CVS 命令集

1. Command List

Command Synonyms Summary
add ad,new Add a new file/directory to the repository.
admin adm,rcs Administration front end for rcs.
annotate ann Show last revision where each line was modified.
authserver   Authentication server mode.
chacl setacl,setperm Change the Access Control List for a directory.
checkout co,get Checkout sources for editing.
chown setowner Change the owner of a directory.
commit ci,com Check files into the repository.
diff di,dif Show differences between revisions.
edit   Get ready to edit a watched file.
editors   See who is editing a watched file.
export exp,ex Export sources from CVS, similar to checkout.
history hi,his Show repository access history.
import im,imp Import sources into CVS, using vendor branches.
init   Create a CVS repository if it doesn't exist.
info   Display information about all supported protocols.
log lo Print out history information for files.
login logon,lgn Prompt for password for authenticating server.
logout   Removes entry in password cache for remote repository.
ls dir,list List directories on the server.
lsacl lsattr,listperm List the directories' Access Control List.
passwd password,setpass Set password and administer users.
rannotate rann,ra Show last revision where each line of module was modified.
rdiff patch,pa Create 'patch' format diffs between releases.
release re,rel Indicate that a Module is no longer in use.
remove rm,delete Remove an entry from the repository.
rlog rl Print out history information for a module.
rtag rt,rfreeze Add a symbolic tag to a module.
server   Server mode.
status st,stat Display status information on checked out files.
tag ta,freeze Add a symbolic tag to checked out version of files.
unedit   Undo an edit command.
update up,upd Bring work tree in sync with repository.
version ve,ver Show current CVS version(s).
watch   Set watches.
watchers   See who is watching a file.

2. add

cvs add [-k rcs-kflag] [-m message] files...

    -k Use "rcs-kflag" to add the file with the specified kflag
    -m Use "message" for the creation log.

3. admin

cvs admin [options] files...

    -k Set keyword expansion flags:
    Valid flags are one of:  
      t Text file (default).
      b Binary file (merges not allowed).
      B Binary file using binary deltas (merges not allowed).
      u Unicode (UCS-2) file.
      {...} Extended encoding type.
    Followed by any of:  
      k Substitute keyword.
      v Substitute value.
      l Generate lockers name.
      o Checkout literally - don't expand keywords.
      L Generate Unix line endings on checkout.
      z Compress deltas in RCS file.
    -l [rev] Lock revision (latest revision on branch, latest revision on trunk if omitted). DEPRECATED - USE 'edit -c'
    -m rev:msg Replace revision's log message.
    -o range Physically delete (outdate) specified range of revisions:
      rev1:rev2 Between rev1 and rev2, including rev1 and rev2.
      rev1::rev2 Between rev1 and rev2, excluding rev1 and rev2.
      rev: rev and following revisions on the same branch.
      rev:: After rev on the same branch.
      :rev rev and previous revisions on the same branch.
      ::rev Before rev on the same branch.
      rev Just rev.
    -q Run quietly.
    -t [file] Get descriptive text from file (stdin if omitted).
    -t-string Set descriptive text.
    -u [rev] Unlock the revision (latest revision on branch, latest revision on trunk if omitted).

4. annotate

cvs annotate [-lRf] [-r rev] [-D date] [files...]

    -l Local directory only, no recursion.
    -R Process directories recursively.
    -f Use head revision if tag/date not found.
    -r rev Annotate file as of specified revision/tag.
    -D date Annotate file as of specified date.

More info at CvsChapter87.

5. chacl

cvs chacl -R [-r tag] {user|default}:[{[r][w][c]|[n]}] [directory...]


    -R Recursively set permissions
    -r tag Set permissions on specific branch

6. checkout

cvs checkout [-ANPRcflnps] [-r rev] [-D date] [-d dir] [-j rev1] [-j rev2] [-k kopt] modules...

    -A Reset any sticky tags/date/kopts.
    -N Don't shorten module paths if -d specified.
    -P Prune empty directories.
    -R Process directories recursively.
    -c Show the contents of the CVSROOT/modules file.
    -f Force a head revision match if tag/date not found.
    -l Local directory only, not recursive.
    -n Do not run module program (if any).
    -p Check out files to standard output (avoids stickiness).
    -s Like -c, but include module status.
    -r rev Check out revision or tag. (implies -P) (is sticky)
    -D date Check out revisions as of date. (implies -P) (is sticky)
    -d dir Check out into dir instead of module name.
    -k kopt Use RCS kopt -k option on checkout. (is sticky)
    -j rev Merge in changes made between current revision and rev.

7. chown

cvs chown user directory...

8. commit

cvs commit [-nRlf] [-m msg | -F logfile] [-r rev] files...

    -D Assume all files are touched & send to the server for checking
    -n Do not run the module program (if any).
    -R Process directories recursively.
    -l Local directory only (not recursive).
    -f Force the file to be committed; disables recursion.
    -F logfile Read the log message from file.
    -r rev Commit to this branch or trunk revision.
    -c Check for valid edits before committing.

