[MSChart] Control的常用keyword列表 .



Keyword Replaced By Supports Multiple Y Values  Supports Formatting String
#VALX X value of the data point. No Yes
#VALY Y value of the data point Yes Yes
#SERIESNAME Series name No No
#LABEL Data point label No No
#AXISLABEL Data point axis label No No
#INDEX Data point index in the series No Yes
#PERCENT Percent of the data point Y value Yes Yes
#LEGENDTEXT Series or data point legend text No No
#CUSTOMPROPERTY(XXX) Series or data point XXX custom property value, where XXX is the name of the custom property. No No
#TOTAL Total of all Y values in the series Yes Yes
#AVG Average of all Y values in the series Yes Yes
#MIN Minimum of all Y values in the series Yes Yes
#MAX Maximum of all Y values in the series Yes Yes
#FIRST Y value of the first point in the series Yes Yes


你可能感兴趣的:([MSChart] Control的常用keyword列表 .)