fedora 10服务详解

  我在前不久装上了fedora 10系统,但可能是因为电脑配置低的原因,运行很慢,所以安装的时候就很多东西都选择了不安装,系统安装上以后,再把一些不需要的服务关闭掉,效果明显, 无论从启动还是运行都快了不少,但是仅仅提高运行速度不是我最想要的,如果能把每个服务是干什么的,搞得清楚点,这是重要的,于是到网上搜索了许多东西, 现总结如下,若要转载请在显要处注明出处,总结这点东西不容易

         这是趋同于windows下的一种网络连接管理服务,以前在fedora 9中是可要可不要的,而且那里边还有BUG,但是在fedora 10中这种服务必须启动,因为不启动,我就连不上网,它最大的特点就是网线掉了,可以自动连接上,不像以前还需要手动去激活。

       电源管理的一项服务,是“侦听和发送来自内核的ACPI事件”,全称是advanced configuration and power interface,后面那个d是daemon的意思,电脑的挂起、唤醒、休眠什么的就需要这个服务。
      “高级配置与电源接口守护进程,它控制和提供了管理电源和某些输入设备的界面。推荐只有当你需要时启用它。如果你使用现代桌面环境的话 (GNOME,KDE),那么许多ACPI函数都应该由acpid提供了。试一下禁用它,如果你在电源管理方面有问题的话(挂起,睡眠,唤醒),再重新启 用它。如果你不使用桌面环境的话(runlevel 3),你会发现对于使用ACPI函数这个服务是很有必要的。

anacron crond atd(它们都是调度任务的程序)
      Anacron can be used to execute commands periodically, with a frequency specified in days. Unlike cron(8), it does not assume that the machine is running continuously. Hence, it can be used on machines that aren’t running 24 hours a day, to control daily, weekly, and monthly jobs that are usually controlled by cron.
      它们是目的稍微有些不同的调度程序。推荐启用通用目的的调度程序cron,特别是你需要计算机长时间运行时。如果你运行的是一个服务器的话,查看一下需要 哪些调度程序。一般来说atd和anacron对于桌面/笔记本用户来说是不需要的。请注意诸如清理/tmp和/var的任务是需要专门的调度程序的。

     更具体点的应用就是这个“When creating a security policy for a server, it is sometimes necessary to see if a file has been changed unexpectedly. Using tools such as md5sum will show that a file has changed, but will not show who changed the file. Using the audit subsystem, it is possible to track the process that was responsible for changing the file.”
     另外“This starts the Linux Auditing System Daemon, which collects security related events in a dedicated audit log. If this daemon is turned off, audit events will be sent to syslog.”

     Avahi 是 zeroconf 协议的实现。它可以在没有 DNS 服务的局域网里发现基于 zeroconf 协议的设备和服务。它跟 mDNS 一样。除非你有兼容的设备或使用 zeroconf 协议的服务,否则应该关闭它。现在用的基本都是DNS了。
   更专业点讲就是The Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD daemon implements Apple’s Zeroconf architecture(also known as "Rendezvous" or "Bonjour"). The daemon registers local IP addresses and static services using mDNS/DNS-SD and provides two IPC APIs for local programs to make use of the mDNS record cache the avahi-daemon maintains.
   avahi-daemon is a daemon which runs on client machines to perform Zeroconf service discovery on a network. avahi-daemon must be running on systems that use Avahi for service discovery. Avahi-daemon should not be running otherwise.


      seed clients for BitTorrent,是客户端使用的BT服务,如果不用BT下载东西就关了。

     tracker for BitTorrent,查找BT种子的服务
     一个BTclient在下载开始以及下载进行的过程中,要不停的与tracker服务器进行通信,以报告自己的信息,并获取其它下载client的信息。这种通信是通过HTTP协议进行的,又被称为tracker HTTP协议。

     “Run dynamic CPU speed daemon and/or load appropriate”控制cpu 频率的, 它 控制你的CPU的运行时间以降低功耗。大多现代的笔记本电脑的CPU支持这个特性,许多桌面电脑也有支持。大多用户该启用,Pentium- M,Centrino, AMD PowerNow, Transmetta, Intel SpeedStep, Athlon-64,Athlon-X2, Intel Core 2的除外。强烈推荐笔记本用户启用这个服务,除非你想使你的CPU运行在固定的状态。
    This program monitors the system’s idle percentage and reduces or raises the CPUs’ clock speeds and voltages accordingly to minimize power consumption when idle and maximize performance when needed. This is the default.
       The program may also optionally be configured to reduce the CPUs’ clock speeds if the temperature gets too high, NOT minimize their speeds if the computer’s AC adapter is disconnected or maximize their speeds when the AC adapter is connected.
       By default this program will manage every CPU found in the system.


     通过DNSmasq建立本地的DNS缓存库来通过减少浏览器解释域名的时间提高浏览速度,"This script starts your DNS caching server"
     dnsmasq is a lightweight DNS, TFTP and DHCP server. It is intended to provide coupled DNS and DHCP service to a LAN.

     Firstboot is a druid style program that runs on the first time a machine is booted after install. It checks for the existence of an /etc/sysconfig/firstboot file. If the file exists and contains RUN_FIRSTBOOT=NO, firstboot will not run. Otherwise, firstboot will be run. If /etc/reconfigSys exists or if "reconfig" is provided in the kernel boot arguments, firstboot will run in reconfiguration mode.

     With FUSE it is possible to implement a fully functional filesystem in a userspace program. Features include:

  • Simple library API
  • Simple installation (no need to patch or recompile the kernel)
  • Secure implementation
  • Userspace - kernel interface is very efficient
  • Usable by non privileged users
  • Runs on Linux kernels 2.4.X and 2.6.X
  • Has proven very stable over time

FUSE was originally developed to support AVFS but it has since became a separate project. Now quite a few other projects are using it.

    GPM adds mouse support to text-based Linux applications such / as the Midnight Commander. It also allows mouse-based console / cut-and-paste operations, and includes support for pop-up / menus on the console.
   This package tries to be a useful mouse server for applications running on the Linux console.

       This package tries to be a useful mouse server for applications running on the Linux console. HAL是指Hardware Abstraction Layer。这是个从几个来源收集和保持有关硬件信息的重要服务。Fedora需要它,因些让它保持启用状态。
       HAL is used for discovering storage, networking, digital cameras, and printers.

     Apache HTTP server,是开发网页用的服务器,不搞开发就关了。

    ip6tables firewall,是IPV6的防火墙,现在IPV6还没普及,可以关闭

    iptables firewall,防火墙的作用我就不多说了,开启它。

     IrDA(TM) (Infrared Data Association)(红外线数据联盟) is an industry standard for wireless, infrared communication between devices. IrDA speeds range from 9600 bps to 4 Mbps, and IrDA can be used by many modern devices including laptops, LAN adapters, PDAs, printers, and mobile phones.

     The irqbalance daemon will distribute interrupts across the cpus on a multiprocessor system with the purpose of spreading the load。多核CPU支持,没有的话就关了。
      irqbalance is a Linux* daemon that distributes interrupts over the processors and cores you have in your computer system. The design goal of irqbalance is to do find a balance between power savings and optimal performance. To a large degree, the work irqbalance does is invisible to you; if irqbalance performs its job right, nobody will ever notice it's there or want to turn it off.

      A tool that collects and submits kernel crash signatures to the kerneloops.org website for use by the Linux kernel developers.收集提交内核崩溃信号给内核开发者



