批量修改 wordpress 标题 和对应的 slug (post_title,post_name): sanitize_title($title);生成slug

global $current_user;
if ($current_user->ID === 1) {
	global $wpdb;
	$sql = "select ID, post_title title,post_name name from {$wpdb->prefix}posts where post_type='topic' and post_title like '%'";
	$rs = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
	//echo "<pre>".print_r($rs,true)."</pre>";
	foreach($rs as $value){
		$id = $value->ID;
		$title = $value->title;
		echo $title."<br>";
		//$title = str_replace('My','Postal Status of',$title);
		//$title = str_replace('number is','number',$title);
		//$title = str_replace('. Any information about the package status?','',$title);
		$title = str_replace('The tracking number of my package is','Postal Status of India Post Speed Post Tracking number',$title);		
		$name = sanitize_title($title);
		//echo $value->title."<br>".$title."<br>".$name."<br><br>";
		$sql2 = "update {$wpdb->prefix}posts set post_title='{$title}', post_name='{$name}' where ID={$id} ";
		//echo $sql2."<br>";
		//$flag = $wpdb->query($sql2);
	//echo "PS:Update ".$flag." records!!!";

你可能感兴趣的:(批量修改 wordpress 标题 和对应的 slug (post_title,post_name): sanitize_title($title);生成slug)