9. diff

cvs diff [-lNR] [rcsdiff-options] [[-r rev1 | -D date1] [-r rev2 | -D date2]] [files...]

    -l Local directory only, not recursive.
    -R Process directories recursively.
    -D d1 Diff revision for date against working file.
    -D d2 Diff rev1/date1 against date2.
    -N Include diffs for added and removed files.
    -r rev1 Diff revision for rev1 against working file.
    -r rev2 Diff rev1/date1 against rev2.
    --ifdef=arg Output diffs in ifdef format.
    -c Context diff
    -u Unified diff

10. edit

cvs edit [-cflR] [files...]

    -c Check that working files are unedited.
    -f Force edit if working files are edited (default).
    -l Local directory only, not recursive.
    -R Process directories recursively (default).
    -a Specify what actions for temporary watch, one of edit,unedit,commit,all,none
    -z Store base revisions in compressed (.gz) format.

11. editors

cvs editors [-lR] [files...]

    -l Process this directory only (not recursive).
    -R Process directories recursively.

12. export

cvs export [-NRfln] [-r rev] [-D date] [-d dir] [-k kopt] module...

    -N Don't shorten module paths if -d specified.
    -f Force a head revision match if tag/date not found.
    -l Local directory only, not recursive.
    -R Process directories recursively (default).
    -n Do not run module program (if any).
    -r rev Export revision or tag.
    -D date Export revisions as of date.
    -d dir Export into dir instead of module name.
    -k kopt Use RCS kopt -k option on checkout.

13. history

cvs history [-report] [-flags] [-options args] [files...]

    -T Produce report on all TAGs.
    -c Committed (Modified) files.
    -o Checked out modules.
    -m module Look for specified module (repeatable)
    -x [type] [TOEFWUCGMAR] Extract by record type .
    -e Everything (same as -x, but all record types).
    -a All users (Default is self).
    -l Last modified (committed or modified report).
    -w Working directory must match.
    -D date Since date (Many formats).
    -b str Back to record with str in module/file/repos field.
    -f file Specified file (same as command line) (repeatable).
    -n module In module (repeatable).
    -p repo In repository (repeatable).
    -r rev Since rev or tag (looks inside RCS files!).
    -t tag Since tag record placed in history file (by anyone).
    -u user For user name (repeatable).
    -z timezone Output for time zone <> (e.g. -z -0700).

14. import

cvs import [C] [-d] [-f] [-k subst] [-I ign] [-m msg] [-b branch] [-W spec] [-n] repository [vendor-tag] [release-tags...]

    -C Create CVS directories while importing.
    -d Use the file's modification time as the time of import.
    -f Overwrite existing release tags.
    -k sub Set default RCS keyword substitution mode.
    -I ign More files to ignore (! to reset).
    -b bra Vendor branch id.
    -m msg Log message.
    -W spec Wrappers specification line.
    -n Don't create vendor tag.

15. init

cvs init

16. info

cvs info [protocol]

17. log

cvs log [-lRhtNb] [-r[revisions]] [-d dates] [-s states] [-w[logins]] [files...]

    -l Local directory only, no recursion.
    -R Only print name of RCS file.
    -h Only print header.
    -t Only print header and descriptive text.
    -N Do not list tags.
    -b Only list revisions on the default branch.
    -r [revisions] Specify revision(s)s to list:
      rev1:rev2 Between rev1 and rev2, including rev1 and rev2.
      rev1:rev2 Between rev1 and rev2, excluding rev1 and rev2.
      rev: rev and following revisions on the same branch.
      rev:: After rev on the same branch.
      :rev rev and previous revisions on the same branch.
      ::rev Before rev on the same branch.
      rev Just rev.
      branch All revisions on the branch.
      branch. The last revision on the branch.
    -d dates Specify dates (D1<D2 for range, D for latest before).
    -s states Only list revisions with specified states.
    -w [logins] Only list revisions checked in by specified logins.
    -x cvsnt 2.x compatible output (default).
    -X cvs 1.x/RCS 5.7 compatible output.

18. login

cvs login

19. logout

cvs logout

20. ls

cvs ls [-q] [-e] [-l] [-R] [-r rev] [-D date] [modules...]

    -q Quieter Output.
    -e Display in CVS/Entries format.
    -l Display all details.
    -R List recursively.
    -r rev Show files with revision or tag.
    -D date Show files from date.

21. lsacl

cvs lsacl [directory...]

22. passwd

cvs passwd [-a] [-x] [-X] [-r real_user] [-R] [-D domain] [username]

    -a Add user.
    -x Disable user.
    -X Delete user.
    -r Alias username to real system user.
    -R Remove alias to real system user.
    -D Use domain password (Win32 only).

23. authserver

cvs authserver

Normally invoked by a cvs client on a remote machine.

24. rannotate

cvs rannotate [-lRf] [-r rev] [-D date] [files...]

    -l Local directory only, no recursion.
    -R Process directories recursively.
    -f Use head revision if tag/date not found.
    -r rev Annotate file as of specified revision/tag.
    -D date Annotate file as of specified date.

