

                            -----by  wangsh






Polygon Triangulation

By _qqq_ | 29 Jul 2005


  • Download demo project - 1.05 MB
  • Download source - 26.9 Kb




HGRD is a code for triangulation of a polygon with or without holes. It can triangulate and also deal with many disconnected polygons treated as a single one (see figure with the triangulation of Norway border line). The algorithm is based on Delaunay triangulation. One of the main problems was to keep complexity order as low as possible (N log N) so tree structures (i.e., STL map) are used in critical parts. Thanks to this, it was possible to triangulate a complex polygon with around 40000 nodes within 6s (Athlon 1.4GHz DDR 266).



Using the code

The class HPolygon encapsulates functionality of a class HGrd which is responsible for triangulation.HPolygon provides also simple import and output of data (the syntax of input and output files are described inside 'readme' attached to the zip file with the code). Hopefully, this should make usage of the triangulator quite easily especially if you want to build the code into your application.

The demo is a console application which takes as arguments the names of input and output files. The output file can be used in Amtec Tecplot visualization software (not so readily available) but can be easily transformed to other formats.

Any feedback will be highly appreciated.


  • July 28, 2005: I have decided to release the hgrd under GNU Lesser General Public License.


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