选择我要收集数据的eva的名字是eva1, 因为大家都知道,一台小家电可能管理多台eva,每台名字不一样。
-cont 20: 是每隔20秒收集一次,这个值不要太小,具体原因好像白皮书上有提到过。
-dur 86400: 一共收集24小时,也就是86400秒
-fo guo.2: 输出文件到guo.2,同时也输出到您的dos屏幕上。