[概念] 激励理论-海兹伯格激励理论(Herzberg's theory of motivation)


Herzberg found that the factors causing job satisfaction (and presumably motivation) were different from those causing job dissatisfaction. He developed the motivation-hygiene theory to explain these results. He called the satisfiers motivators and the dissatisfiers hygiene factors, using the term "hygiene" in the sense that they are considered maintenance factors that are necessary to avoid dissatisfaction but that by themselves do not provide satisfaction.

The following table presents the top six factors causing dissatisfaction and the top six factors causing satisfaction, listed in the order of higher to lower importance.

Factors Affecting Job Attitudes

Leading to Dissatisfaction

   Leading to Satisfaction   

  • Company policy

  • Supervision

  • Relationship w/Boss

  • Work conditions

  • Salary

  • Relationship w/Peers

  • Achievement

  • Recognition

  • Work itself

  • Responsibility

  • Advancement

  • Growth


While at first glance this distinction between the two opposites may sound like a play on words, Herzberg argued that there are two distinct human needs portrayed. First, there are physiological needs that can be fulfilled by money, for example, to purchase food and shelter. Second, there is the psychological need to achieve and grow, and this need is fulfilled by activities that cause one to grow.

该理论的一些实践意义 -- 比较赞同

Herzberg argued that job enrichment is required for intrinsic motivation, and that it is a continuous management process. According to Herzberg:

  • The job should have sufficient challenge to utilize the full ability of the employee.

  • Employees who demonstrate increasing levels of ability should be given increasing levels of responsibility.

  • If a job cannot be designed to use an employee's full abilities, then the firm should consider automating the task or replacing the employee with one who has a lower level of skill. If a person cannot be fully utilized, then there will be a motivation problem.
