
How to Install
Downloading jqGrid
files needed for using jqGrid are in main /css/ and /js/ directories
使用jqGrid需要的文件主要存在/css/ 和 /js/文件夹中。
Files in /src/ directory are actually the pure source code and can be used from developers to easily find bugs and make improvements.
/src/ 文件夹中的文件只是纯代码,开发人员可以利用它来对代码进行改进和除错。
In order to use the grid plugin you will need to download the desired theme.
为了使用jqGrid你还需要下载jQuery的UI主题(jQuery UI theming).
If you plan to use only the grid component you do not need to have all the CSS files that come from the package. In this case you will need to use only basic theming files ui.theme.css and ui.core.css. These files are located in development-bundle/themes directory in the downloaded UI theme file.
如果你只想使用grid组件,就不需要使用所有的CSS文件。只要使用基本的主题文件就好,它们是ui.theme.css 和 ui.core.css。这些文件放在development-bundle/themes文件夹里。
How it Works
A jqGrid is comprised of the following four parts:
    Caption layer 标题栏
    Header layer 表头
    Body layer  表体
    Navigation layer导航栏
My First Grid
<?xml version ="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <page> </page>
  <total> </total>
  <records> </records>
    <row id = 'unique_rowid'>
      <cell> cellcontent </cell>
      <cell> <![CDATA[<font color='red'>cell</font> content]]> </cell>
    <row id = 'unique_rowid'>
      <cell> cellcontent </cell>
      <cell> <![CDATA[<font color='red'>cell</font> content]]> </cell>
rows the root tag for the grid
page the number of the requested page显示第几页
total the total pages of the query 查询到的总页数
records the total records from the query 查询到的总记录数
row a particular row in the grid 一个特定的行
cell the actual data. Note that CDATA can be used. This way we can add images, links and check boxes. 实际要显示的数据。
The number of cell tags in each row must equal the number of cells defined in the colModel. In our example.
Note the id attribute in the <row> tags. While this attribute can be omitted, it is a good practice to have a unique id for every row. If this attribute is omitted, jqGrid has two ways of dealing with need for unique ids: if the property key in the colModel is set to true for a particular column, then jqGrid will assign the value of this column to be the id of the row; otherwise, jqGrid sets the row id based on the order of the row.
If you are using a content-free primary key to identify your data rows, then do not include this value in the grid as a visible cell; instead, include it in the query and pass it as the row id attribute. It will always be available for jqGrid and even jQuery operations but not be visible on the page.
