VML极道教程(一) VML介绍
VML极道教程(二) VML入门
VML极道教程(三) 标记实战与line线
VML极道教程(四) oval圆rect矩型
VML极道教程(五) RoundRect圆矩型
VML极道教程(六) image图片
VML极道教程(七) polyline多边型
VML极道教程(八) shape多边型.shapetype模版.shape与curve曲线
VML极道教程(九) background背景
VML极道教程(十) group集合容器.vmlframe图形引用
VML极道教程(十一) 2级标记stroke边框,shadow阴影
VML极道教程(十二) VML编程大结局
1:shape多边型 - 专用属性
属性名 | 默认值 | 值类型/范围 | Dhtml访问 | 用途 |
path | m0,0 l e | command | path.value | 描述多边形的形状 |
type | null | #ShapeTypeName | 暗示引用的shapetype模版名称 |
2:shape多边型 - 与polyline多边型的优劣比较
shape多边型特点1 :增加CSS的rotation平面旋转、以及VML3D角度旋转处理时,旋转角度视图形起点为准
shape多边型特点2 :支持CSS的width宽度、height高度定义,不过需要配合coordsize属性。同时必须在CSS中定义width、height才能显示
3:shape多边型 - 通用属性coordsize使用讲解
4:shape多边型 - path参数讲解
第2步:m0,0 l30,-30,60,0,0,0 e,其中m l e是必需写的,m0,0的第一个0表示偏移X交接点多少值、第二个表示偏移Y交接点多少值。由于我们既然用CSS定义了准确的该形状的绝对位置,所以我们就用0,0表示不偏移(也就是说该值无必要,但必须写m0,0)
第3步:m0,0 l30,-30,60,0,0,0 e,其中的l30,-30的30表示第一条线向右伸展30px、-30表示第一条线向下伸展-30px,由于是负数,那么就等同于向上伸展30,所以我们看到的第一个多边型的值为m0,0 l30,-30 e,只描述了一条线。
第4步:m0,0 l30,-30,60,0,0,0 e,其中的60,0的60表示新增了第二条线它向右伸展了60px、0表示第二条线向下伸展0px,由于是0,那么就等同于原交接点的Y高度,所以我们看到的第二个多边型的值为m0,0 l30,-30,60,0 e,只描述了二条线。
第5步:m0,0 l30,-30,60,0,0,0 e,最后的0,0的第一个0表示新增了第三条线它向右伸展了0px、第二个0表示第三条线向下伸展0px,由于都是0,那么就等同于原交接点的XY,所以我们看到的第三个多边型的值为m0,0 l30,-30,60,0,0,0 e,描述了三条线、最后的0,0值使它回归原路径,就构成了三角型
最后一个倒三角由于值为m0,0 l30,30,60,0,0,0 e,正好将l30,-30写成了l30,30,所以就向下伸展成了倒三角
5:shape多边型 - 应用实例
1:shapetype模版 - 实例讲解
并在摸版里定义coordsize虚拟空间大小为1000 1000,而shape则由CSS定义width、height大小后负责输出,这样做的唯一好处就是节省代码、将长用的多边形路径存储模版方便以后以不同宽度、高度使用
如果你不理解v:Path v="m0,0 l30,-30,60,0,0,0 e"的意思,请参考上一章节。
1:shape曲线 - 详解
结合你以前学的shape绘制多边型的知识,看看此次path的参数有何异同(别急着就去分析 0,0,50,60等等,先看看英文字母)?显然不同的是m l e换成了m c e!呵呵,聪明人、或者IT精英也许现在该看出来了…………,l其实就是line、而c其实就是curve的简写形式……。而相同的m表示偏移XY交点多少像素,我们姑且可以理解为开始绘制形状、最后e即表示结束绘制
在看最后一个标记,是m l c e的混血结构,也就是说即有多边型又有曲线…………
好了,path还有更多有用的字母,而且用途各异,参考表是(该参考表转载自WWW最高协会网站,只有E文的资料。我之前研究时费了很大力气、更不懂英文,只是参透像m l c x e t r v at ar nf nr等,有几个的实在没能在参透……,所谓 名师亦非神人也、诸葛也败祁山间,这就要看你自己的学习、理解了)。篇幅问题只提供参考表目,不一一提供演示(shape的path属性如果要一一详细解释起来?至少要撰写5个章节,况且shape在实际应用相当难于编写、而VML又有可以替代它的更好用的图形标记。以下表目主要针对提供给VML高级开发人员)
字母 | 名称 | 参数序列 *代表支持延伸 | 说明 |
m | moveto | 2 | Start a new sub-path at the given (x,y) coordinate |
l | lineto | 2* | Draw a line from the current point to the given (x,y) coordinate which becomes the new current point. A number of coordinate pairs may be specified to form a polyline. |
c | curveto | 6* | Draw a cubic bézier curve from the current point to the coordinate given by the final two parameters, the control points given by the first four parameters. The current point becomes the end point of the bézier. |
x | close | 0 | Close the current sub-path by drawing a straight line from the current point to the original moveto point. |
e | end | 0 | End the current set of sub-paths. A given set of sub-paths (as delimited by end) is filled using eofill. Subsequent sets of sub-paths are filled independently and superimposed on existing ones. |