25. rdiff

cvs rdiff [-flR] [-c|-u] [-s|-t] [-V %d] -r rev|-D date [-r rev2 | -D date2] modules...

    -f Force a head revision match if tag/date not found.
    -l Local directory only, not recursive.
    -R Process directories recursively.
    -c Context diffs (default).
    -u Unidiff format.
    -s Short patch - one line per file.
    -t Top two diffs - last change made to the file.
    -D date Date.
    -r rev Revision - symbolic or numeric.
    -V vers Use RCS Version "vers" for keyword expansion.

26. release

cvs release [-d [-f]] [-e] directories...

    -d Delete the given directory.
    -f Delete the directory even if non-cvs files still exist.
    -e Only delete the administrative (CVS) directories.

27. remove

cvs remove [-flR] [files...]

    -f Delete the file before removing it.
    -l Process this directory only (not recursive).
    -R Process directories recursively.

28. rlog

cvs rlog [-lRhtSNb] [-r[revisions]] [-d dates] [-s states] [-w[logins]] [files...]

    -l Local directory only, no recursion.
    -R Only print name of RCS file.
    -h Only print header.
    -t Only print header and descriptive text.
    -N Do not list tags.
    -b Only list revisions on the default branch.
    -r [revisions] Specify revision(s)s to list:
      rev1:rev2 Between rev1 and rev2, including rev1 and rev2.
      rev1:rev2 Between rev1 and rev2, excluding rev1 and rev2.
      rev: rev and following revisions on the same branch.
      rev:: After rev on the same branch.
      :rev rev and previous revisions on the same branch.
      ::rev Before rev on the same branch.
      rev Just rev.
      branch All revisions on the branch.
      branch. The last revision on the branch.
    -d dates Specify dates (D1<D2 for range, D for latest before).
    -s states Only list revisions with specified states.
    -w [logins] Only list revisions checked in by specified logins.

29. rtag

cvs rtag [-abdFflnR] [-r rev|-D date] tag modules...

    -a Clear tag from removed files that would not otherwise be tagged.
    -b Make the tag a "branch" tag, allowing concurrent development.
    -B Allow branch tag to be moved/deleted.
    -d Delete the given tag.
    -F Move tag if it already exists.
    -f Force a head revision match if tag/date not found.
    -l Local directory only, not recursive.
    -m desc Describe tag.
    -M Create 'magic' branch.
    -n No execution of 'tag program'.
    -R Process directories recursively.
    -r rev Existing revision/tag.
    -D date Existing date.

30. server

cvs server

31. status

cvs status [-vlR] [files...]

    -v Verbose format; includes tag information for the file.
    -l Process this directory only (not recursive).
    -R Process directories recursively.
    -q Display a quick summary of each file (send more for increased terseness).
    -x cvsnt 2.x compatible output (default).
    -X cvs 1.x compatible output.

32. tag

cvs tag [-bcdFflR] [-r rev|-D date] tag [files...]

    -b Make the tag a "branch" tag, allowing concurrent development.
    -B Allow branch tag to be moved/deleted.
    -c Check that working files are unmodified.
    -d Delete the given tag.
    -F Move tag if it already exists.
    -f Force a head revision match if tag/date not found.
    -l Local directory only, not recursive.
    -m Describe tag.
    -M desc Create 'magic' tag.
    -R Process directories recursively.
    -r rev Existing revision/tag.
    -D date Existing date.

33. unedit

cvs unedit [-lR] [files...]

    -l Local directory only, not recursive.
    -R Process directories recursively.
    -u user (administrators only) Unedit another user.

34. update

cvs update [-APCdflRp] [-k kopt] [-r rev] [-D date] [-j rev] [-I ign] [-W spec] [files...]

    -A Reset any sticky tags/date/kopts.
    -P Prune empty directories.
    -C Overwrite locally modified files with clean repository copies.
    -d Build directories, like checkout does.
    -f Force a head revision match if tag/date not found.
    -l Local directory only, no recursion.
    -R Process directories recursively.
    -p Send updates to standard output (avoids stickiness).
    -k kopt Use RCS kopt -k option on checkout. (is sticky)
    -r rev Update using specified revision/tag (is sticky).
    -D date Set date to update from (is sticky).
    -j rev Merge in changes made between current revision and rev.
    -b -j option merges from branch point (old CVS behaviour)
    -m -j option merges from merge point (cvsnt default behaviour)
    -I ign More files to ignore (! to reset).
    -W spec Wrappers specification line.
    -3 Produce 3-way conflict output.
    -S Force case-sensitive update on non case-sensitive systems.
    -t Update using last checkin time.

35. version

cvs version

36. watch

cvs watch [on|off|add|remove] [-lR] [-a action] [files...]

    on/off turn on/off read-only checkouts of files.
    add/remove add or remove notification on actions.
    -l (on/off/add/remove): Local directory only, not recursive.
    -R (on/off/add/remove): Process directories recursively.
    -a (add/remove): Specify what actions, one ofedit,unedit,commit,all,none

37. watchers

cvs watchers [-lR] [files...]

    -l Process this directory only (not recursive).
    -R Process directories recursively.

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