t | rmoveto | 2* | Start a new sub-path at the coordinate (cpx+x, cpy+y). |
r | rlineto | 2* | Draw a line from the current point to the given relative coordinate (cpx+x, cpy+y). |
v | rcurveto | 6* | Cubic bézier curve using the given coordinate relative to the current point. |
nf | nofill | 0 | The current set of sub-paths (delimited by end - e) will not be filled. |
ns | nostroke | 0 | The current set of sub-paths (delimited by end - e) will not be filled. |
ae | angleellipseto | 6* | center (x,y) size(w,h) start-angle, end-angle. Draw a segment of an ellipse as describes using these parameters. A straight line is drawn from the current point to the start point of the segment. |
al | angleellipse | 6* | Same as angleellipseto except that there is an implied moveto the starting point of the segment. |
at | arcto | 8* | left, top, right, bottom start(x,y) end(x,y). The first four values define the bounding box of an ellipse. The last four define two radial vectors. A segment of the ellipse is drawn which starts at the angle defined by the start radius vector and ends at the angle defined by the end vector. A straight line is drawn from the current point to the start of the arc. The arc is always drawn in a counterclockwise direction. |
ar | arc | 8* | left, top, right, bottom start(x,y) end(x,y). Same as arcto however a new sub-path is started by an implied moveto the start point of the arc. |
wa | clockwisearcto | 8* | left, top, right, bottom start(x,y) end(x,y). Same as arcto but the arc is drawn in a clockwise direction. |
wr | clockwisearc | 8* | left, top, right, bottom start(x,y) end(x,y). Same as arc but the arc is drawn in a clockwise direction |
qx | ellipticalqaudrantx | 2* | end(x,y). A quarter ellipse is drawn from the current point to the given end point. The elliptical segment is initially tangential to a line parallel to the x-axis. (i.e. the segment starts out horizontal) |
qy | ellipticalquadranty | 2* | end(x,y). Same as ellipticalquadrantx except that the elliptical segment is initially tangential to a line parallel to the y-axis. (i.e. the segment starts out vertical) |
qb | quadraticbezier | 2+2* | (controlpoint(x,y))*, end(x,y) Defines one or more quadratic bézier curves by means of control points and an end point. Intermediate (on-curve) points are obtained by interpolation between successive control points as in the OpenType font specification. The sub-path need not be started in which case the sub-path will be closed. In this case the last point of the sub-path defines the start point of the quadratic bézier. |
2:curve曲线 - 专用属性
属性名 | 默认值 | 值类型/范围 | 用途 |
from | null | Vector2D | 描述曲线起点偏移XY交接点位置 |
control1 | null | Vector2D | 描述曲线的第一个曲度 |
control2 | null | Vector2D | 描述曲线的第二个曲度 |
to | null | Vector2D | 描述曲线偏移from的X2Y2终点 |
3:curve曲线 - 介绍